If you’re a college student looking to land an internship, or a post-grad professional who’s laser-focused on the type of position they know they want, knowing how to write an objective for a resume is an essential skill. But what are the best things to keep in mind for a career objective statement? In this article, we’ll go over career objective examples and tie everything together. … [Read more...] about How to Write an Objective for a Resume
Career Advice
An Open Letter From Your Dirty Keyboard
Dear Employee, You're probably wondering how I'm typing this - but that's a foolish question - I AM a keyboard, after all. A dirty keyboard. All day long I take your abuse and ask for little in return. My beige keys turn to black as your grubby little fingers hammer away with reckless abandon. Your thumb drives at my SPACEBAR relentlessly. And you abuse BACKSPACE like a doormat under your muddy shoes. I deserve some respect, that's all I'm saying. Common courtesies, like the ones you extend to my office counterparts. When the mouse slows down, you clean the lint or replace the batteries. Screen smudge? You break out the Windex. But I sit here and act as a repository for your finger filth, potato chip crumbs, and flaky dandruff. Don't believe me? Take a time out from this letter (a cry for help) and shake me upside down. Ew! I'm not threatening to lock up during that critical report, keyboards don't roll like that. But a little maintenance would be nice. An … [Read more...] about An Open Letter From Your Dirty Keyboard
What NOT to Do in a Co-Working Space
Making the move from working at home or from a private office space to a co-working space can be a challenging feat. You’ll need to get used to working with new people, as well as getting to know the inner workings of a co-working space. … [Read more...] about What NOT to Do in a Co-Working Space
Professional Driving Can Be Your Ideal Career
The driving profession is widely respected in the USA. Trucking alone is worth $700bn and employs 3.5 million people, according to NPR; and the Labor Bureau has reported that over 300,000 work in the ride-hailing industry, forming an essential part of the country’s everyday workings. What’s more, once you’re in the driving seat, you’re not pigeonholed into driving for life. Professional drivers can thrive in their industry, just like any other, and become representatives of professional bodies. You might not have thought driving is a career choice for you, but there are plenty of reasons it could be. … [Read more...] about Professional Driving Can Be Your Ideal Career
How Many Degrees Truly Prepare You for the Real World?
Are you toiling with the idea of taking an MBA or any other so-called professional degree? If so, then there are certain aspects that you should be most definitely aware of. Acquiring an MBA or any other professional degree is vital to get a high salaried job and to advance up the commercial ladder of success. But acquiring skills and abilities to face the mundane challenges in your work environment and personal life is what matters the most. … [Read more...] about How Many Degrees Truly Prepare You for the Real World?
Make Your Cover Letter Perfect: A Jobseeker’s Checklist
While learning how to write a cover letter for a job application is no one’s idea of a good time. It’s a tedious, downright daunting task. But it’s also 100% necessary. A cover letter not only serves as your very first point of contact with a hiring leader, but it’s an opportunity to stand out in a sea of applicants with similar skills and qualifications. So, considering there’s no getting around the cover letter, you might as well focus your energy on how to produce a perfect one. The checklist below breaks down the basics you should cover in each of the five essential parts of this job search tool. Tick off these checks and you’ll have yourself a cover letter worthy of an employer’s attention. How to Write a Cover Letter … [Read more...] about Make Your Cover Letter Perfect: A Jobseeker’s Checklist
How to Write for Money: Tips for Turning Your Hobby into an Income
All businesses start small. All businesses are ignited by someone’s passion. When you are ready to start writing for money, you have to stop thinking of it as a hobby and start thinking of it as a business. Since you already have the passion, the first step is complete. The second step is just as obvious: couple your passion with skill and practice. … [Read more...] about How to Write for Money: Tips for Turning Your Hobby into an Income
Make Your Resume Perfect: A Jobseeker’s Checklist
As the foundation of any job search, a resume is the one document everyone needs, and the one document everyone dreads compiling. Why? Because trying to capture what makes you a better hire than the next person in just one or two pages is a truly daunting feat. … [Read more...] about Make Your Resume Perfect: A Jobseeker’s Checklist
Learn How to Land (and Thrive) at Your Dream Job in Any Industry
There are many people who are looking for a dream job that they can look forward to going to each and every day for years to come. When looking for your dream job, it’s important to know what steps to take to ensure that you’re able to one day do the job you’re meant to do. The following guide walks you through a few tips to use when you’re ready to start a career. … [Read more...] about Learn How to Land (and Thrive) at Your Dream Job in Any Industry
How to Find a Job in an Industry You Love
We would all love to find the perfect job, right? We all want to wake up in the morning and look forward to going to work. Whether you plan to work in the time tracking industry for a company like Clockspot, or the insert molding business for a company like Weiss-Aug, or the pest control service industry is completely up to you. You only have to take the necessary steps to find the ideal job in your industry of choice. … [Read more...] about How to Find a Job in an Industry You Love