My boss drinks, the intern steals and every day, the team in marketing gather 'round for GossipFest. What do all of these things have in common? Well aside from being lousy for your career, they go against the Five Precepts - the basic ethical requirements of Buddhism. Regular listeners of the podcast know that I rely on many Buddhist principles to help me get through the day at work. I'm not here to preach any religion or belief, however, I will share philosophies that can help make your life (at work) a whole lot easier. I hope you join the conversation. Please subscribe, leave a comment below and tell a co-worker. … [Read more...] about How to Be a Buddhist at Work
Career Advice
Last-Minute Tax Write Offs
The end of the year is rapidly approaching and right now you're all tied up with the holidays. However, before you know it, it'll be time to file those taxes. If you're anything like me - you'll curse that you didn't keep that box of receipts like you promised yourself you would. Several often overlooked deductions are directly tied to work. And you still might have time before the year runs out to get those receipts. Just like any weight loss infomercial would tell you to consult with your doctor before engaging in any exercise routine - I'm telling you to consult your accountant before applying any of these measures to your taxes. Some of the costs that can be "miscellaneous itemized deductions" include: - Employment and outplacement agency fees - Resume services - Printing and mailing costs of search letters - Want-ad placement fees - Telephone calls - Travel expenses, including out-of-town job-hunting trips. - Apparel - Union dues, association fees There are other items … [Read more...] about Last-Minute Tax Write Offs