Dear Employees, It has been brought to management's attention that some individuals throughout the company have been using foul language during the course of normal conversation with their co-workers. Due to complaints received from some employees who may be easily offended, this type of language will no longer be tolerated. We do, however, realize the critical importance of being able to accurately express your feelings when communicating with co-workers. Therefore, a list of 18 New and Innovative 'TRY SAYING' phrases have been provided so that proper exchange of ideas and information can continue in an effective manner. Number 1 TRY SAYING: I think you could use more training. INSTEAD OF: You don't know what the f___ you're doing. Number 2 TRY SAYING: She's an aggressive go-getter. INSTEAD OF: She's a f___ing bit__. Number 3 TRY SAYING: Perhaps I can work late. INSTEAD OF: And when the f___ do you expect me to … [Read more...] about Forward of the Week: Cussing at Work
Career Advice Blog
Scan Your Way to a New Job with QR Codes
Quick Response codes, better known as QR codes, are two-dimensional barcodes that can serve an important role in your job search. While not a replacement for an online resume or a professional business card, QR codes can be an excellent complement to your overall get-a-job marketing campaign.Don’t let the QR code’s high-tech look scare you; the technology has transitioned into the mainstream and is on track for exponential growth. If you write off the QR code as a mobile marketing darling that will fade out fast, you will be left behind. QR was originally used by factories in Asia to decode warehouse items and have been around since the mid-90s. By all accounts, they’re here to stay.Read up on the basics so you can start using QR technology in your job search today.Creating a QR CodeA variety of tools allow you to create your own QR codes. I’m partial to Google’s URL shortener ( It’s a simple interface where you put in your long link and get … [Read more...] about Scan Your Way to a New Job with QR Codes
Turn the Job You Hate into One You Love!
For many people, work is somewhere that they spend a fair proportion of their life. So what do you do if you hate your job? Leaving your job may be an option. However, there are usually some things that you can try before you get to that stage. You may even be able to transform your job into one that you love! Here are some suggestions: Identify the Problem Identify what it is that you are unhappy about in your job. You could do this by spending some time writing about your job to get clearer about the issue(s). You could talk it out with a friend or coach. There may be multiple things you don’t like about your job, but getting clear about what these are will empower you. When you are unhappy in your job, it is easy to feel that everything is wrong. However, by identifying exactly what you are unhappy about you will be much more able to tackle it. Focus What you focus on increases. I know that when you are unhappy in a job it can seem that it is almost impossible to find the good … [Read more...] about Turn the Job You Hate into One You Love!
Establishing Work-From-Home Rules for The Family
Some things go together easily. Peanut butter and jelly? Sure. Rings and diamonds? Definitely. High heels and a killer dress? Anytime. But sometimes things that you hope would work together well don’t always gel as smoothly as you would like. One of those tricky pairings—home and work. Working from home seems like the best of both worlds, where you can make money and achieve professional success without leaving the house or even getting out of your pajamas. Whether you are hoping to avoid the stress of a long commute or are trying to balance being a new mom with continuing in your chosen profession, working from home can be a great way to keep all the parts of your life in balance. But if you have a family, you have probably already discovered that working from home poses special challenges. Your family, whether you have a husband, a wife, a baby, or a whole brood of kids, will have to get used to the idea that even though you are not leaving the house every morning to head to the … [Read more...] about Establishing Work-From-Home Rules for The Family
5 Ways to Earn Some Extra Cash This Summer
The days are longer, the pools are warming up, and you’re planning a nice little getaway, which can mean only one thing: Summer's here! With all of the summer excitement there’s a lot of temptation to hit the stores and do some shopping. If you’re a little low on cash however, you may be stuck with fewer shopping trips than you’d like. You’re probably wishing you had some ideas on how to make a little extra cash for the summer. So to get you started here are a few things that you can consider doing to generate some spending cash: Have a Garage Sale- There has to be some old stuff lying around your place that you wouldn’t mind getting rid of. You can put up some signs in the neighborhood, and even a small add in the newspaper. You would be surprised at how many people treat garage sale shopping like a sport. They may fall in love with something you’ve got for sale. Freelance Work- Whether you’re a writer, photographer, or music teacher, the internet is a great place to find all … [Read more...] about 5 Ways to Earn Some Extra Cash This Summer
The Path to Success as an Entrepreneur
Entrepreneurship is an art which is gifted to a select few, who are able to engage in the business of buying or manufacturing and selling products and services and making money in the process. Many of the new entrepreneurs include those who have decided to give up well paying jobs and pass up on a Doctorate Program to push their own dreams, or those who lose out to the young brigade or are victims of downsizing, people with handicaps, stay-at-home mothers or work-from-home parents. They give up on being hired by others and instead hire themselves to produce products or services that add to the country’s economic growth. (Read this before you quit your day job). This post is supported by Oracle JD Edwards. But every entrepreneurial endeavor may not be successful, since success is linked to a series of initial steps done rightly. Starting in a hurry without the due diligence required, knowledge of the market, the target clientele and competition may bring the business down in the … [Read more...] about The Path to Success as an Entrepreneur
7 Ways to Motivate Yourself
Whether you’re looking for a new job, trying to make your current one better, or planning a career transition, you’ll need a healthy dose of motivation. Without discipline and will, your dreams and ambitions never come to life, turning even the best intentions into dust.Here are seven ways to motivate yourself, so you can pick and choose the ones that work best for you:Find the why. When we set out to do something, it's important to keep the why in the front of your mind. Are you looking for a new job because you dislike your boss? Need more money? Want a shorter commute? Getting where we want to go can be a long journey, so never forget what set you out on the road to begin with. Write down why you’re motivated and refer to it often.Look forward. Pretend you have accomplished your goal. For example, if your goal is to learn a new language to impress a girl, you need to consider if the task is worth taking on—what if she rejects you? View things from multiple … [Read more...] about 7 Ways to Motivate Yourself
Questions For Your Grad School & Overqualification Answers
Everyone has an opinion on the best practices for recruiting, interviewing, and resume writing. If you've been perusing job posting sites and following job alerts on Twitter, you've undoubtedly taken inventory of your resume and wondered if a masters degree or PhD would better qualify you for job listings with incredibly daunting requirements. It's an excellent answer for which there are many questions. Take a look at your industry: what's required to climb the ladder? Which rung am I trying to get to? Do my superiors have advanced degrees? How competitive is the job pool for positions you'd qualify for? Take a look at any website offering online PhD programs: what are some of the most popular courses at accredited schools? Are there enough jobs in the field to accommodate them all? Is the material entirely relevant to what you aspire to do with your life? It's become so much more difficult to land a job as an entry-level college graduate because of poor job growth. The Bureau of … [Read more...] about Questions For Your Grad School & Overqualification Answers
Inside Jobs: Interview With a Web Marketing Assistant
Ever wonder what it's like to work online from home full-time? We interviewed Patricia, a web marketing assistant with a year of ‘at home’ experience to find out for you - here's her story: What is your job title? How many years of experience do you have in that field? I am a Web Marketing Assistant. I’ve been working in this field for a little over a year. Would you describe what you do on a typical day? Typically I look for websites that have content that is relevant to the website I’m working on that particular month. Once I find them, I try to build a relationship with them: I contact them with information about the company and website so that they know more about us. If they become interested, and if it is convenient for both parts, they place a link to us. Sometimes, we place a link to their website too. In addition, my duties also include promoting our websites. I am in charge of writing Press Releases, posting articles and posting information on relevant forums and … [Read more...] about Inside Jobs: Interview With a Web Marketing Assistant
Work Routines: The Good and The Bad
We all like to think we’re the perfect, indispensable employee but are we right? The most successful employees have highly effective work habits and routines. The worst of us either don’t have those routines or have poor routines instead. So which habits do you keep and which do you through away? Routines to Toss Out - Gossiping: we’ve all done it. And we’ve all enjoyed doing it. We’ve all been part of that huddle around the water cooler or over the coffee pot dishing the latest office dirt. Gossiping is not only one of the highest time wasters in a business but can also be one of the most hurtful. The next time you’re enjoying a good round of gossip, stop and remember that you could be the next topic! - Baggage: every single employee has a life outside of work; as surprising as that may be. Bills, significant others, kids, pets; these things can all get in the way of your productivity at work. Leave the baggage at home because, without a doubt, it will wait for you until the … [Read more...] about Work Routines: The Good and The Bad