You might be surprised what a piece of paper can say about you, given a palpable lack of vocal cords, or indeed a central nervous system. However, the fact is that those couple of sheets of paper can speak volumes about you in the mind of a busy interviewer or employer, and unfortunately, this assessment can often be less than kind. No wonder an increasing number of people are turning to professional proofreading services supplied by companies like to avoid avoidable errors. You might be the best-qualified person in the world for the job that’s up for grabs, but if you lose sight of the appropriate spelling of the site, your CV may be landfill before the ink has properly dried.
A CV should be a master class in presentation. Given the strictures of acceptable format, you really don’t have a lot to play with when it comes to standing out from the crowd, so in a nutshell, this means keeping it clean. A resume builder can help!
This not only involves thorough proofreading to be certain that the document is error-free, it means trying to achieve a clear and concise presentation. Lists should be avoided where possible, and most definitely edited to include only those elements which are relevant to the job. If this process requires a heavy edit, as may be the case when it comes to lists of vocational qualifications, then simply state that you’ve focussed on the pertinent. It is usually a good idea to leave some obvious questions open for the interviewer anyhow, as this can present a welcome chance for a brief diversion from dull standard questions. Better still, by including such omissions as teasers, you can steer the interview toward questions that you want to answer.
While we are on the theme of leaving things out, don’t feel compelled to include your whole life story, especially if this includes a brief tenure that really didn’t work out, and you walked out or got fired. While we would never encourage you to lie outright, you may always have been out of the country traveling at the time/ digging wells in Africa/ cleaning up endangered species after an oil spill…
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