You may have noticed that, when you’re tired, you’re less enthusiastic about making an important decision. Fatigue decreases concentration as well as excitement. Thus, being tired usually means that you’ll make hasty decisions just so that you feel that you’ve dealt with the issue at hand. But hasty decisions are rarely good ones, are they? While this all seems like common sense, these notions are now supported by actual academic research in the field of decision-making. Even though there have been bits of research on the influence of tiredness on exam performance, creativity, and learning abilities, the latest work deals with workplace decisions with potentially far-reaching consequences. A team of Israeli scientists decided to study a large set of parole rulings that took place in Israeli courts. Shai Danziger, Jonathan Levav, and Liora Avnim-Pesso observed judges at work as they decided on the fates of convicts who asked for parole reconsideration. These decisions are typically … [Read more...] about Your Decisions vs. Your Tiredness
Career Advice Blog
How to Start Up a Startup on a Budget
As far as Internet startup companies go, there are basically two types. There are the flashy companies that have slick offices with the latest souped-up computers and award-winning architecture. You know the kind: Pac-Man arcade machines in the lobby, a sushi chef on the premises and daily ping pong tournaments in the game room. These are the startups with massive bank accounts courtesy of deep-pocketed investors and venture capitalists. And then you have your regular startups, the kind barely getting by on a shoestring budget. They’re the kind where the CEO shares an office with all seven employees. The kinds that cobbled together a break room out of an old dorm refrigerator, a hand-me-down microwave and some free couches from Craigslist. The kind that, well, I started. It’s certainly tough enough just getting a new startup off the ground. There’s basic HR duties to perform, employees to find, office space to rent, not to mention actually building your website and marketing it to … [Read more...] about How to Start Up a Startup on a Budget
Jobacle Radio Interview: Quitting Your Job
Last week I was invited to be a guest on At Issue with Ben Merens which is heard in Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota and Iowa on Wisconsin Public Radio. The topic was 16 signs it's time to quit your job. The show featured an in-depth chat about how to know it's time to go and tips to set up a plan to leave a job. I had a blast fielding questions from listeners and hope to do it again in the future. I hope you'll take a listen or download here. … [Read more...] about Jobacle Radio Interview: Quitting Your Job
The Worst Interview Blunders
I’ve worked in recruitment. It’s a job where you have to learn to read people, to pick up hints that they maybe exaggerating a skills set, that they might lack commitment, or, that underneath the polished veneer of their interview performance, they may not actually be all that competent. Some people are considerably better at interviewing for jobs than they are at doing them. They make life for people like me a little bit tricky. Luckily, some people make it really easy. Here’s a round up of three of the most unbelievable interview horror stories that people have shared with me over the years. Purchase the Ultimate Guide To Job Interview Answers Would you mind leaving… I’ve heard a few stories similar to this one, but none quite so bad on a scale of sheer rudeness. Someone I know was holding a round of what’s known as ‘walk in interviews’ (where candidates aren’t screened before hand). Now you may automatically assume that this might mean your dealing with a slightly lower level … [Read more...] about The Worst Interview Blunders
Paid Sick Days Bill Gains Momentum
The U.S. government is finally coming around to a simple concept: no employee should have to choose between their health and their income. Senators around the nation have been voting favorably for legislation that mandates paid sick time off for ill employees. San Francisco and Washington, DC have already passed the laws and Connecticut appears to be next. The Constitution State will allow workers to earn up to 40 hours of paid sick time a year to recover from illness, access preventive care or to look after a sick family member. According to Family Values @ Work, a national consortium of state organizations working for paid sick days and paid family leave policies, studies show that workers are healthier and more productive when they have access to paid sick days. Six in seven employers surveyed in San Francisco say that paid sick days have had no negative effect on profitability and two-thirds of employers support the law. “Job retention policies that fight unemployment should … [Read more...] about Paid Sick Days Bill Gains Momentum
9 Ways to Use Summer to Your Career Advantage
BBQ. Watermelon. Sno-Cones. Beach. Summer means something different to everyone, but to most of us, it means freedom. As students, there was nothing better than seemingly endless summer nights. Without the worry of class the next day, life was pretty darn simple.As adults, most professions require we that we show up at the office, regardless of the season. While summertime can be considered “lazy days,” it’s actually the perfect time to up your game and advance your career.Especially if your job tends to slow down during the summer season, use these tips to move your professional life ahead:1. Catch up on professional reading. Whether it’s a white paper or lengthy memo, reading at the beach or the park makes boring text a bit more palatable. Load up on magazines, print out lengthy blog posts you’ve pended for “later,” and download the latest biz books to your portable device.2. Make new contacts. Fewer people around the office mean more … [Read more...] about 9 Ways to Use Summer to Your Career Advantage
Working Women: Stop Making 17% Less Than Men!
We’ve all heard the statistic that women only make 75% of what their male counterparts bring home. Is there still a bias in our society against women and their ability to do a job as well as men? Have we made any progress at all in regards to gender discrimination? The National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) analyzed starting salaries of 2010 college graduates entering the work force in an effort to find the answers to these questions. Overall, they found that, though women seemed to have no more trouble being hired than men, women’s starting salaries were around 83% of men’s starting salaries. So do women just have to accept the disparity as inevitable? Not necessarily. In general, women may not promote themselves enough or be as assertive as men in reaching salary agreements. Linda Babcock, an economics professor at Carnegie Mellon University, described a time when a group of PhD students complained to her that all of the men in the program were teaching courses while … [Read more...] about Working Women: Stop Making 17% Less Than Men!
What Can "The Voice" Teach You In Finding A Job?
What were you doing last Tuesday night? Taking a nap? Working out? Munching on a burrito? Well if you’re a job seeker you should have been watching The Voice. Do you find yourself wondering what you are going to do with your brand new online bachelor degree? Well worry no more because by simply watching The Voice you can learn some quality tips that can help you in your job search. If you’re not familiar with how the show works, here is a quick rundown of the first two rounds. - four celebrity singer judges - they sit with their back to the stage - a singer comes out and sings a little ditty - if a judge is impressed they can hit a button and turn around - if only one judge turns around the singer is on their team by default - if more than one turns then the singer must choose who they would like to join The rest of the show will operate more like a typical singing competition show, but that hasn’t happened yet, so guess doesn’t matter. Surprisingly, the show is … [Read more...] about What Can "The Voice" Teach You In Finding A Job?
New Grads: Tips for Starting Your First Job
Graduation season is here, and that means all of you wide-eyed, fresh-faced students will be spilling into the full-time workforce. I admire your eagerness. Your zeal. Your ambition. Truth be told, I'd much rather work alongside you than the curmudgeon lifers. The influx of youth into the working world is a beautiful thing. It keeps ideas fresh, the corporate environment evolving, and every generation, if willing to play nice, gets to learn from each other. So if you’re new to the workplace, or simply starting work at a new organization, let me lend a hand. Follow these tips to ensure you make a good first impression: Take it slow. It's easy for young workers to start a job with “guns blazing.” After all, the company will be grateful for your ideas, right? Slow down, killer! When starting a new job, it’s imperative to learn the culture and get to know the lay of the land before suggesting ideas or changes. Take several weeks to learn who the influencers are and how the place works … [Read more...] about New Grads: Tips for Starting Your First Job
12 Things to Bring to an Interview
If you are wearing your best outfit and talking to yourself, there's a good chance you're wondering what things to bring to an interview to make sure you are fully prepped. Before your stomach fills with butterflies and your head fills with clever answers to tough questions, it's important to create an interview checklist. These are items designed to make your life easier during the interview. The more prepared you are, the more relaxed you will be. So be a good Boy Scout and make sure you're prepared for any situation by bringing the following with you to a job interview. Bottle of water. You never know if the interviewer will offer you a drink. Answering questions about yourself, coupled with the endemic stress of the interview, will leave your mouth dry. Avoid a scratchy throat and tote a drink along with you. This also makes a nice crutch for folks who find themselves anxious. Water can help save your career. 10 copies of resume. This won't be popular advice with the … [Read more...] about 12 Things to Bring to an Interview