One factor to being a successful leader is to find ways to inspire your employees to aspire to be great. Every employee has aspects of their job that they would love to change. They are those aspects that bring your employees down, drain them of their energy, and de-motivate them to give their full effort. On the other hand they also have aspects of their job that motivate them, make them want to give 100 percent, and keep them coming back day after day. Your job as a leader is to uncover these aspects that we like to call “Shoves and Tugs” and use them to help your employees aspire greatness. Shoves are those aspects that shove your employees out the door day after day. They may start small, but begin to build and eventually can drive an employee to quit. Tugs are the aspects that are tugging at your employee to stay with your company. Shoves and Tugs are not opposites and you definitely cannot fix a Shove with a Tug. No matter how many things are tugging at an employee to stay, if … [Read more...] about Shoves & Tugs
Career Advice Blog
Where to Find Unemployed Astronauts
With NASA’s last shuttle launch, Andrew was worried about the fate of all those unemployed astronauts. So I offered to look into some new job opportunities for them. As we all know, in this uncertain economy, a lot of workers have to consider positions outside their areas of training and expertise.Requirements for AstronautFirst I had to find out what requirements you have to meet to be an astronaut so I could determine their skill-set. I have to admit, I really don’t know much about what they do besides go up, come down and do the weightlessness thing. I’m not in any way discounting their expertise, I’m just uninformed.According to NASA’s website info for students, you have to have good vision, good blood pressure and be between 62 and 75 inches tall. Oh yeah, you also need a bachelor’s degree in engineering, math or science. Under the specialist areas, like mission specialist, you have to do more stuff. Details, details. What are they going to do … [Read more...] about Where to Find Unemployed Astronauts
The Perfect Power Posture for the Job Interview
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. In a job interview, body language is worth an entire feature-length film -- especially a power posture. According to research by L. Huang and associates, of the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University and published in Psychological Science, your posture speaks volumes about whether you are a take-charge, in-control person--or a “yes” man or woman. This research validates what I have been teaching for many years in my executive presentation and media training programs: how you sit or stand produces behavioral changes in you and the people around you. For example, if you take up a lot of space when you sit, messages are sent to your brain that make you feel more powerful. Subsequently, those around you also perceive you to be more authoritative and powerful. But body posture alone isn’t the only thing that can help (or hurt) you in a job interview. Here are some body language tips to help you non-verbally ace the … [Read more...] about The Perfect Power Posture for the Job Interview
The 5 Best Traveling Jobs
Nothing broadens our horizons or is quite as fulfilling as travelling. Meeting new people, having exciting experiences and seeing foreign places is a deeply life affirming and confidence building thing to do and often gives our lives fresh perspective. However, travel needn’t be consigned to just your annual two week holiday or gap year before university. Working abroad lets you experience life in far-flung places at any age, while giving your CV some attractive, unique and transferable skills. If you want to live like a local, be part of a new culture and community and best of all, get paid for it, then say goodbye to dreary UK weather and check out our 5 best traveling jobs that will help you get up and go globetrotting… 1. Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) Teaching English is a great way to travel overseas. A TEFL qualification only takes a month to complete and gives you a better chance of finding work. Even without it there are many countries that require … [Read more...] about The 5 Best Traveling Jobs
Screen Casting on the Job: Boosting Productivity and Creativity Simply and Inexpensively
Everyday employers look for new and easier ways to boost their productivity and the productivity of their employees. Productivity issues can affect a whole range of industries, whether you work in a hospital, a school or a warehouse – there is always room for improvement and enhancements to create a better workflow and streamline daily tasks. One simple and cost effective way to boost productivity is using imaginative and creative training documents, collaborative design work, IT bug reports and how-to guides. This can all be done using simple screen casting tools that have editing capabilities. Employers can use screen casting to create professional and interactive tools and guides that will engage and instruct the staff instead of bore them, while saving time in the process. The first example of an industry that can benefit from the use of screen casting is the education system. Using screen capturing in schools is not only a great way to boost student’s productivity, but … [Read more...] about Screen Casting on the Job: Boosting Productivity and Creativity Simply and Inexpensively
Top Tips for Temping!
Temporary work is a popular work choice in today’s economic climate. It can be a good way to get your foot in the door to a permanent job or it might tide you over and pay your bills whilst you work out exactly what you want to do next. Temp work can be rewarding but it can also be a tricky beast! You’re expected to hit the ground running, impress your new boss with your hard work ethic, whilst being friendly, confident and fitting in to a new team. Phew! So how do you do it? 1. Make a Good First Impression For starters, make a good first impression. Turn up on time, look and behave professionally and impress your new boss. Remember, your new boss is likely to be nervous too, though for different reasons! Even if your assignment is only for a couple of weeks, they will want reassurance that they have not made a mistake in hiring you and and that you will add value to their business. Be professional and friendly. First impressions make a big difference! 2. Work Hard It might seem … [Read more...] about Top Tips for Temping!
Inner Peace in 10 Days Or Less: A Primer On Meditation
Let’s get one thing straight: I’m a bit high-strung. And by “bit” I mean a tighter than an 18th Century corset clamped down on an anorexic. So when I discovered a ten-day meditation course in northern India, I leapt at the chance. Let’s back up for a second. You need to understand how this all happened. It all began when my dear friend Joshie-Boy began practicing meditation in his mid-twenties. Now mind you, Joshie-Boy and I have known each other since high school; we partied together, traveled together and – like Bill Murray says in Caddyshack – “someone to, you know, just get weird with”. In other words: good friends. Now ole’ Joshie-Boy always had a mind. While most people’s brains swing one way (artistic or mechanical, analytic or creative) Joshie-Boy’s swung back and forth like a pendulum. A talented writer, he also built his own car, took up cooking and took up French for fun. But brains can swing out of control, and the stronger the pendulum, the stronger the whiplash. I … [Read more...] about Inner Peace in 10 Days Or Less: A Primer On Meditation
Expensive College Degrees; Low Starting Salary
Earning a four-year degree from an accredited college is no guarantee that you'll be able to land a high paying job after you graduate. In fact, some degrees have very little practical value once you go out into the real world. Living from paycheck to paycheck and maxing out credit cards can be a harsh reality. While some of these degrees never did pay well, while others are making it harder to find a high paying job because of social and technological changes.While some of these degrees never did pay well, while others are making it harder to find a high paying job because of social and technological changes. Unless you intend to stay in school, earn a higher degree and learn how to become a teacher, you should expect to find yourself in a lower tax bracket if you complete your degree in one of the following disciplines. English Lit This major is ideal for someone who plans to continue his or her education and eventually work as a college professor. Otherwise, there is … [Read more...] about Expensive College Degrees; Low Starting Salary
The 6 Rules of Managing Talented Terrors
Every company has them and every manager struggles with them. Talented Terrors, as we call them, are those employees who have 100% skills but 0% attitude. They have the talent you can only dream all of your employees could have, but they have the absolute worst attitude to deal with. They argue about everything, drag their feet when doing a project, and are just mad all the time. These employees not only affect their own work, but also have a negative impact on other employees and anyone who interacts with your company. So why do you keep them around? Well they have the ability to be a high performer, but are they really achieving their fullest potential when possessing such an unmanageable attitude? We believe no employee can be 100% without both the talent and the attitude. We conducted a three-year hiring study that tracked 5,000 leaders who collectively hired over 20,000 employees. These organizations, like most, focused on skill during the hiring process and were hiring based on … [Read more...] about The 6 Rules of Managing Talented Terrors
What Does Your CV Say About You?
You might be surprised what a piece of paper can say about you, given a palpable lack of vocal cords, or indeed a central nervous system. However, the fact is that those couple of sheets of paper can speak volumes about you in the mind of a busy interviewer or employer, and unfortunately, this assessment can often be less than kind. No wonder an increasing number of people are turning to professional proofreading services supplied by companies like to avoid avoidable errors. You might be the best-qualified person in the world for the job that’s up for grabs, but if you lose sight of the appropriate spelling of the site, your CV may be landfill before the ink has properly dried. … [Read more...] about What Does Your CV Say About You?