In the HBO series Game of Thrones, based on the George R.R. Martin bestselling fantasy book series A Song of Fire and Ice, fictional dynasties struggle for power, each with a goal: to rule the Seven Kingdoms. (Check out IMDB for more) If you work in an office, you have a front-row seat to watch your very own Game of Thrones. The cube farm likely has less bloodshed, and the Big Boss probably doesn't sit on a throne, but I'm willing to bet that there are several employees jockeying for power. What makes Game of Thrones special is that it offers only a touch of magic, just enough to keep things interesting while keeping the story realistic. With the season finale here, I’m disappointed I’m going to have to wait a year for the next season. So in the spirit of Thrones, what can we learn from the show's characters? What would the office be like if each character was in charge? And who beloe shoul dbe added to our list of The Worst Fictional … [Read more...] about Work Is Just Like a Game of Thrones
Career Advice Blog
17 Tips to Ace Your Next Phone Interview
It’s easy to understate the importance of a phone interview, dismissing it as merely the first step in the long job-search process. In reality, a seemingly cursory phone interview is actually the most important step, because without success, the next steps never happen.Follow these phone interview tips and make it your business to secure a face-to-face meeting:1. Print it out. Have a physical copy of your resume and the job description in front of you during the call. Type up a bulleted list of items you want to cover during the conversation. As each one gets satisfied, cross it off the list. Printouts are necessary in case your Internet access fails.2. Have Web access. It’s always best to give your full concentration to the interview, listening and answering questions diligently. However, also take advantage of the fact that the interviewer can’t see you. Open up the company’s website in your browser and have another window open to the search engine of your … [Read more...] about 17 Tips to Ace Your Next Phone Interview
3 Things Your Mom Forgot to Tell You About College
As you leave your house for the last time, your Mom swears you forgot something. But you are in a hurry so she just sends you off hoping that it wasn't something important. Well, it was important. Below are the three things your mom forgot to tell you about college. Time Management Most pre-college students live a pretty carefree life. They may have a small part-time job, but really when it comes down to it they don't have many responsibilities. When a student goes to college, the critical skill of time management is a necessity and if not developed and utilized properly, you will have a lot of trouble. Time management is broad and applies differently to everyone, but it usually consists of keeping a detailed planner or calendar. Your parents may have done everything for you, but now it's your time to keep your life organized and efficient. Try different things like iPhone apps or Google Calendar. Whatever you do, time management is a must. How to study High school and college are … [Read more...] about 3 Things Your Mom Forgot to Tell You About College
How to Create the Perfect Team
Projects are a vital part of an organization’s success. Projects are used to complete various tasks that the organization needs in order to thrive. Team members involved in the project are the most important part of the project. It is imperative that all team members work together and build strategies that will help accomplish the goals of the project. It is vital that the team members fully understand how to handle any conflict or situation that might occur during the project. Projects are designed to help employees work together as a team to help the organization accomplish goals or tasks to help the business succeed. How Project Team Members are Selected Project team members are selected for a variety of reasons. The main qualification that is required to for a project team member is leadership. Leadership is a vital qualification that will allow the project to progress no matter what conflicts may arise during the completion. Project team members are selected on the details of the … [Read more...] about How to Create the Perfect Team
Looking Forward to Monday: The Best Jobs in the World
Want a fun way to get depressed? (sounds counter intuitive, I know.) Here's a list of the best jobs in the world, every last one of them more fantastic then the last, and a lot more fantastic than yours. Read'em and weep. Waterslide Tester Do you ever have to undertake travel for your work? It's dull, isn't it? Waiting about in utterly anonymous airport departure lounges for the inevitable news that your flight has been cancelled and you won't be seeing the kids this Christmas. A more enjoyable way of getting around is by waterslide, the thinking man's method of motion. Some holiday resort companies hire people to test their waterslides, for safety reasons, sure, but also to get an *ahem* "professional" opinion on how good they are. I know it sounds like a great calling, but it has its ups and downs. Luxury Bed Tester My boss often tells me he could do my job in his sleep. I like to think that that isn't quite true. However, if I were working as a luxury bed tester, I guess I'd have … [Read more...] about Looking Forward to Monday: The Best Jobs in the World
10 Things You Shouldn’t Bring to an Interview
Andrew’s recent post (“12 Things to Bring to an Interview”), which contained very useful suggestions, made me think about the opposite - how far interviewing protocol has strayed in the last few years from the “normal” format and dynamic.Of course there are also the wardrobe malfunctions and stupid responses. A colleague once had a candidate arrive in flip-flops and shorts. When asked about time management skills, she shared, “Wow, I’m not so good in that area – I sometimes play games for 6-10 hours a day!” Nice.Dress code aside, in case you aren’t sure, here are some items to NOT bring with you on an interview:1. Your mother – Even if she is an ace at the collective bargaining table, bringing Mom along in case you have to negotiate salary is not cool.2. Food – Even if you offer to share with the interviewer, don’t even bring a “light … [Read more...] about 10 Things You Shouldn’t Bring to an Interview
Nailing Your Job Interview: The Do’s and Don’ts
For any graduate entering or individual returning to the job market, it can be a scary situation. On one end, millions of people have lost their jobs during the most recent economic downturn. According to an article released by the Huffington Post, the unemployment rate is still at a staggering 9 percent and is expected to remain around this figure until 2016 or at least until growth is able to reach demand. As for recent graduates from top online colleges, shifting from an education environment to the workforce can be a touch transition. Regardless of your situation, it's really hard to get your foot in the door and if you're lucky enough to get an interview for the job you want then the last thing you want to do is blow it once you get there. Here's a list of some of the biggest dos and don'ts for your next job interview. DO'S Being prepared: Much of the approaches to being prepared are common sense things that you should already know like: arrive early but not too early. Have a … [Read more...] about Nailing Your Job Interview: The Do’s and Don’ts
How To Recruit Interns With the Help of Social Media
Social media is one of the top pastimes in the world; everyone has at least one social profile. There’s no surprise that college students make up a huge percentage of social networks, especially Facebook. With that being said, it only makes sense for business to recruit Interns using this powerful tool. Social media is not just about meeting new people and connecting with friends, it’s also a great tool for networking, finding jobs and finding new employees. If you’re not sure where to start when it comes to recruiting via social media, these tips will get you going in the right direction. Be Creative Of course you always want to be professional, but that doesn’t mean that your company should be lacking in the creativity area. College students are drawn to creativity, so you should find a unique way to make your brand stand out from the rest. Spruce up your logo with something professional, yet fun. You should then come up with creative ideas to show students just how cool your … [Read more...] about How To Recruit Interns With the Help of Social Media
You Quit Without a Solid Next Step: Ways to Stay Afloat
So you went all "Jerry Maguire", or maybe you politely put in your two-weeks notice. Either way you're without a job and it's because you said so – in as tough a job market as this you concluded getting rid of your only means of income was a good idea. The problem is, of course, getting another one has become increasingly harder to do. Unless you're starting your own business, which you very well might be trying to do, there is limited hope in successfully finding new employment right away. In the meantime you need to be aware of simple effective ways to make ends meet. Quitting your job disqualifies you from receiving any sort of unemployment benefits, so you better be prepared for when the well runs dry in a month or so. Luckily so long as you have a home computer and access to the Internet, there are a variety of ways you can earn enough scratch to get you through several months of job hunting. So if you quit without another job, consider these options... Telemarketing This … [Read more...] about You Quit Without a Solid Next Step: Ways to Stay Afloat
Fake Job Post of the Week
From: Brien DennisEmail: cogejo@live.comGood day,We're offering Part-time "work from home Job placements". We need Services of cooperate or individuals for placement as Representative. Applicants are needed in Canada, USA and Europe.The service includes; Attending to local clients and processing transactions locally within the region.If interested kindly reply with the under listed details to johnenu@live.com01 - Full names: (**last Name first):02 - Home Address(include Zip):03 - Phone:04 - Country:05 - Age:06 - Current Employment:Q. How would you rate your daily schedule? fairly busyA. Busy, fairly Busy, very busyRegardsManagement Consultant.Sinco Group Applicant beware! … [Read more...] about Fake Job Post of the Week