One of the biggest mistakes any employee could ever make is underestimating the power of social networking sites. There is a reason why most employers ban these sites while employees are in the office, and that’s because employees not only waste time on these sites, but also tend to post things they shouldn’t. Companies have fired employees or overlooked job applicants due to the content of their social networking profiles making the management of these sites more important than ever. Reputation Management isn’t just for large companies, it’s for individuals as well, especially those wishing to maintain or secure employment. If you are employed and hold accounts on a few social networking sites, there are a few things you should consider doing to save your personal brand. Such things include: Watching What You Say Watching what you say on Facebook or Twitter doesn’t just mean avoiding proclaiming your hatred for your boss or lamenting that you wish you had another job, it means … [Read more...] about Saving Face to Save Your Job
Career Advice Blog
How to Maximize Your Peak Working Hours
Do you find yourself reaching for an energy drink around 4 p.m. on a work day? Or are you just revving up for your day’s work? Finding your peak work hours is a great way to boost your productivity. We usually do know our own energy body/mind rhythms of energy, but if you examine your work/productivity patterns, you can maximize those times. Morning Person vs. Night Owl People usually describe themselves as a morning or night person. But you don’t have to buy into your own stereotype: you can take some control over those energy cycles and be more productive at supposedly “down” times, because that self-talk can become self-fulfilling. In the “Flow” Published in 1991, Mihaly Csikszenmihalyi’s book “Finding the Flow – the Psychology of Optimal Experience,” is a concept that’s still applicable to work styles today. When you’re in the “flow,” you are so absorbed in a task that you lose sense of time, you … [Read more...] about How to Maximize Your Peak Working Hours
5 Ways To Make Your Working Day More Productive
We all arrive in the office full of promise for the day ahead, we’ve got a clear list of tasks in our head, we know what needs to be done that day and we’ve got a rough idea of how we’re going to get it all done. For most of us those hopeful little plans last until about two minutes past nine by which time we’ve turned our emails on, been bombarded by clients and colleges asking if we could just squeeze this or that in and already had to field half a dozen phone calls. This is going to go on all day, and before you know it you haven’t got anything done that you actually wanted to get done. So just how do you change your working day from reactive to proactive? Turn off the email For most people who work in an office email will be the primary way of communication so check it in the morning then leave it alone until lunch time. Anything that is that important can be communicated through the phone so if it has been sent via email the chances are it can wait. As for those tasks that are … [Read more...] about 5 Ways To Make Your Working Day More Productive
11 Intricate Words for Occupations and Hobbies
Awesome list from cruciverbalist(n.)a designer or aficionado of crossword puzzles.2. ecdysiast(n.)a person who performs a striptease.3. funambulist(n.)a tightrope walker.4. phlebotomist(n.)a nurse or other health worker trained in drawing venous blood for testing or donation.5. poetaster(n.)an inferior poet; a writer of indifferent verse.6. shamus(n.,)a detective.7. thaumaturgist(n.)a worker of wonders or miracles; magician.8. toxophilite(n.)a devotee of archery; archer.9. comptrollervarious types of financial executives.10. metaphysicianA person who creates or develops theories regarding the nature of reality.11. chiromancerSomeone who performs divination by reading palms. … [Read more...] about 11 Intricate Words for Occupations and Hobbies
The Summer (Job) Advantage
The unofficial end of summer is only four short weeks away. That’s right, another season of beach, barbecue, and vacations is almost behind us. I’m not trying to hurl you into a depression. Instead, I’d like to encourage you to make the most of the remainder of the summer season. Before Labor Day strikes and you’re fishing for excuses to get out of the office Secret Santa, follow these pieces of advice: 1. Buy ice cream for the office. Frozen treats have a way of bringing out the kid in everyone. Surprise your co-workers by bringing in a variety of ice cream, ices, or your favorite summer treat. This is a foolproof way to enjoy other people’s smiles, curry favor with subordinates, and enjoy the best that summer has to offer. Consider it a random act of kindness. 2. Call in sick. At this point in the summer your boss is accustomed to the Friday Flu taking down staff. If you haven’t treated yourself to at least four consecutive days away from work, … [Read more...] about The Summer (Job) Advantage
How To Leave Your Job Gracefully
So you’ve decided to quit your job? Whatever the reason for leaving, it isn’t always easy to leave gracefully. Many of us don’t like endings, even if it is a ‘positive’ ending and it can bring up all kinds of emotions. So regardless of the situation, how do you leave your role gracefully and in a way that makes you feel proud? Resign Obviously, this is the first thing you need to do when leaving your job. You will need to put this in writing in the form of a resignation letter. Keep it short, professional and positive, whatever the circumstance. You may want to let close colleagues know informally, but ensure that word doesn’t get out before you have a chance to tell your boss personally! Notice Your notice period will obviously depend on what is written in your contract so if you need to leave earlier than your contract states you will need to negotiate with your boss and vice versa. Being fair to the company you are leaving and making an effort to help them with the … [Read more...] about How To Leave Your Job Gracefully
How to Stay Healthy at Work
Staying healthy is important, however many people put this on the backburner as something to do when they are less busy or maybe when they are able to work less. If you know that you could be healthier, start implementing better practices today. Small changes can have a drip-drip effect when employed over time. Being healthier will help you feel better and be more effective at work. Here are some ideas of practices you could implement: Take Breaks It sounds simple, but how many people regularly skip breaks at work? Make it a habit to take at least one break (if not more) during your work day. Contrary to what you may think, taking breaks will help you get more work done. It is amazing what half an hour away from the workplace can do for your productivity and general wellbeing. As well as having a break, try and do something that will make you feel better. Some form of exercise will help you feel much better when you return to work, even a short walk can do wonders. Sitting … [Read more...] about How to Stay Healthy at Work
The Hidden Costs of Your Job and How to Avoid Them
Have you ever thought about how much you pay to do your job? Many people think about securing a good salary when they start a job or getting a bonus each year and these things are important for your financial well being. However, have you thought about the about the hidden costs (financial and otherwise) of doing your job that impacts your bottom line? So what do I mean? Financially, I mean anything that you pay out for that you wouldn’t if it wasn’t for your job. I am also talking about the energy you use up because of doing your job, outside of what you are paid to do. For example: Buying work clothes Work clothes can be a real money drain. Can you mix and match what you already have? Shop in discount stores or charity shops? Or just cut back on what you buy? Be creative about dressing for work. Food and drinks Bringing your own food and drinks to work can be a huge money saver! If you don’t do this already, … [Read more...] about The Hidden Costs of Your Job and How to Avoid Them
How to Make the Most of Your Cubicle Space
It’s the space where you spend 8-9 hours per day—staring at the same three walls day in and day out. Why not make the most of it? Unless you're like some people who like to keep an empty cubicle! There’s a ton of ways that you can make your cubicle your own. If you take the time to personalize your cubicle by adding your taste in décor, such as wall art, and organize it in a way that makes sense to you, you can lead a much happier day-to-day work life. The following are some suggestions about how to make the most of your cubicle space. Stylish calendar: Calendars can help you add a personalized touch and organize your monthly tasks at the same time. DO: Hang a medium or small sized wall calendar with appropriate photos or images of your choice. Motivational calendars are a great touch for office spaces. DON’T: This is not the time to indulge in your guilty pleasures—so leave your Rebecca Black poster calendar at home. Dry-erase checklist: Hanging a dry-erase board is a great way … [Read more...] about How to Make the Most of Your Cubicle Space
Movie Clichés About the Workplace (add your faves!)
I recently saw “Bridesmaids” for the second time (yeah, it’s that good). The main character has a job in a jewelry store. Being unlucky at love, she goes on a rant about love never lasting while helping a cute couple select an engagement ring. I won’t spoil the rest for you, but it occurred to me that the scene was a fairly typical Hollywood version of life at work. Unrealistic workplace portrayals, often bordering on fantasy, are usually what we see represented in movies.The following have become standard movie clichés about the office: * The boss’s daughter is always a hottie – Not only is the daughter hot, she dresses slutty and doesn’t work because she drops by the office any time to see Daddy. It’s required that the new hire instantly fall in lust with her, resulting in career mayhem. * The boss is always rich – Because he likes you, he takes you to his prestigious country club where … [Read more...] about Movie Clichés About the Workplace (add your faves!)