For consumers carrying a few hundred or few thousand dollars in debt, do-it-yourself repayment seems reasonably within reach. With a little restructuring, these people can often pay down their debts on their own, possibly harnessing a popular strategy like the “snowball” or “avalanche” method. … [Read more...] about Researching Debt Relief Solutions the Smart Way
Is Higher Education Helpful or Harmful on a Blue-Collar Resume?
“Go to college or get a job.” That’s how it used to be for young adults transitioning from the golden days of high school to the grind of starting a career. If you chose to get a job you usually were setting a course for a blue-collar career. After a suitable period of apprenticeship, you could expect to earn a living wage, but you’d already be invested in your career. Going to college was a separate path altogether. … [Read more...] about Is Higher Education Helpful or Harmful on a Blue-Collar Resume?
Robots Taking Jobs – But It’s Going to Be Okay
Robots taking jobs is undoubtedly a growing trend. They’re not taking all of our jobs, but they’ve certainly been making themselves comfortable in the job force over the past few years and they don’t show any signs of slowing down anytime soon. But even though robots are taking over certain areas of business, in theory, they just make things run more efficiently, which should add up to more productive workplaces and better-suited career options for people. … [Read more...] about Robots Taking Jobs – But It’s Going to Be Okay
How to Relax Before Bed and Sleep Like a Baby Before a Big Day
Remember that old saying? Learn how to relax before bed, and you’ll sleep like the dead! If there’s a big day on the horizon, you’re definitely going to want to find out how you can sleep like a baby. Whether it’s a big job interview, first day at a new job, or the night before a stressful presentation - getting your beauty sleep is going to ensure that you do well the next day. … [Read more...] about How to Relax Before Bed and Sleep Like a Baby Before a Big Day
What To Do If You’re Injured At Work
We become so comfortable and used to the mundane routine in our jobs that we don’t ever expect an accident to happen, so if it does, an incident at work can be a massive shock to the system. The key to dealing with a work accident is procedure – having a process in place that anyone can follow that helps resolve the situation. … [Read more...] about What To Do If You’re Injured At Work
Trying to Pursue a Career in Data Science? Check Out These Helpful Tips
According to a recent study, one of the fastest growing industries in the world is data science. For people who love technology, coding and design, a career in data science makes sense. While getting your data science masters degree will take lots of time and energy, it will be worth it in the long run. Finding a reputable college to get your degree from can put you ahead of the game when the time comes to get a job. … [Read more...] about Trying to Pursue a Career in Data Science? Check Out These Helpful Tips
4 Tips for Progressive Career Growth and Development
Whether you’re already settled in your career, just got into a new job or still wondering which career path to choose, you’ve most likely asked yourself where you’ll probably be in the next few years. With up to 76% of employees looking for opportunities for career growth, it’s easy to see why many job seekers and those in the job market are constantly looking for learning and development opportunities that will help them progress in their career growth in the long run. … [Read more...] about 4 Tips for Progressive Career Growth and Development
How to Write a Personal Mission Statement
Wondering how to write a personal mission statement? Read on! Most companies create mission statements that define the direction the company wants to move. If mission statements mold the future of successful companies, why do so many professionals neglect to devise mission statements of their own? You cannot expect to chart a career course, without developing a road map of where you want to go and how you plan to get there. Benefits of Learning How to Write a Personal Mission Statement Far too many professionals believe divine destiny shapes their careers. They never articulate a clearly defined career path. The lack of a personal mission statement has the same negative impact that it has on companies that never develop missions. Yet, how to write a personal mission statement produces several more benefits. … [Read more...] about How to Write a Personal Mission Statement
Help! I Work With Indecisive People
Whether you’re working with them or working for them, indecisive people can be a real problem in the workplace. It’s not “polite” to yell “MAKE A DECISION” directly in someone’s face in this day and age, so we need to handle things more strategically. If it’s time to hit the panic button when it comes to working with people who can’t make a decision, this is the article for you. … [Read more...] about Help! I Work With Indecisive People
Feel Confident: 10 Tips to Build Confidence at Work
Do you want to feel confident when you do your job? Of course you do! Everyone should have self-confidence while they’re at work, so learning how to build self-esteem is actually an essential aspect of your professional life. Having confidence is key, not only to feel good but to get the job you’re being paid to do done — after all, it’s called ‘employee of the month,’ not ‘self-doubter of the month.’ … [Read more...] about Feel Confident: 10 Tips to Build Confidence at Work