F. Waldo McBurney has won "America's Oldest Worker for 2006," an award handed out by Experience Works (an organization which strives to improve the lives of older people through employment, community service and training).Now if I'm still working at 104 (heck, I don't even wanna be alive!), I don't deserve an award. In fact, I'd consider myself a failure. But the bee hive hauling, marathon running, bible toting senior has some good advice for all of us.“Worry shortens life and makes life miserable...The easiest way to shorten ones life is to do nothing.”Sage advice from a man who used to have to cut ice from a pond to keep the family refrigerator cool. Why not take a time out from clankin' at that keyboard and staring at the screen to be thankful for folks like F. Waldo. They let lazy bastards like you and me retire the right way - enjoying daytime TV, playing on open golf courses, traveling the world - or doing whatever … [Read more...] about Work Hard, Live Long
Fainting at Work – What You Need to Know!
For the second time in my career (lucky me!) a co-worker fainted within 10 feet of me. I'll be honest. I heard a thump, looked up, saw nothing - and assumed all was ok. Two minutes later a secretary noted, "Oh my God, _______'s down." All kidding aside, I feel like crap for ignoring the thump. So, if you hear an inexplicable sound - investigate. Aside from ignoring the poor guy as he lay motionless (it's our understanding that it was a case of extreme exhaustion from overworking), I realize that I hadn't a clue what to do. Sure, call 9-1-1. I left that to someone else. Then I bee lined for the HR office and let them know, figuring someone there would be equipped for this type of situation. Beyond that, I was pretty helpless. In hindsight, I don't remember a single employer telling me what to do to help a co-worker with a medical need. The only disease they've ever taught me about is sexual harassment. So, let's go over some quickie … [Read more...] about Fainting at Work – What You Need to Know!
Last-Minute Tax Write Offs
The end of the year is rapidly approaching and right now you're all tied up with the holidays. However, before you know it, it'll be time to file those taxes. If you're anything like me - you'll curse that you didn't keep that box of receipts like you promised yourself you would. Several often overlooked deductions are directly tied to work. And you still might have time before the year runs out to get those receipts. Just like any weight loss infomercial would tell you to consult with your doctor before engaging in any exercise routine - I'm telling you to consult your accountant before applying any of these measures to your taxes. Some of the costs that can be "miscellaneous itemized deductions" include: - Employment and outplacement agency fees - Resume services - Printing and mailing costs of search letters - Want-ad placement fees - Telephone calls - Travel expenses, including out-of-town job-hunting trips. - Apparel - Union dues, association fees There are other items … [Read more...] about Last-Minute Tax Write Offs
Workhack: Resume Gimmicks
We're not talking so much about content as we are gimmick. Granted, many of these could backfire and make you look like an ass. The key is to either know the type of person who is receiving your resume or understand what would be considered unique within your selected field. And of course, make sure an error-free resume is enclosed. Clear Up That Paper Search any career site and you'll see that most "experts" recommend that you use plain white paper for your resume. And this sounds like solid advice. But I will tell you that I have seen the reverse work. Firsthand, I've witnessed a lesser employee land an interview (and eventually a gig) by sending in their resume on translucent paper. Out of the dozens that came in, it was the one that stood out - literally. It's a gamble, but if nothing else is panning out for you why not roll the dice. 39 1-Cent Stamps The majority of online resumes fade away into the ethers. While paper can be ignored, at least it's something tangible. … [Read more...] about Workhack: Resume Gimmicks
My, What a Big Bonus You Have
Morgan Stanley CEO John Mack has nothing on me! He might have received a $40 million dollar bonus (in stock and options) but he didn't have the thrill of sifting through his boss's reject gifts. The adventure reminded me of the old Wheel of Fortune - and I'm dating myself here - but back in the day you would go "shopping" with the amount of money you won. It was awkward, weird and didn't really make for good TV so they ditched the idea. I digress. Back to MY bonus. A VG Pocket gaming device (you can play Space Invaders and Burger Time), an in-car massage pillow and a Jeep brand knapsack. Eat your hearts out you foolish Goldman Sachs stooges. Those suckers are only getting an average payday of $622,000 each. The funny thing is, compared to "bonuses" I've received in the past, this isn't half bad. I mean, the gaming thingy didn't come with batteries but it's still kinda cute and retails for $40! Since I'm in a glass-half-full kind of mood, my bonus actually bucked a trend: it … [Read more...] about My, What a Big Bonus You Have
Grinch in My Cube?
I know, I know - EVERYONE is stressed around the holidays. I get that. But you know what, for me personally, this year feels extra rough. The good news is is that this is the first holiday season in awhile where I am content where I'm working. Maybe that's why I have the time to stress about the small stuff. But these blokes I work with treat the holidays like the X-Games: extreme, baby! Here's what the agenda looks like. And mind you, this is ONLY tomorrow! The day will kick off with the department assembling in our boss's office. We are each allowed to pick one schwag item that he received during the year. I hear there are some t-shirts, mugs and other assorted freebies. THIS is our "bonus." The big gift giveaway is followed up by a department outing. We will all carpool (not if I can help it!) to a local Christmas tree. At this point, I'm told the bossman can be persuaded into buying us lunch. So I have to wrestle him for his good graces? Whatever. Back at the … [Read more...] about Grinch in My Cube?
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Revamped, Recharged and Reloaded
The Working Podcast started in April '05 as a labor of love. Actually, as a labor of hate. I was up to HERE with work and all the BS that came along with it. In between machine gunning my resume to anyone with an inbox, I decided that a podcast would be a great way to talk to other folks in the same situation. Careers ebb and flow, and in the middle of the hire/fire sandwich is a whole lotta depressing grey. I could either bash my bosses head in (I'm too peaceful for that), continue to complain (yawn!), or do something therapeutic. The Working Podcast allows me to do all of the above!Since then we've been blessed with 36,000+ unique homepage views, tens of thousands of downloads and most recently - the honor of winning the Podcast Peer Award for Best Business Podcast 2006. With a little more focus and effort, plus the addition of two new pals (get the 411 here), I really believe that this time around - the sky is the limit!We plan to bring you the … [Read more...] about Revamped, Recharged and Reloaded