Hey gang! Just wanted to remind you all that Eric and I are on vacation this week - but that doesn't stop the Working Podcast from rolling on. Unlike most of our shows which are jammed with all kinds of short segments - Show #59 has one topic: meetings.In part one of a three-part series the Voice of Reason gives his take on meetings - from the perspective of an attendee. You know the drill, you're asked to attend - only to have to suffer through other people's presentations. VOR shares six tips to make these types of meetings more manageable. We'll be back with a "regular" show next week. In the meantime, please subscribe so you don't miss upcoming episodes with tips for presenters and head honchos.Your feedback is encouraged! … [Read more...] about Art of the Meeting: Attendees
"Snow" Down Employers!
It's snowing in New York and we all should have the day off. I asked someone in HR this morning how much snow we would have to get to get the day off. "Enough snow to make (our) boss not want to come in."An honest answer. I'm sure kids were glued to the morning news - waiting to see if their school name scrolled along the bottom (ah, memories!) As an adult, this is one of the many childhood pleasure stripped away.Here are three reasons why we should get snow days off. Please leave a comment with your reasons.- It's stressful. From having to devote extra time to the commute to the standard worrying - ranging from "what if i get stuck" to "argh! i didn't bring lunch from home and have no cash on me" to "who will watch the kids if school is closed" - Why not take the stress away and let us (where applicable) work from home?- It's dangerous. Over 1,571,500 traffic accidents a year are weather-related. That's almost 25%. … [Read more...] about "Snow" Down Employers!
Is Your Boss a Godsend?
And I mean that literally. According to Father Peter (view the video below) your boss is a gift from God. Now the gang here at Jobacle.com comes from all different types of religions and beliefs - and in no way are we pushing any sort of religious agenda. However, I did find a few of the points in the video interesting - and thought provoking. Among the tips: - Give a full day service - Don't steal (take extra breaks) - Treat them as you would want to be treated There's nothing revolutionary here, but I've taken Father P's challenge. I will look at my boss all day today as if he was "chosen" to be my boss by some higher power. Why not try it out to and report back how it goes... On an unrelated note, things here have been quite hectic. We've been approached by many folks asking us to partner up with them in different capacities. We're not sure who we're gonna "hire" and who we're gonna "fire" but we will certainly keep you posted. … [Read more...] about Is Your Boss a Godsend?
Exercising With Office Supplies
Special thanks to longtime listener Leo who sent in the video below. He tells us he'll be sending in a few a month - so if you wanna get fit at your desk on the DL - check in regularly! If you want to share something work related, send it to jobacle@gmail.com - we'll wait with bated breath! … [Read more...] about Exercising With Office Supplies
Sleeping in Your Cubicle
Part of GE's Imagination Theater, "Cubicle" is a short that follows the story of a young man who answers a question that's on everyone's mind: what if your cube was your home?They've been pushing these short videos on demand on Time Warner Cable here in NY.I'm undecided on this one, but I'll share anyhow and eagerly await your thoughts. … [Read more...] about Sleeping in Your Cubicle
What Your Salary Was Worth in 1800!
This inflation calculator is a fun way to kill a few minutes at work. But it's also a little depressing. If it was the early 1800s, I would be making over $650,000 a year. I'd go on a shopping spree. Probably buy a few horses, offer a more generous reward for the capture of Jesse James, hit up the blacksmith for some awesome swords and...well...buy tons of land.If any of you guys have gotten further along with your time machine then Uncle Rico, please let me know. Cause this pay in 2007 ain't cutting it! On an unrelated note, this Sunday we've got an excellent Valentine's Day edition of the Working Podcast coming your way. One of the nation's leading relationship experts, Dr. Jackie Black, gives her take on love @ work. You'll also find out how to deal with workplace bullies and what the hottest career resources of the week are. That's dropping on Sunday, so subscribe now! … [Read more...] about What Your Salary Was Worth in 1800!
Did NASA's Psych Screening Fail?
I can see the Hollywood pitch meeting now."It's about an astronaut love triangle.""Sounds kinda lame.""But she wears a wig, a diaper and plans to kill.""Nah, too over the top. Thanks anyway."Real life offers no shortage of lunacy. As the dust settles from the shocking Lisa Nowak story (and wet dream for the media) some serious questions have to be raised about NASA's screening process. According to her bio, aside from enjoying "rubber stamps" and "African violets," she "completed two years of training and evaluation back in the late '90s." As someone who blasted off in the summer of '06, you would have to imagine there was a re-evaluation of her psychological state, no?NASA was able to log her last mission to the second (306 hours, 37 minutes and 54 seconds) but couldn't tell she was a nutter?Which raises a career question which can be asked across the board: Should organizations, especially ones where … [Read more...] about Did NASA's Psych Screening Fail?
6 Cures for "Job Spill" – Leave Work at Work!
job spill n. Work or work-related tasks that carry over into personal time.There are two types: The type you create and the type your boss expects. I don't care whether you're cooking dinner for a family of six or sitting on your ass watching American Idol, your time is YOUR time. We covered this on episode #57 of the Working Podcast - but several of you wrote in looking for a text version. So here it goes:1) Set precedent from the start. Maybe you have 4 jobs, 10 kids and spend all your free time with a Bible study group. Keep your new employer guessing about the "real" you.2) Keep your work friends out of your inner circle. Don't get all misanthropic on me but keeping some separation can filter our home work - as well as cut down on useless gossip and negative banter.3) The thrill of tech toy work goodies wears out quickly. Try to escape the blackberry, cell phone or pager. Sometimes they're a necessary evil - but they're really nothing more … [Read more...] about 6 Cures for "Job Spill" – Leave Work at Work!
Wendy's Employee: Genius at Work
I'm not a fan of fast food. Combine low quality food with a transient employee base and it's the perfect storm for some serious molecular gastronomy run afoul. That being said, I'd like to share with you a true rocket scientist. You'll learn all about what it's like to work for Wendy's. Salty language ensues. Biggie size it, baby! … [Read more...] about Wendy's Employee: Genius at Work
Dirty Girls Get Promoted
A survey recently conducted by Harper's Bazaar questioned 500 professional women with top jobs in finance, newspapers and health care about their attitudes on their office environments. Here are a few nuggets: - 85% have cried in the bathroom (I wonder how many men have?!) - 3 out of 5 would rather work directly for a man than a woman - 86% said they would flirt with a male colleague if it meant they got their way - 7 out of 10 said they were empowered at work by wearing high heels The bottom line is, if you got it - flaunt it. I always loved Jack Nicholson's character's line in As Good As It Gets when he's asked how he writes women characters so well: "I think of a man, and I take away reason and accountability." Now of course, I don't feel that way (so hold back those mean e-mails) but apparently other woman do! Why else would they not want to work for another woman? In my experience, working for a man and a woman are VERY different experiences - each … [Read more...] about Dirty Girls Get Promoted