It’s snowing in New York and we all should have the day off. I asked someone in HR this morning how much snow we would have to get to get the day off.
"Enough snow to make (our) boss not want to come in."
An honest answer.
I’m sure kids were glued to the morning news – waiting to see if their school name scrolled along the bottom (ah, memories!) As an adult, this is one of the many childhood pleasure stripped away.
Here are three reasons why we should get snow days off. Please leave a comment with your reasons.
– It’s stressful. From having to devote extra time to the commute to the standard worrying – ranging from "what if i get stuck" to "argh! i didn’t bring lunch from home and have no cash on me" to "who will watch the kids if school is closed" – Why not take the stress away and let us (where applicable) work from home?
– It’s dangerous. Over 1,571,500 traffic accidents a year are weather-related. That’s almost 25%. Why would our employers want to put as at such great risk?
– It’s distracting. Someone out there will inevitably write me and tell me about how much the country loses if a lot of people stay home. Whatever. People who actually make it in are cold, wet, tired and mystified by the falling white stuff. Productivity has gotta be in the basement.
At the very least, more companies should allot each employee with two "flex" days. Whether you use it for snow, a medical appointment or some other unforeseen instance – you can take the day, at the last minute, without having to fake illness. Seems like a pretty simple way to retain good employees. Someone out there has gotta have a policy like this. I’d love to hear about it…
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