I've just signed up for Blogvertise.com and they require I post a link about them before I am "approved." Obviously, you can smell my skepticism. Our blog and podcast receives great traffic - yet we have NOT been able to turn that into one red cent (okay, that's a lie - we've made 56 cents so far with AdBright.)All this means for you dear reader/listener, is that I might occasionally tell you about a product that suits this blog. I will always disclose if I am being compensated. But I wouldn't call us sell-outs yet... programs like this seem to fade like a fart in the wind. Hopefully this one hangs around.Here's to us making a few dollars to cover hosting costs, you having a great weekend and an extra hour of living! Turn back those clocks tonight, you desk slaves! Sorry for the meatless post. ;-) … [Read more...] about They Made Me Do It: Blogvertise.com
Ode to the Recruiter, A Poem
Listeners of the podcast know that I am always preaching that this show is only as good as YOU make it. Anyone can babble on for 20 minutes on how you should be handling your career - but we strive to be more. A community where we laugh and cry together about the world of work. That's why your e-mails, videos, etc. are key to our success. It also makes my life easier! ;-)Today we turn the blog over to one of our listeners, Sergei in San Diego. He'd like to share the following:Ode to the RecruiterFour months ago, I had time to relaxOh some time off, free from e-mail from faxThree months ago, I was still holding outFor that one perfect job, I still dreamt aboutTwo months ago, I was starting to findNo money for bills, and I longed for the grindOne month ago, I started to panicSent out more resumes! I became crazy and manicSo here’s to the recruiter, lord of my fateReader of the resumeKeeper of the gateJust one year ago, you were my best … [Read more...] about Ode to the Recruiter, A Poem
.36% Chance of Landing the Job
When you landed your gig you were up against a bunch of nameless/faceless competitors. Probably a handful. Maybe a dozen. Heck, perhaps a few hundred if you've got it all "cushy." However, take a moment to thank those florescent lights over your head and that creaky chair you're sitting in. You could be in Greensburg. Honda has a new plant that they're building in Greensburg, Indiana that will employ 2,000 associates when mass vehicle production begins in the fall of 2008. But in 2007 they've started "limited hiring." That would be 18 spots to be exact...yielding over 5,000 applicants. Put simply, each candidate has a third of a percent chance of becoming "part of the dream." If you wanna play the Honda lotto - apply here. Read more here. … [Read more...] about .36% Chance of Landing the Job
My Life as an Airport Screener
Barbara S. Peterson has written a great article for Conde Nast Traveler - Inside Job: My Life as an Airport Screener.I frequently see these ads online, on craigslist and in the Pennysaver...and even at my most desperate moments, wondered what kind of person would put themselves up against these types of conditions. Here an excerpt: Six months earlier, I had spotted a job advertisement online for part-time airport security screeners. The posting was notable for its dry recitation of the drawbacks of the job, as if to discourage all but the most desperate from applying. "This is a very physically demanding job with unique requirements," it read; I'd have to stand for up to four hours without a break, lift seventy-pound bags, and walk the equivalent of two miles during my shift. I would be expected to maintain my cool while dealing with constant stress from the noise, crowds, and "disruptive and angry passengers," which I couldn't let distract me from my … [Read more...] about My Life as an Airport Screener
Your Help Needed: Job Title Question
Unique occupations always intrigue this blog. Remember the French Polisher? Anyhoo, a conversation came up at work that has left us all stumped.What do you call a person who brings food to your hotel room?Help me out here...They're not a waiter (how would you differentiate this on a resume?)They're not a bellhop (unless they're bringing your bags WITH your food)Food-bringer-upper?Culinary Hospitality Consultant?Is it as simple as the unglamorous title of Hotel Food Server?Seriously. I'm baffled. What the heck are these folks called? Help! … [Read more...] about Your Help Needed: Job Title Question
Call in Sick: Spoof Boss's Caller ID
With the warmer weather around the corner and an extra hour of daylight coming our way (we change the clocks this weekend!), I want to make sure you guys are ready to call in sick and enjoy those sun-drenched days. Here's a trick a buddy shared with me. For all I know this is ancient history and circulated the Web a million times - but in case it hasn't - here it goes. Here's a method to make any number you want to show up on someone's Caller ID. It's a great Workhack when you want to call in sick and not let the boss know where you are. Now you can make it look like you're calling from home when you're really at the beach. The possibilities are limitless. Here's how it works: 1) Dial 407-386-3737 2) Press the number 5 3) Dial the phone number you want to call 4) Hit the star key 5) Dial the number you want the person to see on their ID 6) Hit the # (pound/hash) key Notes: You will hear silence - not a ring. But the person's phone will be ringing. … [Read more...] about Call in Sick: Spoof Boss's Caller ID
Caught Stealing on the Job: Video
With the abundance of Web video floating around, it's impossible to differentiate real from fake. I know at most jobs, the cleaning folks take out your trash after hours. Also, most people - no matter where they work - know not to leave their pocketbook visible for the world to see. Take a gander and let me know what you think. … [Read more...] about Caught Stealing on the Job: Video
Employee Handbook Bulls***
Show #60 of the Working Podcast has arrived. We continue to grow the podcast and the blog - and couldn't do it without your help! The one dynamic that has slowed down is YOUR participation. I'm a true believer that it's your stories, videos, phone calls that will truly make Jobacle.com a smashing success. So please send your good, bad and ugly! Here's what you can expect on the new show: I share the gory, politically correct details of my new employee handbook. "The Voice" answers your questions on value conflict and freedom of expression. Dean Lindsay has a quick networking tip. Take the vending machine munchies quiz. Direct Download We're got some great career experts and Web heavy-hitters lined up in the near future. So if you have a career question you want an answer to - let us know! … [Read more...] about Employee Handbook Bulls***
Why Neckties Blow (and some history)
First up, they'll be a new podcast posted late tonight - so please subscribe now. Also, if you dig this blog at all - please sub here and tell your co-workers!As I was feebly attempting to knot my tie in my cold, dark bedroom this morning (it took 4 attempts), I realized that this Web site should launch a campaign protesting the antiquated fashion appendix. Stay tuned...it's something we're looking into. For now, a few reasons why I HATE neck!- They choke you, suffocate you and the lack of oxygen restricts creativity.- They are 100 % useless. No, 1000% useless.- It takes eye-hand coordination first thing in the morning.- It never knots right (especially those thin bastards).- Knotting options suck (tie bow, windsor, half windsor or four in hand knots. Whatever!- Ironing and cleaning (if you ever do) are a pain/expense- What's wrong with a clip on? Do they even make some high-end ones?Leave your comments below on why you hate ties, contact us or leave … [Read more...] about Why Neckties Blow (and some history)
Cold-Calling (Selling Ice to Eskimos)
Guest Blogger: Thad Greer is an Executive Sales Recruiter and the Managing Partner with Priority Recruiting Solutions, Inc., a nationwide retained, executive search firm headquartered in South Florida. He can be reached at 888-EZ2-SEARCH or at thad@priorityrecruiting.com. His blog, "Confessions from a Serial Recruiter", serves as a resource for employers and job seekers alike...Cold-Calling (Selling Ice to Eskimos)I've been reading several of Seth Godin's books lately and his marketing insight has really opened my eyes (view his blog at www.sethgodin.com). Seth is the former VP/Marketing for Yahoo! and has written a number of books on internet marketing. The one that I have taken the most from is "Permission Marketing", a book he wrote way, way back in 1999. Having read this book around the same time I purchased an e-book called "Never Cold Call Again" by Frank Rumbauskas, www.nevercoldcall.com. I realized how little I actually knew about e-marketing … [Read more...] about Cold-Calling (Selling Ice to Eskimos)