job spill n. Work or work-related tasks that carry over into personal time.
There are two types: The type you create and the type your boss expects. I don’t care whether you’re cooking dinner for a family of six or sitting on your ass watching American Idol, your time is YOUR time. We covered this on episode #57 of the Working Podcast – but several of you wrote in looking for a text version. So here it goes:
1) Set precedent from the start. Maybe you have 4 jobs, 10 kids and spend all your free time with a Bible study group. Keep your new employer guessing about the "real" you.
2) Keep your work friends out of your inner circle. Don’t get all misanthropic on me but keeping some separation can filter our home work – as well as cut down on useless gossip and negative banter.
3) The thrill of tech toy work goodies wears out quickly. Try to escape the blackberry, cell phone or pager. Sometimes they’re a necessary evil – but they’re really nothing more than an albatross holding you down.
4) Open your mouth. Often, that’s enough. Employers have to be flexible to keep good employees. So just say "no" as gracefully as possible.
5) Stay organized. If you set deadlines and keep yourself in check during working hours, you’ll limit the leakage at home.
6) Farm it out. Your employees and/or co-workers are just as capable (almost!) as you. Make sure you’re divvying out tasks.
No one wants to hear the infamous "i’m going to need you to come in on Saturday, mmmkay" — but so much of the work that spills into our home lives is OUR fault!
So don’t be self-important. We see right through your Bluetooth earpiece. Keep work wear it belongs… at work! Leave your tips to avoid job spill below.
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