According to executive coach Marsha Egan, it might be time to fight e-mail addiction.
“There is a crisis in corporate America, but a lot of CEOs don’t know it,” Egan said. “They haven’t figured out how expensive it is.”
From wasting time on the company dime to cheapening your quality of life, e-mail addiction is looming over the country like a greedy shadow. While coach Egan is looking at it from the angle of “wasted productivity,” I think the personal ramifications are quite large as well.
Ask yourself: How often do I check… how many accounts… how often is my inbox empty… am i checking during movies… what if i added up all the time i’m checking accounts…
Man, I’m in bad shape – and I don’t even use a Crackberry. How much is too much?
Next time I have the urge, I’m going to resist. Maybe I’ll limit myself to three times a day.
Do y’all think there’s anything to “e-mail addiction?”
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