I click and clack away on my keyboard all day. And I'm sure most of you do too. But every once in awhile I like to think about what life could have been like if I pursued a different career. Meet the French Polisher. I won't lie, I had to Google "French Polishing." Apparently, it's a wood finishing technique that makes things glossy. You might consider a career change. Or just feel really, really good about what you do. Your call. … [Read more...] about Jobs You Never Think Of: French Polisher
Spy Games at Work: How Your Boss Watches You
Your boss is watching. We already know that cameras are everywhere, your Internet history can follow you for life and your boss has too much time on his/her hands. Here’s a look at how technology is only going to make things worse for the common cube dweller. HEATMAPPINGWhat if your computer monitor was rigged with cameras that tracked the movement of your eyes? Advanced Eye Interpretation technology is here now, and you better pray that your company can't afford to buy it. Currently used as a tool to help optimize Web sites by helping the owner understanding what visitors are looking at, the sophisticated eye-movement tech can easily be adapted by corporations who wish to know what their employees are looking at all day.Crazyegg.com recently announced that they are offering faux heatmaps and overlays of what people are clicking on within certain Web sites – for FREE. All site owners have to do is post a single line of code onto a page and they … [Read more...] about Spy Games at Work: How Your Boss Watches You
Burning Bridges on YouTube
Sometimes you just can't resist going out in a blaze of glory. Special thanks to Dennis @ Recruiters Dumping Ground for bringing this one back to life! … [Read more...] about Burning Bridges on YouTube
"Bill Gates Hired Me"
A few weeks back I did a Google search for "career blog." Now while I'm really good at tuning out the Google AdWords on the side of the page, one caught my eye. Bill Gates Hired MeMicrosoft annual report is just one project you'll see on my web site. Now THAT's a great headline. It got my attention, got me to click over and even got me interested in the site's creator - Jeff Fraga. Clearly, here's a dude who is capable of thinking out of the box. With a few measly words he was able to demonstrate creativity, strong copy writing skills and drop a huge name. That got me thinking about HOW to be creative. In my experience, it's something that can't be taught. However, there are a few simple tips you can follow to "juice the orange." And while I'd love to give you my take, someone has already done it, and done it better. Check out 30 Tips on How to Be Creative courtesy of GapingVoid.com. The entry is from a few years back, … [Read more...] about "Bill Gates Hired Me"
Secrets of a Fake Smile
There is something special about people who take pride in their work. You can hear it in their voices, see it on their faces and validate it with their results.Smiling not only makes you look inviting, accepting and nice - but it comes across in your voice too. And while I know firsthand that it is impossible to wear a smile every minute of everyday - it's something you need to try to do more often - even if it's fake!I'm not suggesting you go as far as joining a Laughing Club, however, next time you catch yourself walking down the hallway at work and you're all by yourself - crack a smile. I swear it'll make you feel better. I also swear that it'll make you look nuts - so make sure you're alone! Smiling is contagious, universal and creates an atmosphere. Don't hold back - let a rip!Smiling will:- Release hormones to regulate your mood- Increase the number of antibodies that fight infection- lower your blood pressure- boost respiratory … [Read more...] about Secrets of a Fake Smile
Your Cubicle, The Petri Dish
On show #55 of the Working Podcast a listener asked how they could buck a nasty trend and start taking their lunch hour AWAY from their desk. Download the show here or listen directly on our home page. While the Voice of Reason did a nice job of addressing the psychological ramifications, I'd like to touch on the potential medical fallout.Why should you get away from your desk for lunch? Stew on these numbers...# of germs per square inch in most cubicles:• 25,127 on the phone• 20,961 on the desktop• 3,295 on the computer keyboard• 1,676 on the mouse Source: University of Arizona/The Clorox CompanyBut you're not the only scaredy cat who's too busy to break away for lunch:• 78 percent of employees eat lunch at their desks at least two to three times a week. • Nearly 50 percent eat lunch at their desks every day.• 53 percent of all employees take a half-hour or less for lunch.• 24 percent of workers always clean their desks before eating at … [Read more...] about Your Cubicle, The Petri Dish
See How Work Stress Ages You!
It looks like the fine folks at Career Builder have run out of bananas. The chimps behind "Monk-e-Mail" have been given a pink slip and are being phased out. And nope, they're not being replaced with younger monkeys at half the pay - they are being replaced with an old timer: YOU!In order to show you how workplace stress can rapidly age you, the new "Age-o-Matic" campaign allows you to upload your photo, answer a few silly questions about your work environment, add your voice - and voila - you're aged 50 years!Check out my rapid aging here!I definitely think the campaign is clever and will receive a nice amount of buzz. However, the press release states:"Age-o-Matic instantly produces jaw-dropping, dramatically-altered photos depicting how they will look if they stay in their current positions."Yes, the fact that they are utilizing talking avatar technology is sweet. However, after testing out a few photos, it's very clear the center of your … [Read more...] about See How Work Stress Ages You!
7 Secrets to a Solid Biz Partnership
When I started the Working Podcast back in April '05, I was psyched to jump on the podcasting train as an early adopter. Now in '07, podcasts are a dime a dozen. That means I have to work twice as hard to produce a product that is superior to our "competitors."In order to continue to deliver quality content and market it, I realized that I could no longer go at it alone. I did not have the time or energy to do all the things that need to be done to make the podcast a success. Enter, Eric: great friend and now an excellent business partner.So far, the partnership we've formed has been awesome. I'm not a fool, there might be some rocky road ahead, but that's life, no? And don't get we wrong, we're hardly making millions - but I figured, while fresh in my mind, I'll throw out the reasons why our partnership is working:Same Values. Different Skills. You want someone with similar moral convictions, but someone who can bring things to the … [Read more...] about 7 Secrets to a Solid Biz Partnership
21 Worst Fictional Bosses – Add Your Picks!
Fictional bosses. They are often even more dreadful then their real-life counterparts. They can utter the words ‘You’re Fired!’ on a whim, cause in the fake world, wrongful termination lawsuits don’t exist.Get the Worst Boss List here. You'll find dreadful bosses such as Captain Kirk, Keyser Soze, and Willy Wonka. The list is by no means complete. Add your picks and join the debate. Leave a comment below, e-mail us at jobacle@gmail.com or leave us a voice mail at 888/786-1080. We'll pick up the debate on the next few episodes of the Working Podcast. Please subscribe now! … [Read more...] about 21 Worst Fictional Bosses – Add Your Picks!
Stuck at Work on MLK Day? Digg This!
On the third Monday of every January, schools, federal offices, and banks across America close as we celebrate America's most "recent" holiday: Martin Luther King Jr. Day. But maybe you're like me and forced to work while many of your friends get the day off! If you are, give your employer the finger by giving this a Digg!It was 20 years ago that President Ronald Reagan (unwillingly) signed a bill into law making MLK Day a national holiday - one of only four days to honor an individual person. Although the day is a federal holiday and a state holiday in all states, it is ignored by many companies. In 2006, 69% of employers did NOT get the day off.More companies are closed on Veterans Day or Columbus Day - which are also federal holidays. Why?I don't mean that as a rhetorical question. I REALLY want an answer. Why? Is it because stores haven't found a way to make money?Is it because the holiday is still "new?"Is it … [Read more...] about Stuck at Work on MLK Day? Digg This!