The other day, some bloke at work commented on the fact that my cubicle is kinda sparse. Aside from two tiny scenic pictures, the obligatory wallet shot of my wife and stacks of paper - there's absolutely nothing to check out. Unlike this dude, who has been here like four minutes, and brought in a crate worth of crap. I guess he's trying to make his mark in the mud. "I'm here to stay!" Good for you, buddy. And that got me thinking about the reasons why my area is a barren wasteland. It's not that I'm lazy or only been here three weeks. Here's my logic: - Keeps separation between work/home. As you all know, it's a tough juggling act - and like all relationships - there's no going backward. Once you let someone "in" - they are there to stay. - Less gawking. Everyone always has to glare at your monitor - why give them another reason to look over? - Easy departure. Knock on wood, I've never been fired from a job. But whether it's my choice or there's - I'd … [Read more...] about Why My Cubicle Is Empty
The Truth About Headhunters
Headhunter, recruiter, placement coordinator, executive search firm - many titles with the task of filling vacant positions or getting strong applicants for ones that are difficult to fill. Some can argue there are differences, but at the end of the day dear job hunter, they're all darn close. If you're confused about how they work or if one of these could help you - read on! Here's the deal:- YOU don't pay a cent. Headhunters are contracted by corporations and paid either per placement (a percentage of your salary) or on contract. There are many variations of how they are paid - and it's fair to ask. - Know your worth. It's important to remember that they answer to the person who hired them - so their best interest might not be with you. In other words, they are there to fill jobs and might try to get you to take a more junior position if you're desperate.- On a path. They are good if you are looking for the same type of work you currently do (or have … [Read more...] about The Truth About Headhunters HORRIBLEscopes
Back in 2005 we tried out Officescopes. They were exactly what they sound like: a cutsie little rundown for each sign of what the career-world holds for them. At the end of the day I decided the content just wasn't strong enough to warrant it as a regular feature on the Working Podcast.I was just doing some research just now for a blog I'm going to post tomorrow about headhunters (Please subscribe so you don't miss it.) and I came across horoscopes.More like horriblescopes.Not only is it worthless fortune-cookie-like info, but every sign toggles through the same horoscopes. So whether you're a stubborn and loyal Taurus like me - or a lovable Leo - you're going to find out "If you stay in your current job for another few years you may get that long overdue raise you deserve."No one expects Monster to staff a real astrologist, but I do expect they put a little more effort into their promotions. People searching for jobs are often feeling discouraged and can … [Read more...] about HORRIBLEscopes
Your Very Own TPS Report
I normally don't post blog entries on the weekend but since I'm basically "iced-in" here in NY - I figured what better way to spend the day then bouncing between the Food Network and the Internet.Amazingly, my latest blog post, "An Open Letter From Your Keyboard" hit the frontpage of The coolest part about it is that people from over 81 countries have viewed it so far - only 112 to go!For now, enjoy your very own TPS reports! I might see you again soon - since I'm stir crazy!! … [Read more...] about Your Very Own TPS Report
A to Z on Reference Letters
They're hard to ask for - but essential to the job search. Or are they? Certified career coaches Christine and Jen from Make the Leap answer all of your reference letter questions. When to ask. Who to ask. How important are they? Do they expire? Direct Download And for you super lazy blokes, you can generate fake reference letters here. … [Read more...] about A to Z on Reference Letters
101 Ways to Get Fired: Book Giveaway
We'll make this simple. We've got five copies of a neat little book, "101 Ways to Get Fired" by David Cordell. It's jampacked with humor, fake name plates, phony business cards, etc. All you have to do is contact me and give me some feedback on our blog/podcast. Whether it's good or bad - I won't hold it against you! We'll randomly pick five folks tomorrow and ship out the books pronto. Your other option is to link to us from your blog or Web site. Just let me know here. If you don't wanna roll the dice, you can buy the book or tide yourself over with an interview with the author. … [Read more...] about 101 Ways to Get Fired: Book Giveaway
A Waste of Your Time (I Swear!)
John Chow, the “root of all evil" (at least when it comes to cross-promoting link madness), is giving away a shiny new Nintendo Wii. The contest is sponsored by - fine folks who make promotional pens. Heck, we could use a few pens with our fancy sheep on them... Anyhow, this post puts me in the running. So it has little benefit for you, dear reader. Sorry for the imposition - and if I win, I'll find a way to give back and make it up to you. I promise. … [Read more...] about A Waste of Your Time (I Swear!)
Office Bathroom Upgrade Ideas
I've gone five times. And that might be too much information for you, if so, stop reading now (but subscribe for later). And that's five times TOTAL during my career. Let's just say I tend to keep number two away from the workplace when possible. However, my lack of use hasn't kept me from thinking of ways to improve the office lavatory. A few simple enhancements would make the bathroom a much nicer place to be. Keep in mind this is from a man's perspective. Feel free to share what you'd like to see changed below. - No cracks. Doors should close flush. I shouldn't have to worry about the door swinging open mid-business or getting locked in. - High doors. Why can't the doors be built to the floor? Shoes are a dead giveaway - and we all look under the stall. - Music. Muzac. Anything but silence. It's already awkward enough, how hard would it be to play some music? - Urinal dividers. They should be wide and long - cause I don't need … [Read more...] about Office Bathroom Upgrade Ideas
New Way to Circulate Your Resume
Everyone is jumping on the Scribd bandwagon. I'm not sure how useful/big this site will turn out to be - but I gotta give props to this dude who put his resume out there for the world to see. And from what I can tell, he was one of the first. I think it might be yet another great vehicle to disseminate your info - BUT I would certainly not share all of your contact info... As you can see below, you can upload a document and allow people to embed or download a text file, pdf or even hear audio.Curious to hear what you think about using Scribd from a career perspective. … [Read more...] about New Way to Circulate Your Resume
Get Drunk at Work: The EZ Way
If you don't operate machinery, drive a vehicle or give a flying F about your job - you might want to consider drinking alcohol at work. You're likely to be A LOT more honest with your boss. In honor of St. Patrick's Day, the annual excuse (as if you lushes needed another) to get all sloppy, we've asked our resident mixologist Todd the Bartender to talk about drinking at work.Jobacle: What's the quickest way to get drunk at work?Todd: Let me start by saying that if you listen to any of my advice you're a fool. Is that enough of a disclaimer? Ok, anyway, I'd opt for eating nothing all day and drinking vodka with a straw. Other good options are the obvious full-grain Everclear and even regular wine. Since it's meant to be sipped, chugging will actually get you buzzed quicker then some drinks with higher proofs.Q: What about the smell factor? Is anything really odorless?A: Well vodka is as close to odorless as you're gonna get - but processing gives virtually … [Read more...] about Get Drunk at Work: The EZ Way