BONSAI: A living plant transferred into a pot or tray that can continue to live semi-permanently. It is often said that there are four disciplines that must be mastered to successfully grow and care for a bonsai tree: horticultural, technical, artistic and philosophical. I propose that the elements to perfect your career are really no different. Here's how: Ongoing Relationship - Sure there's birth and death, just like there's hiring and firing. However, the in between is an ongoing process that will always be in a state of flux. Unlike other things that happen in your life, you must remember that pleasure in your career will not come from completing work, but rather from the act of making it fruitful and worthwhile. Just like the bonsai, your job is a "living sculpture."Nature vs. Nurture - Bonsai growers often develop a deep relationship with their tree. Not only does this result in a great feeling of … [Read more...] about Your Career Is Like a Bonsai Tree
Most Obnoxious Blogger of the Year?
While I'm fairly certain we don't fall into that category - maybe you read another blog that dose. If you think you know the best, worst or freakiest blog ever - then you want to vote for the best blog during the Bloggers Choice Awards. I think you can nominate this blog, but we're content to rack up the podcasting awards! A blogging nod would just be gravy. The Web site is a who's who of the blogosphere. The best part is is that democracy rules. No stuffed ballot boxes. Only YOUR opinion. And there's no shady dude in the background playing games since the voting is displayed in real-time. Apparently, there's even going to be some sort of awards ceremony. And while I highly doubt Jack Nicholson will be sitting in the fron row as Billy Crystal ribs the crowd, it should still be a sight to see. Wil Wheaton walking the red carpet as the blokes from engadget capture the whole thing on some handheld Nintendo Wii camera hack. You can vote for as many blogs as you like, but you can … [Read more...] about Most Obnoxious Blogger of the Year?
House Hunting Weekend
The seemingly never-ending search for a house continues this weekend… It's like a constant tug-of-war: where will the market move – up or down? In the NY area things are still so bloated that it might make sense to pick up and head to Scottsdale AZ. Sure I'd have to deal with the heat but I'll probably sweat a lot less with a lower mortgage payment! … [Read more...] about House Hunting Weekend
It's a Numbers World Out There
Every day I am bogged down with numbers. There's a reason I got into creative fields. To avoid numbers, duh! I understand that it's money that keeps the company going and keeps me gainfully employed. So for that, I guess I'm a math fan afterall. Now for those of you who read this blog, I wanted to let you know about a lead management solution that will allow you to not only track leads, campaign, and revenue dollar amounts - but will integrate sales lead management, visitor tracking, and sales analytics. Ah, now that sounds like the kind of thing my company needs to invest in. Maybe it's just my bad luck, but why does every company I work for have so many internal rifts. I've never been threatened by the "competition" - only corporate civil wars! So many people are busy hiding information from one another that we end up with 10 tools that do the same thing. I'll run a report with one set of numbers and someone will inevitably run the "same" report using a different program. We … [Read more...] about It's a Numbers World Out There
What to Wear on an Interview = Garbage
We try not to be overly critical here at - but at the same time - we are trying to push existing career Web sites to a higher standard. Today's example of "Holy crap, we gotta jump into this Web video craze" belongs to the folks at Now, in general, the site does offer some great resources for job seekers. However, the video below is a career site doing video just for the sake of doing video. The content is flat, production is weak and it's a waste of :53 seconds of your life. Career Web sites can post all of the video in the world. They can blab on and on about whether video resumes are "the next big thing. BUT, all of these career Web sites must realize that if they don't evolve with the needs and wants of today's online job seeker, they will eventually be left behind. I implore these companies to only tackle Web 2.0 if they have a useful and well thought-out product. Quite frankly, these Vault videos look they were done by a high school film class. … [Read more...] about What to Wear on an Interview = Garbage
INITECH vs. Dunder-Mifflin
Weigh the facts and tell us where you'd rather work and why...THE BUSINESSInitechAustin, TXComputer software companySocietal Contributions: Red stapler, TPS Reports, FlairORDunder-MifflinScranton, PennsylvaniaPaper supply companySocietal Contributions: The Dundies THE BOSSMichael ScottMarital status: singlePosition: regional manager Weapon: severe awkwardnessCatch phrases: "That's what she said"; "Shut it"Car: Chrysler Sebring convertible ORBill LumberghMarital status: singlePosition: regional manager Weapon: micromanaging, paperwork, Mmm, yeahCatch phrases: "What's happening?"; "Mmm, yeah, I'm gonna need you to..." Car: Porsche 911 w/ license plate "MY PRSCHE"THE LEAD WORKERJim HalpertPosition: Paper sales representativeObsession: Receptionist Pam BeeslyWeapon: pranks ORPeter GibbonsPosition: software engineer Obsession: waitress JoannaWeapon: sarcasmTHE CO-WORKERSDwight SchrutePosition: Assistant to the Regional ManagerObsession: … [Read more...] about INITECH vs. Dunder-Mifflin
Only YOU Can Fire Don Imus…
Don Imus gets suspended for two weeks. There's no need to repeat the reason why since you can't escape this story if you try. However, he did apologize. My question for you is do you think his employer(s), CBS and MSNBC have screwed him over?In order to do your job well, it's important to have the full support of your boss. If you don't, you will not only be less creative, but you will likely take less risks - resulting in status quo.I am NOT an Imus fan. And I would never say what Imus said. But picture yourself saying something stupid and then having the Rev. Al show up at your cubicle. Of course if he's there, it means dozens of cameras will be too.The Rutger's women's basketball team will "break their silence" at 11am today. As long as it doesn't preempt the DNA results of Anna Nicole's baby, it's all good. In a way, YOU are the boss of every celebrity. You can easily fire a star by turning the other way. And if … [Read more...] about Only YOU Can Fire Don Imus…
Going Postal on a Monday Morning
This morning, a gunman, who might have been fired a week ago, returned to his office - with a rifle.He opened fire on three people inside the Troy, Michigan office building, killing one person and injuring several others.I really can't think of anything scarier then sitting at your desk, killing time, and looking up and seeing a disgruntled ex-worker appear. My sympathies go out to the victims and their families.What I found even more shocking is that the term "going postal" has only been around since the late 80's. Between 1986 and 1997, more than 40 people were killed in over 20 incidents of workplace rage. Thinking back on some of the nuts I've had the pleasure of working with, it's amazing that number is so low.Remember: the greatest revenge is success. Don't come back and kill me. Just make a lot of money, buy my company, become my boss - and anchor me at my desk - then you'll really have the last laugh. … [Read more...] about Going Postal on a Monday Morning
Job-Hopping Frenzy in India
A new online survey uncovers that many software firms are scrambling to figure out ways to retain IT pros in India. Supply and demand is so in the workers' favor that they are bouncing from gig to gig - making more money with each stop. Believe it or not, annual salary hikes of 20% are not even enough to retain good employees. Almost 50% of techies in India have been with their current firm for under a year - even though 70% of them had been promoted! The findings were based on surveys filled out by close to 2,000 geeks from over 50 cities at The crazy part is that the bulk of these cats are between 23 - 31 years old and have less than five years of work experience. The city with the best salary was Bangalore. I guess that means Bangalore or bust! … [Read more...] about Job-Hopping Frenzy in India
Cubicle Suicide Made Easy
Our buddy Duane over at the Commute Smarter blog tipped us off to a game that has a concept that most of you can relate to. The premise? You're so miserable at work that you have "Five Minutes to Kill Yourself" before you have to attend another meeting. You can take yourself out in a variety of ways! My personal fave - stapler to the head. Ah, God bless those twisted folks over at Adult Swim.You use the arrow keys to storm around the office. I found the controls a little awkward, but it could just be my lack of video game skills. It's a solid concept. I've often thought of drowning myself in the toilet or sticking a wet paperclip into an outlet... so this game hits home.You can play it here.And just like Duane, please be sure to send us any career-related links for us to share on the blog or podcast.And don't forget to kick anyone in the ass who uses the word "hump day" today! … [Read more...] about Cubicle Suicide Made Easy