Back in 2005 we tried out Officescopes. They were exactly what they sound like: a cutsie little rundown for each sign of what the career-world holds for them. At the end of the day I decided the content just wasn’t strong enough to warrant it as a regular feature on the Working Podcast.
I was just doing some research just now for a blog I’m going to post tomorrow about headhunters (Please subscribe so you don’t miss it.) and I came across Monster.com horoscopes.
More like horriblescopes.
Not only is it worthless fortune-cookie-like info, but every sign toggles through the same horoscopes. So whether you’re a stubborn and loyal Taurus like me – or a lovable Leo – you’re going to find out “If you stay in your current job for another few years you may get that long overdue raise you deserve.”
No one expects Monster to staff a real astrologist, but I do expect they put a little more effort into their promotions. People searching for jobs are often feeling discouraged and can use any little speck of hope they can get. While these recycled horoscopes don’t hurt anyone, they certainly don’t help.
Am I nit-picking on a Sunday afternoon? Maybe I’m just annoyed that my car is still stuck in a block of ice!! Let me know in the comments below.
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