Oh, Conan, you are so in a league of your own. Strap yourself in for a tour of Intel - where there's no individuality, no hope and chess matches at lunch. Suddenly, my cube doesn't seem so lame. … [Read more...] about Second Graders Visit a Cubicle
Would YOU Hire A-Rod?
Just in case you've been living under a rock - or have a limited interest in baseball - here's the 10-second version of the controversy surrounding baseball this week.New York Yankees' third baseman Alex Rodriguez was running the bases. There was a pop fly. As he passed the player who was waiting to catch the ball, he yelled, "Ahhhh!" The player dropped the ball. The Toronto Blue Jays were mad. Screaming mad.Some players have called it "Bush league" - saying it was a play out of an eight-year-old little league game. Others have said that A-Rod was desperate for a Yankee win and was doing anything he could to help.Now I pose this question to everyone: Would you want a "screamer" on your team? Someone, who isn't necessarily cheating, but is willing to do what it takes to get your team "a win." In the business world, people are desperate to meet quotas, make sales and hit targets. And sometimes, you have to … [Read more...] about Would YOU Hire A-Rod?
Plan Your June Sick Days NOW!
We've been enjoying a nice warm stretch of weather here in NY. I curse the sunny days that I'm anchored to my cube, breathing nothing but recycled air and baking in the glow of florescent lights. That's why I figured it was a good time to remind you (and myself) that only fools save sick days.Of course, this doesn't apply to the unlucky (but wealthy) blokes who work for the bastards at Merrill Lynch (check out their sick day memo). These guys will show you the door if you take 9+ sick days. Check out more asinine company policy here.So, if you're looking for days that are ripe to (COUGH COUGH) call in sick, be sure to consult our official 2007 Sick Day Calendar.And if you're just looking to have some fun this June, why not celebrate one of the following:June 1 - Donut DayJune 18 - Int'l Picnic DayJune 20 - Ice Cream Soda DayJune 21 - First day of summerYour boss will use days. Your boss's boss will use days. Don't play the hero. And if … [Read more...] about Plan Your June Sick Days NOW!
Get Nostalgic! Report Card Comments…
My wife is a teacher and I was shocked the day she brought home a book that was nothing but report card comments. At first I was stunned, shocked and appalled that the teachers I so dutifully respected and looked up to were recycling comments on me! Andrew effectively uses non-verbal communication techniques. Hells yeah! Andrew is able to work independently and with confidence. Yes, leave me alone! Andrew encourages others in the group. Really? You mean all of those words of praise that made mom and dad so proud weren't solely for me? Ouch! Let's face it, managers adapt the same crummy comments for our annual reviews. Check out the list below. And no, you're not special. To read the document click where it says "Download as PDF." … [Read more...] about Get Nostalgic! Report Card Comments…
The New Work Craze: Tie Rentals
A few years back, when we were in a full wedding planning craze, I had my first experience renting a tux. I couldn't believe the expense. And the thing that blew is that it wasn't just me having to dip into my wallet, it was my groomsmen too. But as I suited up on that amazing day (and it was worth every penny!) I couldn't help but send a silent salute to the bastard who figured out how to turn a $500 outfit into thousands. I guess the same could be said about all of those bowling alley shoe rentals. Enter Net Tie - a Netflix business model for you corporate suits out there. I first learned about these guys when there Google ad appeared alongside my Web site. Here's what they do, it's quite simple. You pick a subscription plan, get ties in the mail, wear the tie (for as long as you like), send it back, and get more ties. The more you pay, the more ties you are allowed to have out at once. And a la Netflix, you'll receive a postage paid envelope to mail the noose … [Read more...] about The New Work Craze: Tie Rentals
How to Stop a Bully Boss
"You idiot!" "Monkeys could do a better job." "Utter incompetence." These are direct quotes from Joseph Damon's Big Bad Boss. He's a regular reader/listener who sent in the following e-mail:"Recently my boss has taken an uber-aggressive attitude with me and my co-workers. I don't know what gives but I almost feel like it's bordering on abuse. What do you recommend I do?"Well Joseph, you raise an excellent question with an annoyingly vague answer. While every situation is different, and I'm, by no means an expert (I haven't been having the best luck with this situation recently, either), I will outline a few options. I ask that readers of the Jobacle blog add their two cents too - and maybe together - we can get your bully boss to pipe down.Push back, immediately. Like most abusive relationships things get worse over time as the bully feels empowered that they can get away with this behavior. The tricky part is HOW to push … [Read more...] about How to Stop a Bully Boss
Need a Good Job? Flee the Country.
The Career Filter is a regular segment on the Working Podcast. In it, we highlight three little-known career resources on the Web. Since it's been a long time between podcasts - and might be even longer - I figured why not bring you a the 411 on a Web site I was recently turned on to: JustLanded.com. If you're thinking of working in another country they have all juice you'd even need. Let's say for example you wanted to work in Switzerland - hey, why not! Here's some of the useful info you'll find on the site: The job market:For most foreigners, Switzerland appears to be a paradise for working conditions. Swiss employees enjoy some of the highest salaries in the world. Despite widespread job losses in Switzerland during the early 1990s recession, unemployment is still among the lowest in Europe. more Work permits:Since 1998, Switzerland has a dual priority system for the issuance of work permits: this means priority is given to workers from EU member states and a … [Read more...] about Need a Good Job? Flee the Country.
Office Gossip Gets Foursome Canned
Just hand me a pink slip now... and the rest of the workforce for that matter. If you've ever gossiped about your boss - your job could be in jeopardy.Four folks who work for the town of Hooksett, New Hampshire say they were canned for discussing the possibility of their boss and a mystery woman. The boss felt his family life was being threatened by the rumors and took swift action against the chatterboxes. It's an interesting question. There's nothing more conducive for idle chatter then meaningless break-room banter. Are you telling me that employer's are in the right for letting these people go for opening up their mouths? Has Pandora's box been opened or will this foursome get their gigs back?I can understand both sides of the argument and am honestly not sure where I stand. While I think it over - why don't you tell me what you think by leaving a comment below. … [Read more...] about Office Gossip Gets Foursome Canned
Shortage of Female Truckers, Duh!
I've got some "real" work to do this morning so here's a quickie roundup of random career links that will have a minimal impact on your working world.Shortage of Women Truckers - I'd like to say I'm surprised.Class of '07 Job Boom? New grads might be mad lucky.Jersey Is Shrinking Away - Don't steal in the Garden State.Smokers Need Not Apply - Hotel smokers get snubbed out.Knotted Necks - Formal dress code makes comeback. … [Read more...] about Shortage of Female Truckers, Duh!
Does Anyone Work Anymore?
That's a thought that has crossed my mind during every sick, vacation and personal day. It can be a rainy Wednesday afternoon in October - yet everything is packed! Chris Colin has written a neat article for SF Gate: Why Aren't You Working? It's about time someone asked the question on everybody's mind! … [Read more...] about Does Anyone Work Anymore?