"What does your dad do for a living?" "He manages business." This exchange between Kevin Arnold and a classmate from the Wonder Years illustrates a common theme among kids of all ages - we had no idea what our parents did for a living (especially dad!). In light of Father's Day's being right around the corner, I wanted to share clips from the third episode of the Wonder Years - "My Father's Office." The episode is a brilliant commentary on the intermingling between work and family - or the lack thereof. Long before Office Space had their TPS Reports, poor Jack Arnold was pushing S14 Forms as a manager of distribution and product support services for NORCOM. KEVIN: What's your office like? JACK: It's an office. Four walls, a ceiling, a door. There were other lessons too. JACK: Tell you what, Kevin, it is time you learned about the most important part of the working day... the coffee break. I remember the handful of times I went up to work with my dad. It was like they added a holiday … [Read more...] about Going to Work With Dad – Contest!
How to Be a Buddhist at Work
My boss drinks, the intern steals and every day, the team in marketing gather 'round for GossipFest. What do all of these things have in common? Well aside from being lousy for your career, they go against the Five Precepts - the basic ethical requirements of Buddhism. Regular listeners of the podcast know that I rely on many Buddhist principles to help me get through the day at work. I'm not here to preach any religion or belief, however, I will share philosophies that can help make your life (at work) a whole lot easier. I hope you join the conversation. Please subscribe, leave a comment below and tell a co-worker. … [Read more...] about How to Be a Buddhist at Work
Workplace Torture – Attacked by Canned Air
Who knew that liquified difluoroethane, trifluoroethane, or tetrafluoroethane would create an at-work nightmare. In laymans terms, I'm talking about canned air. And the co-worker directly next to me is obsessed with it.10am - Pssss2pm - Psssssss4pm - PsssssssssCome on, lady! You're not a computer technician, photographer, or stereo enthusiast. And your keyboard can't be dirty, can it? Are you an addict?Gas dusters are one of the many inhalants that can be abused. In fact, some office supply stores will ask for your ID to make sure you are 18 years or older.The sad part is, my salary suffers because of the Air Addicts' habit. Cans sell for about two bucks a pop. At the rate she's going, that's a big-ticket item!Here are a few canned air fun facts:- The canisters release zero moisture- 99% of brands are "ozone safe"- Canned air is banned from airplanes- You can get frostbite from spraying it on yourself- It can help remove car dents- … [Read more...] about Workplace Torture – Attacked by Canned Air
Awkward Alert: New Employee Introductions
You're already frazzled. You've checked six times to make sure you ripped the tags off those new pants. It's your first day at a new job. Shaking hands and remembering names is as difficult as it will get today. For some reason, every boss in the universe has to make sure you meet everyone on Day One.The reason I bring this up is because I normally appreciate a boss who thinks "out of the box" and tries something out of the mainstream. Except when it's the King of Awkward.A newbie joined our department yesterday and here's what she was subjected to. The Big Bossman pulled a move I'd never experienced. He asked the whole department (about 10 of us) to come into his office. Already sitting there was the rookie. We rolled up on her like we were straight out of Compton. We formed a semi-circle and trapped her against the wall.The King of Awkward then went around and introduced us (hardly in the most flattering terms) one … [Read more...] about Awkward Alert: New Employee Introductions
Working Podcast: Bullies, Teachers and CEOs
Episode #64 of the Working Podcast has officially dropped. And we promise, unlike the Sopranos, we'll never just cut to black and leave a Journey song mid-chorus! Here's what you'll hear on the newest episode: 6 ways to battle a bully boss. The truth about CEOs salaries. 3 career resources you don't know about. Slam poetry - teachers fight back. Please give the file below a few minutes to load. The entire show is about 17 minutes. As always, I look forward to your feedback. Get this widget! … [Read more...] about Working Podcast: Bullies, Teachers and CEOs
Business Plan Template
Who knew starting your own business could be as easy as filling in the blanks. Ok, maybe not. But the template below can get you started on the right foot. And if you're in college, it looks like you'll be getting an "A" in Business 101. Occasionally I embed docs from one of my favorite Web sites - Scribd.com. In order to see a larger version, look for the tiny print at the bottom that says "Download as PDF." … [Read more...] about Business Plan Template
Sex Shops, Cab Drivers and a Diner
What do all three headline items have in common? Nope, they're not the name of a new Scorcese film. Rather, all businesses that turn a pretty nice profit. New York Magazine has a neat article call The Profit Calculator. It reveals how New York City, and virtually everything in it, is a money machine. Based on analyst reports, tax filings, and interviews with former and current employees, get an inside look at how 21 institutions feed the beast. It seems like the sex shops outprofit the pizza places by about 1000%. Jesus. Only in the Dirty Apple, kids. … [Read more...] about Sex Shops, Cab Drivers and a Diner
Only Fools Work While On Vacation
You self-important suckers! According to a recent Associated Press-Ipsos poll, one in five people brought a laptop along on their recent vacation. Aside from incessantly checking MySpace for new friend requests, you were checking in at the office too. Shame on you!The reasons cited for “checking in” were:- It’s expected of me- I might miss important information- I enjoy being “in-the-know” Wow – I’m soooo impressed Mister Laptop on the Beach guy. You deserve your own “Real Men of Genius” Budweiser ad. 19% of folks said they worked on their vacation even though they were technically off. Don’t tell me a Blackberry is not the world’s smallest albatross.The poll also states that white men are the worst culprits when it comes to working on their vacation. Idiots. Women, were more likely to read a book. At least Oprah’s Book Club is good for something.The sad part is is that America already gets the least amount … [Read more...] about Only Fools Work While On Vacation
What % of Your Salary on Housing?
This might be a very personal question but I have to ask anyway.What percentage of your total household income do you spend on housing?I'm talking about your mortgage payment and taxes.You see, I've been hunting for a house for what feels like forever. And I've heard all of the cliches: "you'll find a way to make it work," "bite off more then you can chew," "they'll never be a right time," etc. And I'm not saying that that's bad advice. But I am who I am, and I'm a fan of empirical data. Eventually, I'll pull the trigger on a real estate deal, but before I do, I need your input! Many people say that you should not spent more then 25% of your salary on housing. Others say don't exceed 40%. I'm in New York, and I ain't going anywhere... at least not right now.I'm bored with all of those "How Much House Can You Afford" calculators. There's nothing like real info from real people.So, if you can shed some … [Read more...] about What % of Your Salary on Housing?
You're Sooooo Middle Class
Where in the "middle class" do you fall? Leave it to the New York Times to care. An interactive graph lets you select your occupation, education, income, wealth - the tool will then show you where you rank against the rest of America according to U.S. Census data (as well as other sources). I actually ranked a little higher than I figured I would. And I don't mean that to brag (I'm hardly ready for East Egg). I have a fairly mediocre salary, in my humble opinion, considering what I bring to the table. In fact, let's be honest, I'm grossly underpaid. But who's not, right? Even if you're not, I tell myself that YOU are so I can sleep at night! According to Wikipedia, the middle class are people who have a degree of economic independence, but not a great deal of social influence or power. Do you care where you fall in the social hierarchy? … [Read more...] about You're Sooooo Middle Class