Just in case you’ve been living under a rock – or have a limited interest in baseball – here’s the 10-second version of the controversy surrounding baseball this week.
New York Yankees’ third baseman Alex Rodriguez was running the bases. There was a pop fly. As he passed the player who was waiting to catch the ball, he yelled, "Ahhhh!" The player dropped the ball. The Toronto Blue Jays were mad. Screaming mad.
Some players have called it "Bush league" – saying it was a play out of an eight-year-old little league game. Others have said that A-Rod was desperate for a Yankee win and was doing anything he could to help.
Now I pose this question to everyone: Would you want a "screamer" on your team? Someone, who isn’t necessarily cheating, but is willing to do what it takes to get your team "a win."
In the business world, people are desperate to meet quotas, make sales and hit targets. And sometimes, you have to reach deep into your bag of tricks to stay afloat. Now, I don’t care if it’s on the baseball field or in the car manufacturing plant, the question is simple – how far do you want your employees to go to ensure success?
I’m always amazed at the number of people who write me bashing the Yankees. Save your breath – I could care less. This is not about hating the Yankees, despising A-Rod or judging a simple baseball play – let’s view it on a larger scale in a different context.
I look forward to your thoughts.
My take: I am NOT a big A-Rod fan. I would not play the game the way he does. However, as a Yankee fan, I do appreciate the fact that he brings something to the table other than stock answers and quiet at bats. When you’re a fan – you want your team to win. It’s a game. And yes, it’s THAT simple.
No business wants an employee to tarnish their good name – but secretly, they love a victory – at almost any cost.
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