I wanted to share a tool that a certain cube dweller has been using at work in order to check his Gmail, visit eBay and surf other sites that his company has deemed "inappropriate in the workplace."This individual has been using this Web site for many months to get around the IT blockades. Perhaps you already know about it but I figured why not put it out there just in case you have been experiencing the same Web discrimination!Your sites will load slower than usual - and you will get blitzed with two pop up ads everytime you open the site in a browser - but hey, you'll be free to do as you please. And isn't that what the Web is all about?On an unrelated note, a big thanks to everyone so far who has volunteered to give my resume a overhaul. I'm going to wait a few more days before I work out some barter deals so if you have any interest - please let me know! … [Read more...] about WorkHack: Checking Blocked Web Sites
9 Career Lessons From the NY Yankees
This blog entry was started yesterday afternoon when I had convinced myself that Joe Torre would be fired this morning as manager of the Yankees after a sweep by the New York Mets. Well, Torre lives on another day (thanks to a gutsy performance by a 22-year-old making his major league debut) - but is clearly hanging by a thread. That leads us to an important question everyone will one day have to ask themselves - "When should I "hang it up?" It's usually evident in sports with athletes hanging around longer then they should - driven only by their innate competitive edge. Bowing out gracefully is easier said then done. Instead, many cash in and water down there careers as their bodies let them down - in turn, letting down fans. Their career stats spiral downward as production often tapers down to a crawl.So, aside from "knowing when to fold 'em," let's take a look at some lessons your career could learn from the New York … [Read more...] about 9 Career Lessons From the NY Yankees
Attention! Can You Re-Write a Great Resume?
It's simple - I need an expert to look over my resume. After a year of coasting by comfortably at a relatively new gig, it's time for an update. If you think you have the skills, please write me here.I am looking for someone who is willing to barter a re-write in exchange for some Web exposure and possibly a long-term relationship with the Jobacle crew.I'm not looking for the generic action verbs. I'm already overstocked on "conceptualized!" Your skills should be able to highlight the tightrope I try to walk everyday of my life: a solid understanding of business, yet able to think outside the box with some wickedly creative ideas. Looking forward to hearing from you. I promise it will be worth your time. … [Read more...] about Attention! Can You Re-Write a Great Resume?
Digg Your Resume to the Top of the Heap
Do you believe that the hiring process SHOULD NOT be based on: who you Know, self-promotion and random luck?Do you believe the Hiring process SHOULD be based on: the strongest performing employee getting the job, the candidate with the strongest accomplishments -- at work, school, and elsewhere and a market driven by merit?If so, you want to check out the "next generation job board" that ranks candidates by "Merit" - TalentSpring.comResumes are ranked by your peers in a given industry a la Digg. After you upload your resume you will be asked to vote on a pair of battling resumes. You pick the better of the two - thus, burying the loser and elevating the winner. 2,000 points is the top in a category and 1,000 is entry level.Can you smell the foul play? According to the company, if you have an abnormally large pattern of incorrect votes, YOU will be the one sunk.You can read more details over at TechCrunch.com.I'm not sold on the concept. Who … [Read more...] about Digg Your Resume to the Top of the Heap
Kissing Work Goodbye, For Now
I'm always amazed to find my inbox stuffed (ok, maybe sprinkled) with your great e-mails. Whether it's the scoop on a hot new career resource, constructive criticism or just a note saying "yo, wassssup?" - I love hearing from you. That's why today's blog is turned over to you. Here's a few random items that have been sent in from some working stiffs. I encourage you to reach out and hit us up with an e-mail (JOBACLE at gmail DOT COM) or a comment. After all, this is YOUR blog. A place for real-world advice and a forum to share anything career-related. Gregory Burns Bridges!As many of you are aware, today is my last day at the firm. It is time for me to move on and I want you to know that I have accepted a position as "Trophy Husband". This decision was quite easy and took little consideration. However, I am confident this new role represents a welcome change in my life and a step up from my current situation. While I have a high … [Read more...] about Kissing Work Goodbye, For Now
YOUR Career Answers: Batch #1
Thanks to the folks who have answered our Career Questionnaire Part 1 so far. This is an open project and we ask that you click here and play along. Remember, full disclosure helps ALL working stiffs! Plus, you can get a link back from us - so you have nothing to lose except career karma! Here are some of your answers so far:Amybeth Hale's worst boss: I always got the crappy leads and the bad hours. She didn't hide her pleasure when I told her I was quitting either. YourHRGuy.com's Most Rewarding Task: Putting together a training that motivates but empowers the downtrodden hourly worker to succeed.HD BizBlog 1.2's Best Item "Permanently Borrowed": I have a beautiful watercolor painting of a sailboat. An original. No one will ever miss it.FlippingHeck.com's Worst Boss: One of my previous bosses decided to have me arrested for theft.Keep the good stuff rolling in! … [Read more...] about YOUR Career Answers: Batch #1
Exit Interview Gone Awry
Offsite Work Meetings Are Evil
Every now and then some "forward-thinking" boss thinks they're going to extract more out of you by taking you off campus for some extended meeting. I've been a part of my fair share of these torturous "change of scenery" experiments. Like the time I was dragged to some townhouse owned by Art Garfunkel where they fed us soul food and had some British mediator cut us off when we went too long. Or the time I had to go play tennis and we broke into small groups and participated in "icebreakers."Note to bosses. Making me go to a new and fresh environment will not stimulate me. It will frustrate me as a worry about how I'm going to get there and back without sitting in traffic. I will also resent you for forcing me to interact with folks who won't even make eye contact in the hallway at work. And then, we'll be forced to pretend we know each other... for a week... until it all wears off.But I have no right to … [Read more...] about Offsite Work Meetings Are Evil
Stay-at-Home Parent – A Career Killer?
Sometimes a thought just hits you out of the blue like lightning and you wonder how you never could have thought of it before. Call it a revelation.Maybe I should stay home with a baby. Me, Andrew G.R.My wife's not even pregnant, but I'm a born planner and over-analyzer. It's something we plan for down the road. Now, it always seems natural just to have mommy stay at home - but when I started to think about it - it hit me that I might actually be the better candidate for a healthy diet of diaper changing and Days of Our Lives. Here are the questions you need to ask yourself (and your spouse!)Who makes more money?I lose this one. My wife if the bread-winner. And unless you turn this blog into a revenue-generating machine, it will stay like that. Why should we give up X thousands a year?Who has better benefits?Put another one in my wife's checklist. As a city employee her benefits far exceed mine. Not only are they cheaper but … [Read more...] about Stay-at-Home Parent – A Career Killer?
Sometimes You Should Quit
Check out an excerpt from Pushing Through the Dip: How to Become the Best in the World by Seth Godin. Not like he needs my help to sell product, but I dig what I've read so far and expect that the book is as billed - a little punch in the gut to keep you climbing to the top of whatever it is you want. … [Read more...] about Sometimes You Should Quit