If tweaking and revamping your resume hasn’t helped you land a single interview, your resume may no longer be cutting it. Maybe it’s time to call in the big guns: a professional resume writer.But hiring a writer over the Internet is a scary task. In a world of scams and horror stories, how can you know you’re hiring someone who will help—not hurt—your job search? With a million “accredited” resume writing associations out there, how should you cut through the clutter?Here’s how to make sure you hire a quality resume writer:Ask if they understand your industry.It’s often said that a good writer can write about anything. While that might be true, when it comes to your resume, you want a writer with a general understanding of your industry. At first glance, all resumes look the same. But in reality, each individual industry calls for different jargon, a unique style and a specialized look. To give yourself the best odds of success, … [Read more...] about Tips for Hiring a Professional Resume Writer
Career Advice Blog
4 Reasons Why You Should Write a Self-Appraisal
Annual employee performance appraisals are an important management tool that can impact future work assignments, development, compensation and even opportunities for promotion. Yet it seems that most employees play a passive role in them. They just sit back and let their managers dictate their ratings, feedback, goals and development plans. Here are 4 reasons why you should play an active role in the process by writing a self-appraisal first.1.It Gets You Engaged in the Performance Appraisal Process and Your CareerEven if self-appraisals aren't an official part of your employee appraisal process, by writing your own self-appraisal, you show initiative and engagement in your appraisal and your career. Rather than simply being the "recipient" of feedback from your manager, writing a self-appraisal gives you a voice and can inform or shape your performance appraisal ratings. It also gets you actively thinking about what you did well, and what you can improve. A little self-reflection is … [Read more...] about 4 Reasons Why You Should Write a Self-Appraisal
10 Ways to Make Friends at Work
Most people who work in an office, on a team or in a setting with co-workers have the wrong idea about workplace relationships. Too many people have a "get in and get out" mentality; punching in, doing your job and punching out for the day is not the only way to have a successful work life. In fact, workplace friendships can become long-lasting relationships if you play your cards right. Here are 10 tips on how to establish good friendships at work: 1. Be Yourself - If you are trying to make friends in the workplace, you have to be yourself. Pretending to be someone that you are not will take you nowhere. You do not have to agree with everything that your co-workers say, your opinions can vary; in fact, a difference in opinion can lead to healthy conversations and debates that can further a friendship. 2. Be Open and Honest- It is true that you will bond quickly with people that you have shared interests with, but do not start off a new friendship by being dishonest. Let your … [Read more...] about 10 Ways to Make Friends at Work
The 6 Worst Ways to Pick a Career
Ask any graduating senior and they will tell you that choosing a career, while an exciting prospect, is also terribly stressful. After all, once the safety of academia disappears, you’re on your own, often pursuing a job that matches your educational experience. We’re all told that we can be anything we want to be, and that’s true. But the part that’s often left out is the difficult road we must travel to get there. When choosing a career path, keep in mind the acronym VISE: Values Interests Skills Environment These four factors, considered in that order, can help you determine the best career path for you. But there are many traps along the way, ones that can lead you on the wrong career path. Here are the six worst ways to pick a career and tips to avoid them: 1. Picking a career because everyone says you'll be good at it. It’s flattering when friends pump your ego by saying that you’re funny or talented or super smart. But translating those … [Read more...] about The 6 Worst Ways to Pick a Career
Fake Job Post of the Week: Representative Assistant needed
I'll believe this job post is fake until I'm told otherwise... ---------------- From: William Tonsgard <twillienc@yahoo.com>Reply-To: <twillienc@secureroot.com>Date: Mon, 6 Dec 2010 Subject: Representative Assistant neededRepresentative Assistant needed for our busy online store to work from home. Applicant must have computer with a reliable internet, ability to work and think independently, and be very trustworthy and dependable.Hours are 8:00 am to 3:30 pm between 2-3 days during weekdays.Duties include:-Answering emails-Email shipping confirmations to customers -Collection of packages -Candidate will be a fast learner and able to follow directions.-FilingCOMPENSATION:€ Benefits package offered.€ Payment is $10/shipmentRegards,William Tonsgard ---------------- If the post is real...consider this my application. ;-) … [Read more...] about Fake Job Post of the Week: Representative Assistant needed
Job Industries of the Future
The job industry is continually changing. Old industries are dying and new industries are springing up to replace them. Knowing what’s on the up will help you get ahead and plan your career effectively. In late 2009, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics released a report entitled, “Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2010-11 Edition.” This study detailed trends in work, examining the types of industries where work will increase and where work is declining. The report covers trends from 2009 through 2018, and revealed some interesting changes. What is not particularly surprising in a service-driven economy is that manufacturing and mining are on a downward slope, while consumer-led services are on the increase. But which areas will experience the largest growth? The top five are detailed here...1. Healthcare and social assistanceThe largest area for growth by far is in the healthcare and social assistance industry. This sector will account for 26 percent of al new jobs in the … [Read more...] about Job Industries of the Future
How to Master the Waiting Game
Whether it's waiting for a call from an interview for your dream job, the 4-1-1 follow-up on an audition for your awesome band, or an acceptance confirmation on a creative piece you've penned, the wait can be hell.You know the script...You check your emails several times a day in eager anticipation. You wait by the phone constantly checking to make sure the phone is on the hook. You second guess whether or not you've made a good first impression.Sound familiar?It seems like every day plays out like dog years.Unfortunately, it's a necessary evil that comes with seeking better opportunities and broadening our horizons. But there's an art to waiting gracefully and making the best use of those endless hours. And if you do it well, you won't grow weary, you'll grow wiser.Here are a few pointers to help you keep your peace and proper perspective, without pulling your hair out.1. In the famous words of Robert Deniro of the Sopranos, “fuhggetabout it!” … [Read more...] about How to Master the Waiting Game
The Illusion of Control at Work
What percentage of your work style would be called "control freak?" Not something that you find on a job description. But admit it, there’s at least a bit of control freak in all of us. The word “controlling” has a negative connotation, but a lot of people with that label are simply take-charge types who get the job done. The others are, well, control freaks.An article in the Wall Street Journal, “She Talks a Lot, He Listens a Little” got me thinking about controlling behaviors. She discusses communication in personal relationships, but you can apply it to business, too. She makes a point when describing the talker vs. the non-talker - the non-talker has control over any conversation; when one party is done listening, the conversation is over.Think about how many times when someone has presented an idea, someone has dismissed it, either by “tabling” it for later or just moving on through the agenda. If this is your style or you’re the … [Read more...] about The Illusion of Control at Work
The Importance of Virtual Resumes and Online Portfolios
Obreanna McReynolds is a guest blogger for Pounding the Pavement and a writer on technical schools for Guide to Career Education. In today’s competitive job market, standing out from the crowd has become at once more important, and more difficult, than ever. As desperate as many job-seekers may feel, employers are just as eager to find that one superstar hire buried in the thick stack of cover letters and resumes. Luckily for both parties involved, the tools for building a polished, marketable and most importantly hirable personal brand have exploded in recent years thanks to the rapid expansion of online networking technologies. For the job hunters of the twenty-first century, submitting a paper resume is just one piece of a much larger equation. The most competitive candidates supplement, or even replace, their printed materials with virtual resumes, online portfolios, and social media profiles. Especially for those interested in telecommuting, online credentials … [Read more...] about The Importance of Virtual Resumes and Online Portfolios
Noisy Office? 10 Tips to Help You Cope
Trying to concentrate in a noisy environment can be a very difficult task. Whether it’s chatty co-workers, loud machine noises, or a neighbor who insists on having long conference calls on speaker phone, noisy distractions can have a significant negative effect on your productivity. However, there are some simple methods that can help you deal with the noise and focus on your work. #1. White Noise Machine - A white noise machine generates a sound that is random but soothing like running water or wind. It is capable of blocking out distracting noises. Use of a white noise machine is also dependent on the policies of your office. Another option that can produce a similar effect is to run a small fan on your desktop. If the fan is noisy enough, it can also block out distracting noises. The best one on the planet is... #2. Listen to Music - Depending on the policies of your office, you may be able to listen to music with headphones while you are working. If this is the case, then … [Read more...] about Noisy Office? 10 Tips to Help You Cope