This post is supported by leading CRM software. Working away from the office is increasingly becoming the norm. As technology improves, there is less need for staff to come into an office on a regular basis, especially if their work involves travelling to meet clients. Likewise, working from home (remote working or telecommuting) is becoming easier to achieve thanks to technological improvements. It also saves money for companies, as they do not have to expand office space to take on new staff – and some don't even bother having any central office space at all. Here are a few ways to ensure you work effectively:1. Online calendars: Cloud computing means that all the information and documents you need are held on virtual servers on the internet, rather than on a single computer. Facilities such as online calendars held this way means staff can access such information, wherever they are. It enables them to make instant decisions, based on the schedules of … [Read more...] about 7 Tips to Work Away From the Office
Career Advice Blog
Stick Job vs. Long-Term Job: Which Is Better?
After holding three different jobs over the course of five years, job seeker Tom was told by a well-respected NYC-based career counselor that he had a serious problem."You need a 'stick' job," she proclaimed.She urged Tom not to take another job until he found a gig he could see himself staying with for more than three years. At the time, her logic seemed made sense, so Tom set out to find a job he could endure.But that was years ago, when employees were expected to stay with one job for most or all of their career. Now the rules of the job hunt have changed. Employers often seek out candidates who are on the move, honing their skills and seeking out the best opportunities, even if it means collecting employee handbooks in the process.Should you become the employee with 10 years of experience at one firm—or the professional who has worked for three different companies during the last 10 years? Let's look at the pros and cons of having a "stick" job as opposed to being a job … [Read more...] about Stick Job vs. Long-Term Job: Which Is Better?
The External Benefits of a Strong Network
There are times in your life when you need a little support. I'm not referring only to those times when you are out of work and need to find a job, fast (like many of us in today's economy). I'm talking about those times when you need a second, unbiased opinion about something. Those times when you'd like to know how other people in the industry are reacting to the latest industry news. Even those times when you find yourself stranded for the night in an unfamiliar city and need someone to call who can explain the subway system, recommend a good place to get something to eat, or point you in the direction of a decent local chiropractor for the back injury you sustained while toting suitcases around. When most of us think of support networks, we may think of women who need a network of friends and relatives who can fill in as emergency child care providers or commiserate over lost loves. We may even think of people who are in support groups, such as AA, who need to find a group of … [Read more...] about The External Benefits of a Strong Network
Filling in Resume Gaps
When you are trying to write about your work experience, you might hit a road block if you have large gaps between your work experience. Instead of leaving a gap, write about what you were doing during that time. Just because you might not have been paid doesn’t mean you weren’t doing valuable, career-advancing things.If you are looking to put a positive spin on a resume gap, drop phrases such as: maternity leave, family management, full-time parent, world traveler, student, or community service specialist. If you are lucky enough to get the interview, informing the interviewer that you kept busy and were productive during your "gaps." If those periods of time were filled with several smaller jobs, you can cater your job history to the target job at hand. If you were working two jobs, the first of which was as a babysitter while the second was as a secretary, consider the job for which you are applying and which of the two jobs would be more appropriated … [Read more...] about Filling in Resume Gaps
6 Keys to the Resume of Tomorrow
The resume of tomorrow won’t be paper. Heck, it won’t even look like a digital version of today’s resume. It will be a demonstration of your skills, a sales piece that tells the reader, “You have to talk to this guy. He’s that good.” And, it won’t be just for job seekers. The resume of tomorrow will be an integral part of selling any person online as a job seeker, a consultant, a contractor, or a business owner.Putting together tomorrow’s resume will take more than the weekend’s worth of effort you put in now when you think to yourself, “I need to get a job. Guess it’s time to update my resume.” It’ll take years of work to assemble, and you’ll need the buy-in and backing of those around you.The keys to the resume of tomorrow are...1. A hook – The resume of tomorrow needs to catch someone’s attention. With the economy being not the best it’s ever been. Many people are back in school, … [Read more...] about 6 Keys to the Resume of Tomorrow
The Best Job Hunting Sites in Israel
Many Americans wish to move to Israel and live in the capital of Jewish culture. The biggest obstacle to making the move: finding work. Getting a job is hard all over the world today, but for Americans attempting to live abroad it can be even more difficult. However, for those who are motivated and willing to be proactive in their search, there are ample work opportunities available for Americans in Israel. Check out these job hunting sites to begin your job search and start the transition to living (and working) abroad in Israel. Once you've found some enticing positions, half the battle is done. Take a look at these tips for Landing the Job once you've found work. • Israemploy: For English speakers who can't conduct their searches in Hebrew, Israemploy is the best option for finding work abroad. The site is up front about the fact that it is a payed site ($30 a month Israeli for a standard membership.) Still, you'll appreciate that they're up front about … [Read more...] about The Best Job Hunting Sites in Israel
Top Careers in the Medical Field That are Hot for 2011
Interested in finding a high paying job that won’t require years of school or thousands of dollars of student loan debt? Consider a job in the medical field. The job market in the medical field has remained strong in spite of the current recession, and with many positions requiring only a couple years of school, many health care workers can benefit from a high salary as well as easy access to upward mobility in a few years time. Some of the top careers in the medical field for 2011 include: Registered NurseFrom basic check-ups to helping with the delivery of newborns, nurses are always in demand. This strong need has given nursing one of the best job outlooks amongst all professions experiencing a growth rate of over 2 percent in 2010 alone with an additional 582,000 new RN positions expected to be filled by 2018. Although nursing requires a 4 year degree, it makes up for the additional education with a higher salary. In 2009, the average salary was $63,750 with RNs in the top 10 … [Read more...] about Top Careers in the Medical Field That are Hot for 2011
Give Yourself a “Time Out” at Work
This is a particularly challenging time of year at work – holidays, end of year, taxes, oh my. Some days it’s a challenge just to “keep a civil tongue in your head” as they say. So if you aren’t fortunate enough to have saved up some vacation time this month, what can you do? Put the whole holiday madness aside for a while (“Stress Buster and Holiday Survival Guide”) and try to focus on the job at hand. I’m going to assume that you aren’t on the verge of either: A. Punching out your cubicle neighbor for humming “Jingle Bells,” orB. Taking up or starting smoking again just to go to the “Butt Hut,” orC. Having a psychotic or any other type of disassociative episode orD. Fill in the blank (bad, bad , bad meltdown.) So how do you back yourself off of the precipice and get down to work? Jobacle has given you … [Read more...] about Give Yourself a “Time Out” at Work
IKEA Employees Get Mountain Bikes as Holiday Bonus
I've never had a job where I received a holiday bonus. Well, not unless you count the plastic cowboy hat my boss gave me last year. (Don't ask.)IKEA workers, all 12,400 of them, received a pretty cool holiday bonus this year. Last week every worker received a swanky mountain bike. Silver with a touch of IKEA yellow and blue, assembly IS required.Jobacle gives IKEA a big thumbs up. The gift promotes healthy lifestyle and gives workers access to alternative transportation.Surprisingly, only one bike has made it to eBay so far.Sure beats a year's supply of Swedish meatballs and lingonberries. And it beats the hell out of a plastic cowboy hat!Has your boss put something special in your stocking this year? … [Read more...] about IKEA Employees Get Mountain Bikes as Holiday Bonus
Never Take Work Home Again!
I don't know about you, but there's nothing I dread more than having to take my work home with me or staying late after work. I used to blame these instances on getting assigned an abnormally large workload on certain days, but when I got honest with myself, I admitted that I wouldn't have to do so much after-hours work if I were more productive during working hours. I was determined to figure out how I could get more accomplished at work.The first thing I did was start capitalizing on the first and last hour of work, when many workers are the least productive. Most of us who have access to the Internet at work tend to ease into and out of the workday, checking e-mail, news and entertainment websites and social networks for the first 30 minutes and the last 30 minutes of an average workday. Add that together and you've missed an entire hour of productivity! Change, for me, meant hitting the ground running as soon as I arrived at the office, and working solid through the end of my … [Read more...] about Never Take Work Home Again!