Imagine this scenario: You arrive at work on a Monday at 9 a.m. to begin your week’s work. You realize what your colleague was supposed to have finished last week hasn’t been finished. This leaves you putting in extra hours of work that will result in you staying late, again, covering for your colleague. What do you do? Normally you will put up with it for a while until you have to inform your boss of the situation, but now imagine your colleague is your sister-in-law, and your boss is your brother. Working with members of your family has the potential to be a very trying, sticky and challenging. It can bring out the best in you and your relatives--and also the worst in your working relationships.Here are 5 tips to ensure that your family working environment remains as positive and healthy as possible.1. Blood Is Thicker Than WaterYes you are work colleagues, but first and foremost you are family. You should always remember that and one way to do this is … [Read more...] about 5 Tips: Working for the Family Business
Career Advice Blog
Working From Home (Not As Awesome As It Sounds)
I am a work at home mother. When people hear that phrase, I often hear how lucky I am to be able to stay at home and spend time with my children. Most of the time I smile and nod. Inside I am seething and want to slap the stupid out of the person talking to me. Seriously, spend time with my kids? Who in their right mind wants to do that?!You're probably wondering what is wrong with me. All mothers are supposed to adore their cuddly little love monsters. Key word there- monsters. As I told a good friend of mine, (who also is a darn fine writer right here on Jobacle), I harbor absolutely no illusions about my children.You see, I have 5 children with a 6th due December 2010. While the oldest no longer lives at home, the rest are all here. Under my feet. On the walls. Jumping from the furniture. Chewing on my shirt or snotting up my best blouse while I work. Add 3 cats and a dog into the mix and you can begin to imagine the joy I feel at being a work at home mom.Uh huh. Every slimy bit of … [Read more...] about Working From Home (Not As Awesome As It Sounds)
The Fallacy of the One-Hour Resume
Many of us are familiar with the presence of self-help books both in the bookstores and online. These books provide us with information that is helpful for cultivating professional and individual growth. Among these are books geared toward helping you improve your resume. Some of these simply discuss the principles that make up a good resume. Others offer distinctive perks, such as that of the infamous “one-hour resume.”The Project TriangleLet’s relate the one-hour resume to business. Consider the project triangle. At each corner are the principles of “time,” “cost” and “quality.” You cannot accomplish one corner perfectly in a project without sacrificing parts of the other two corners. When working on any business project, you have to come to terms with this sad truth. You never have enough time to turn out the very best quality product because of the constraints of cost. It becomes a simple matter of balance.A one-hour resume … [Read more...] about The Fallacy of the One-Hour Resume
Loud and Noisy Coworker? 5 Jobs for Big Mouths
Because of their bloated, distended, and very warped sense of self, as well as the huge amount of decibels they waste, the loudmouths of the world rank way up there in the pantheon of office villains. At work, it sounds like their voices careen off the walls, echo in the ether, and don't even get absorbed by thick carpeting. They won't be stopped, and they can't be easily deterred. Because to them, "the world needs to know!" How smart they are, how tough, how successful, blah, blah, blah and more blah. They are egos gone berserk, feeding their starved psyches at everyone else’s expense. So, we submit that all loudmouths leave the world of regular office work, and instead find themselves in one of the following five occupations. Tell 'em anything, just be sure to also say that the world is waiting for them...Hopefully, they can't resist and will take their toxic show on the road. As you can see, there's a host of far more suitable venues for them to infect... >Talk Show … [Read more...] about Loud and Noisy Coworker? 5 Jobs for Big Mouths
7 Stinky Office Foods You Should Avoid Bringing to Work
With today’s tough times, eating out is a luxury that you might only be able to afford once in a while. Unless you have access to an expense account (or are independently wealthy), the best option is to bring a packed lunch from home. However, there are do’s and don’ts of bringing food to the office. Rule number 1: don’t bring stinky foods. Remember that your workplace will usually rely on re-circulated air and any strong odors have the tendency to stick long after lunchtime. Rule number 2: if you can manage it, bring enough to share with co-workers. Trust me, they’ll appreciate the extra goodies. Here are a few things you might want to avoid for fear of being branded the office stinker by bringing in the worst smelling foods. Curry There’s something satisfying about a warm bowl of curry, and it’s even better with rice. A staple in Indian and Asian cuisine, curry has found its way to the hearts (and stomachs) of the rest of the world as a comfort food. The spiciness and … [Read more...] about 7 Stinky Office Foods You Should Avoid Bringing to Work
Does Gossip Have a Place in the Workplace?
Gossip in the workplace is a way for some to add a little excitement to their day. Those water-cooler conversations quench their thirst for a little drama while creating a means for communication and connection. And let's face it. In our culture and society, many people really dig it. … [Read more...] about Does Gossip Have a Place in the Workplace?
7 Items Everyone Should Keep on Their Work Desk
You can tell a lot about a person by what they keep on their desk. From family photos to religious regalia, a few small trinkets communicate who we really are to our coworkers. They also have the potential to serve a greater purpose: making the office a better place to work.Here are a few practical items to consider putting on your desk:PLANTSYou don’t need a green thumb or an abundance of light to keep a small plant on your desk. Nature’s filter will improve the office air quality and help keep you alert. Plus, studies show that plants can enhance worker productivity by 12%.The large seed in the center of a papaya can be turned into the perfect office plant! You can also try a spider plant if you are botany-challenged. AROMATHERAPYOne of the easiest holistic treatments is aromatherapy, the simple act of smelling essential oils for healing. To keep yourself in a positive frame of mind, consider adding an odor or two to … [Read more...] about 7 Items Everyone Should Keep on Their Work Desk
5 High Paying Jobs With a 2 Year Degree
There's always a trade-off when deciding whether to continue your education. On one hand, you could start working now, but on the other hand, if you go to school for a few years, you could earn a lot more over the long term. The trick is finding the perfect blend of going to school and making more money. While you are pretty much assured to make a lot more money if you complete a bachelors degree program in a high-demand field, employers are not quite so eager to hire two-year program graduates for above-average wages. There are a few careers, however, that offer great wages if you complete a two-year associate's degree. Almost every career in the medical field is expected to have huge growth over the next 8-10 years. Why? For one, baby boomers are aging and requiring more comprehensive medical care. Many of these boomers worked in the medical field and are now retiring. So, it's definitely a good time to consider completing a degree that will get you into a high-demand medical job, … [Read more...] about 5 High Paying Jobs With a 2 Year Degree
Want To Rise To The Top? Start Off By Being a Greek!
Job hunting isn’t easy these days, but it does have an upside: students, as early as middle-school and high-school, are understanding the importance of building up their resumes early on, and pursuing activities that improve their character and can help hone their professional skills before they ever step foot in the office. For college students, being a Greek is an excellent way to build a well-rounded character with an emphasis on working as a team, and understanding how to network to maximize your business contacts. Of course, students should always pursue academic majors and extracurricular activities that they’re interested in and have their heart in, but for most, being a Greek is an experience that is both rewarding while in college and a plus for that ol’ resume once that diploma is in hand.Being A Greek Teaches Well-Rounded Skills.Most Greek organizations require their members to have a certain grade point average, help plan and participate in Greek events … [Read more...] about Want To Rise To The Top? Start Off By Being a Greek!
Metier: 5 Jobs for Control Freaks
This new Jobacle miniseries will describe the five best jobs for various work types. The French have a term for this: ‘metier.’ The definition of métier describes a field of work in which one has special ability, proclivity; a forte, if you will. The folks we’re going to focus on today are Control Freaks. Future articles will include the Introvert, the Loud, the Passive-Aggressive, and a host of others. By identifying these types, it may be easier for us to cope with them and their nasty quirks. Better yet, you may be able (good luck) to jolly them into a career change. The Control FreakBecause of their urgent and strong need to have the illusion of control over everything, and everyone, they are a royal pain in the arse to all who come across them. While they may be good at what they do, they also inflict a great deal of damage on their subordinates. Literally, they give heart attacks before they get them. So, and in the best possible spirit, we think that all … [Read more...] about Metier: 5 Jobs for Control Freaks