It looks like the fine folks at Career Builder have run out of bananas. The chimps behind "Monk-e-Mail" have been given a pink slip and are being phased out. And nope, they’re not being replaced with younger monkeys at half the pay – they are being replaced with an old timer: YOU!
In order to show you how workplace stress can rapidly age you, the new "Age-o-Matic" campaign allows you to upload your photo, answer a few silly questions about your work environment, add your voice – and voila – you’re aged 50 years!
Check out my rapid aging here!
I definitely think the campaign is clever and will receive a nice amount of buzz. However, the press release states:
"Age-o-Matic instantly produces jaw-dropping, dramatically-altered photos depicting how they will look if they stay in their current positions."
Yes, the fact that they are utilizing talking avatar technology is sweet. However, after testing out a few photos, it’s very clear the center of your face is plugged between some crusty old guys hairline and chin.
Will this "senior" ad campaign rival the success of those silly chimps who generated over 83 million plays? I don’t think it will live long enough to see those numbers – but I do think it’s a clever way to brand. The Age-O-Matic Web site, along with a series of ads saying goodbye to the monkeys, will air in the weeks leading up to the Super Bowl.
While Monster continues to sell "hope" in the majority of their advertising, Career Builder clearly understands that work needs to be a laughing matter. Or at least a viral marketing campaign does. And that’s why they are now #1.
Now if only they’d add our little podcast to the mix…then they would be going places!
Let us know what you think about the campaign – and send us a link featuring the crusty old version of you!
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