Listeners of the Working Podcast (which is in dire need of a new episode - I'm sorry!) have heard some of the great career advice dished out by Jen Zobel Bieber & Christine Cookman of Make the Leap. I don't really have anything new to report, but while I'm using this time to gear up for company softball and sunshine, I wanted to make sure you're in the loop of good people who can offer you great advice! … [Read more...] about Career Coaches Who Care
Work for the Friendly Skies
For the first time in two years, the U.S. airline industry has seen an increase in employment opportunities. Don't jump for joy just yet. The rise was miniscule, but it's better than a decline.According to several airline recruiters, many companies are now hiring at all levels. The large U.S. air carriers employ over 66% of all airline workers. Since they are almost through with their restructurings (June '07), the upward trend looks like it might really be taking off.What I'll never understand is how these guys constantly file for bankruptcy and then "emerge" from it. It almost annoys me as much as AT&T brainwashing all of us to think they're Cingular and now trying to reverse it again by becoming "the new" AT&T! … [Read more...] about Work for the Friendly Skies
Wanna Learn PHP?
Maybe you're stuck at your current gig and looking to make a career transition. If so, listen up - cause PHP might be where it's at. For those of you not in the know, PHP is Hypertext Preprocessor - in shot, a programming language that produces dynamic Web pages. And travel agents might be phased out and libraries might shut down, but dynamic Web pages ain't goin' anywhere. The Open Technology Group, based in the RD Triangle offer all-inclusive PHP training. They'll book your travel and provide structured learning programs. All hotels have high-speed Internet and will provide shuttle service to and from the learning site. Maybe someone can leave a comment below and let us know what PHP programmers make a year. Don't know what it is, but I guarantee it's more then I make! … [Read more...] about Wanna Learn PHP?
Alec Baldwin Is a Rude, Thoughtless Pig
Put the Father of the Year award on hold.What would an 11-year-old child have to do to bring forth such rage? That's a question Alec Baldwin's camp is already bobbing and weaving around.In case you're under a rock, listen to the audio here.Why am I writing about this on a career-related blog? Because I propose a new entry into the American pop culture dictionary.Baldwin (verb) - An act of ragePut it this way, it's a step before going postal.Of course, you might recall from the movie Clueless that a "Baldwin" was a good looking guy. Whatever.He's displayed plenty of anger before. Whether it's a political screamfest or picking on service industry folks, this creep has displayed this type of behavior over and over and over again. "You don't have the brains or the decency as a human being."Man, it almost sounds like Alec was looking in a mirror and talking to himself. So, next time someone loses their temper at work, just let them … [Read more...] about Alec Baldwin Is a Rude, Thoughtless Pig
Golf + Networking = Bull?
It seems a week doesn't go by without reading or hearing a reference to how playing golf with the "big boys" will advance a career. Well, in my experience, I'd like to offer a resounding "no." In fact, I've never even been asked to play. I'm hardly a high-powered corporate exec, but I have certainly spent enough time around some business "heavy-hitters." Yet, the opportunity to tee off has never presented itself.I'm not throwing out the entire play-golf-and-get-ahead-theory, cause maybe this is the exact reason my career has not taken off the way I once planned. Are deals really made on the golf course? More so than on the tennis court? Or softball field?I get the part that it's a slow moving sport that allows conversation to unfold, but bowling hardly moves at lightning speeds. Or billiards. Or bocce ball.Why is golf synonymous with career advancement? Sure, it's expensive and an elitist sport, … [Read more...] about Golf + Networking = Bull?
6 Workplace Dangers Caught on Film
And you thought your job was an accident waiting to happen! … [Read more...] about 6 Workplace Dangers Caught on Film
I Work With Sexy People
I don't what this is but I had to share. … [Read more...] about I Work With Sexy People
Freelance Web Site Resource List
Ah, the life of a freelancer. Always on the move, taking on exciting and different challenges. But what happens when the work dries up. There's only so much Days of Our Lives that you can watch. That's why the folks at FreelanceSwitch have put together a great "master list" of Web sites where freelancers can search for gigs. Whether you're bidding, begging or bowing for your next job, good luck! … [Read more...] about Freelance Web Site Resource List
Being an Astronaut Is Not Rocket Science
Holly over at Worksona (a great Web site which we will talk more about in the future) tipped me off to a sweet interview with real-life astronauts Cady Coleman, Chris Cassidy, and Marsha Ivins. If you're under six feet tall, can resist passing wind in a spacesuit and enjoy time alone - this might be the job for you!In episode #51 of the Working Podcast we spoke about how much money a year astronauts rope in. But this interview on "This American Life" reveals, from the space cowboy's mouths, what it's like to be on the NASA payroll in the highly coveted job. Among the things you'll learn:- Yes, they have business cards. And yes, they say "astronaut."- Almost 50% of active astros have never been to space. Talk about being benched!- Just like you and me, they are forced to attend a lot of meetings.- They admit that being an astronaut is "not rocket science." It's a nice interview and worth checking out. As you guys know, if … [Read more...] about Being an Astronaut Is Not Rocket Science
Free Webcast: How to Say "NO" at Work!
Remember all those 80's sitcoms that drilled that "No means no" message into our skulls? By simply uttering the two-letter word we were supposed to circumvent danger. Now while we might not be experiencing rape, violence and drugs at work (unless of course you work for a major media company), the word "no" can still be a valuable tool. We can say it in our minds over and over again, but when push comes to shove, many of us chicken out.Saying "no" at work might seem like a career killer. But fear not you cube dweller, there's hope ahead! The American Management Association is offering a FREE one-hour Webinar that will help you tell your boss to buzz off - all while keeping your job!Learning to say “no” effectively and at the appropriate times, is a critical skill that can move your career forward and build your professional credibility. Covered topics will include:- 20 different ways to say "no" - 5 … [Read more...] about Free Webcast: How to Say "NO" at Work!