It seems a week doesn’t go by without reading or hearing a reference to how playing golf with the "big boys" will advance a career. Well, in my experience, I’d like to offer a resounding "no." In fact, I’ve never even been asked to play. I’m hardly a high-powered corporate exec, but I have certainly spent enough time around some business "heavy-hitters." Yet, the opportunity to tee off has never presented itself.
I’m not throwing out the entire play-golf-and-get-ahead-theory, cause maybe this is the exact reason my career has not taken off the way I once planned. Are deals really made on the golf course? More so than on the tennis court? Or softball field?
I get the part that it’s a slow moving sport that allows conversation to unfold, but bowling hardly moves at lightning speeds. Or billiards. Or bocce ball.
Why is golf synonymous with career advancement?
Sure, it’s expensive and an elitist sport, but that’s so last century. Maybe if there weren’t so may golf courses I’d be able to afford housing. Over 16,000 golf courses, taking up an average of 75 acres a piece, equals a whole lotta wasted space for those of us who don’t play.
I’m not putting down golf or calling for a new corporate sport, but I would like to hear if golf has impacted your career. And maybe I just need someone to ask me to play… (and show me how!)
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