You have no doubt fretted about the judgments employers will place on you in upcoming job interviews. In the haze of that worry, you’ve also likely overlooked the fact that you too can place judgment on potential employers. Don’t feel as if you must accept the first measly job offer you are given. Instead, hold out for the best offer by reviewing these five qualities your first employer should possess. Patience While you may have the best of intentions, as a career newbie, you are sure to make a few mistakes during your first few months on the job. Employers hiring entry level applicants should have the patience to handle those mistakes and the guidance to help you navigate through them. While a potential employer’s patience level can be difficult to measure in a job interview, look for insights into the interviewer’s personality through the interview. Also, search for information online regarding the interviewer that may help you judge the type of person they are known for being … [Read more...] about 5 Qualities Your First Employer Should Possess
8 Careers That Are Actively Hiring and Require Little Training in 2013
In tough economic times, many people are looking for stable careers in 2013 that do not require a college education or extensive training. In searching for a career such as this, being informed is one of the powerful assets you can have going for you. The United States Department of Labor supplies statistics on industry growth that reveal the following 8 careers that are actively hiring with little required training. Career 1: Certified Nursing Assistant. According to the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, growth in the field of certified nursing aides, orderlies, and attendants is expected to grow 20% in the next eight years, a rate far ahead of the national average of all fields. National median pay for 2010 was over 24K or about $11.54 per hour. On-the-job training is all that is required in many states, although some states requiring a test to be passed after a certain time on the job to receive certification or a license from the state. A high … [Read more...] about 8 Careers That Are Actively Hiring and Require Little Training in 2013
8 Tips for Successful Personal Branding
Everyone has a personal brand and whether you work for yourself, for someone else or are going into an interview, having a personal brand is important. Not every personal brand is depicted as a positive one, in fact in many cases, people don’t realize that their personal brand is an extension of them that is found in both professional and personal lives and may have negative connotations. To change a negative image or to further develop a positive personal brand, read and follow these eight tips. Be Honest First and foremost, the saying that “honesty is the best policy” is 100 percent true. Being honest in personal relationships, professional settings and even when you are by yourself is very important to your personal branding. If someone were to describe you, you wouldn’t want the first thing out of their mouth to be how dishonest they think you are. Honesty is the building block to a successful personal brand and it allows for the rest of the personal branding tips to follow. … [Read more...] about 8 Tips for Successful Personal Branding
8 Tips For Your Holiday Job Search
The holiday season is in full swing. With holiday parties to attend and gifts to buy, does that mean you should take a break from your job search? Not necessarily. In actuality, the end of the year is a great time to ramp up your efforts. Hoping to land a new job before the New Year? Employ some of these holiday job search tips: Send Out Personal Season’s Greetings Messages To Reconnect If you’re like me, you haven’t stayed well-connected with your extended network -- yet these folks are the ones most likely to land you that next job. So, get back in touch and reconnect. How? With Seasons Greetings notes. Send each an email or seasonal card. Wish them happy holidays. Update them on your life and your job search. Ask to catch up for coffee. And get results so fast they surprise you. -- Alan Carniol, Interview Success Formula Focus Your Job Search During The Holidays By Setting Goals It’s easy to lose control of your search during the holidays. Stay on track by creating job search … [Read more...] about 8 Tips For Your Holiday Job Search
Bored at Work? How to Use Your Time Wisely
Being bored at work might seem like a good problem to have for some people but, if you are bored in your job you will know it can be stressful and have as significant a negative impact as being overworked. So, how do you cope with workplace boredom and use the time wisely? Clear Your Work Space You could use the time you have available to clear email, clean the desk, phone and keyboards etc. When you are busy it is harder to find the time to do these kinds of jobs! Look for Training & Learning Opportunities You could volunteer to help in another department or look at ways to learn and expand your skills. Create your Own Challenges You could create challenges for yourself like time trials for getting your work done or customers served! This can be a real motivator, especially in jobs that you are finding routine. Ask for a Promotion Being bored at work might be a sign that you have outgrown your previous position and a need a new challenge. Step up and ask your … [Read more...] about Bored at Work? How to Use Your Time Wisely
Workplace Etiquette for Common Situations
What etiquette in the workplace means can vary between workplaces, however there are common situations where knowledge of workplace etiquette that can help you get ahead and avoid making a slip up! Be Discreet and Don't Gossip One of the things that can be a real turn off for bosses and co-workers is if you are not trusted or known to be a gossip. Try Not to Judge Others Being judgemental is another turn off for others. Often, you have not chosen who you work with so being judged can be particularly annoying in the workplace. In contrast, showing compassion in the workplace has been found to make a real difference. Show Respect to All Employees Regardless of Ranking Loudly chastising junior staff won't win respect. Treat others how they want to be treated, regardless of who they are. Don’t Spread Germs! Don't play the hero if you are sick and contagious. Spreading your illness will not be appreciated by your co-workers! Email Etiquette A polite and formal approach to email shows … [Read more...] about Workplace Etiquette for Common Situations
4 Steps to a More Enjoyable Office Life
Workers spend the majority of their working week in the office, so it’s great if they have a harmonious environment to enjoy. These tips can help you create a great atmosphere in which to spend your working day; there’s no need for going to work to be a chore. Join the tea round Even if you don’t really drink hot drinks yourself, offer to make some for everyone now and again, particularly if it feels like it has been a while since anyone offered. You may find that your colleagues are more likely to have a similar thought later on. In addition, there are also potential financial benefits. A report by EDF Energy has found that small businesses waste up to £31.8 million per year when people boil full kettles just to make one cup! Getting a tea round going can be a great chance for employees to socialise whilst helping tackle rising energy prices. Show an interest in your colleagues’ work When you find yourself making small talk with a colleague, why not quickly ask them what they are … [Read more...] about 4 Steps to a More Enjoyable Office Life
How to Motivate Yourself for a Job Interview
Job searching can be a tiring experience. If done right, it can almost be a full-time job in itself. When you are in between jobs, it can be difficult to keep yourself motivated after submitting dozens of applications and resumes without a reply. However, you have to try to stay motivated during a job search. The day of the interview you’ll want to eat breakfast and dress professionally by wearing your best suit, but it can also be good to relax by listening to music or reading the newspaper. If you were selected for a promising job interview, here are a few ways to motivate yourself for your best chance at success. Join a Job Search Group Your friends and family can be a great support group, but one of the best ways to motivate yourself, is to surround yourself with others looking for work. You can share your successes and failures with each other, and you may find comfort in being around other people who can relate to your situation. You may find it helpful to meet with other people … [Read more...] about How to Motivate Yourself for a Job Interview
5 Holiday Season Mistakes to Avoid at Work
The holiday season has arrived and you are likely either excited, depressed or indifferent. If you are pumped about the delicious food, gifts, and fewer work days that will soon be arriving, you likely want to spread that cheer to coworkers. Unfortunately, some coworkers won’t be nearly as excited about the cheer you are intent on spreading. Additionally, your holiday cheer at work may get you into trouble with regards to pay bonuses and gifting. Check out these five holiday season mistakes to avoid at the office as you get into the spirit of the season. Making holiday assumptions It may come as a shock, but not everyone celebrates the same holiday traditions as you. From Christmas to Hanukah, many traditions collide this time of year, setting the stage for friction at the office. Avoid offending your coworkers by not making assumptions about the religious affiliations of others. Religious holiday music, certain foods and religious holiday décor should all be kept at home … [Read more...] about 5 Holiday Season Mistakes to Avoid at Work
Ways You Can Deal with Career Stress
There are many reasons as to why you may be enduring stress in your career. It is important to keep in mind that not all stress is a bad thing. In fact, when you learn how to positively handle stress, you can maximize your job productivity to levels that you never thought were reachable. The number one thing to remember when it comes to dealing with job stress is that it is fixable, but you are the one who must take the steps to fix it. The first step to coping with career stress is to recognize that it exists. Below are a few of the symptoms and signs of job stress: - Low morale - Frustration - Apathy - Alienation - Boredom - Absenteeism - Anxiety - Irritability - Fatigue - and more While organizations should take the time to implement practices that assist their employees in dealing with work related stress, there are several things that you can do yourself to get through the rough times. Continue reading below for some helpful tips: 1) Change your job situation: This … [Read more...] about Ways You Can Deal with Career Stress