Job searching can be a tiring experience. If done right, it can almost be a full-time job in itself. When you are in between jobs, it can be difficult to keep yourself motivated after submitting dozens of applications and resumes without a reply. However, you have to try to stay motivated during a job search. The day of the interview you’ll want to eat breakfast and dress professionally by wearing your best suit, but it can also be good to relax by listening to music or reading the newspaper. If you were selected for a promising job interview, here are a few ways to motivate yourself for your best chance at success.
Join a Job Search Group
Your friends and family can be a great support group, but one of the best ways to motivate yourself, is to surround yourself with others looking for work. You can share your successes and failures with each other, and you may find comfort in being around other people who can relate to your situation. You may find it helpful to meet with other people looking for employment and practice interview techniques and answers to employer questions, a skill that can easily get rusty.
Avoid Negativity
Whether you’re unemployed or looking to switch to a new job, it’s important to surround yourself with positive people who can support you as you prepare for a new opportunity. Confidence is one of the most important traits to show in an interview, so make sure you’re around people who help boost your confidence.
Learn New Skills
You don’t have to go back to school to get a new degree, but learning additional skills can make you more marketable and even open new job possibilities. Common wisdom among the unemployed says that being out of work for more than 6 months makes you less employable. While this is true to some degree, qualified employees will always be qualified. However, using your time to learn new skills or gain extra experience shows that you are committed to becoming an important asset.
Stay Active
Being active in sports or exercising are excellent ways to keep yourself engaged with others and help keep your confidence high. It may seem like time spent outside of searching for a job is time wasted, but being active can help your vitality and confidence – two very important traits in a job interview.
Volunteering is a great way to productively fill time while you’re looking for work. Volunteer work can be both personally and professionally rewarding. Sixty percent of employers say that volunteer work makes a job candidate a more attractive potential employee.
Learn from Previous Experiences
Relying on past experiences to better enhance your job search and interview can be a great way to learn and also motivate yourself for an upcoming interview. View all past interviews as learning experiences and try to take lessons from the past to grow in the future. Unfortunately, rejection is a part of life, but it can be a powerful motivator. .
Think About All The Things You Want
Whether you’re looking to switch jobs or find a new one, the only way to truly motivate yourself is to think of what a new job will allow you to do. Are you looking for more challenging work? Do you just need a steady paycheck? Figure out why you want a new job and make a plan to achieve those goals. Having a precise goal will make it easier to motivate yourself and will allow you to talk passionately during your interview.
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