Being bored at work might seem like a good problem to have for some people but, if you are bored in your job you will know it can be stressful and have as significant a negative impact as being overworked. So, how do you cope with workplace boredom and use the time wisely?
Clear Your Work Space
You could use the time you have available to clear email, clean the desk, phone and keyboards etc. When you are busy it is harder to find the time to do these kinds of jobs!
Look for Training & Learning Opportunities
You could volunteer to help in another department or look at ways to learn and expand your skills.
Create your Own Challenges
You could create challenges for yourself like time trials for getting your work done or customers served! This can be a real motivator, especially in jobs that you are finding routine.
Ask for a Promotion
Being bored at work might be a sign that you have outgrown your previous position and a need a new challenge. Step up and ask your manager!
Nurture Your Working Relationships
Engaging with your colleagues can make for a more enjoyable, rewarding working environment. Use the downtime and lower stress levels to foster those relationships and get to know your colleagues better.
Look for a New Job
If the boredom you are feeling is a clear sign for you that it is time to find another job, you could use the time you have to do that.
Lots of spare time at work could mean time to think about all those things you would like to do in your life and time to create a plan to make them happen!
Write a Blog
Writing a blog can be a great hobby and can often open doors to new roles and opportunities too.
There are so many ways to educate yourself these days, especially with internet access. You could look for inspirational talks at www.ted.com. Many universities also offer free online learning facilities too.
Learn a language
It could be a different language or a computer language! Either way, it is another skill to add to your repetoire.
You could incorporate exercise into your workday. Why not try running up and down the stairs at work? Getting the adrenaline running will make you feel more positive and motivated.
Offer to do the Lunch or Coffee Run
This always makes you popular!
Bio: Jen Smith is a Life Coach, Mentor & Writer. She has tried many career paths herself and now helps people achieve their goals and dreams.
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