The cherished workplace break room: a place to escape from challenging projects and catch up with co-workers over a fresh pot of coffee. However, while the break room can serve as a workplace safe haven, it can also be the site of fierce co-worker battles regarding proper etiquette. If break room wars are currently brewing in your office, here are 5 rules to consider implementing to keep the peace. - If you empty it, replace it – Each morning in workplaces across America, the rush to the break room coffee pot begins. Many a coffee fiend’s days have been ruined by going to fill a cup with the break room coffee pot only to discover a single drop remains. When someone uses the last of something in the break room, they must be expected to replace it as a courtesy to their co-workers. Whether coffee, sugar or other shared items regularly run short in your office, end the frustrations by implementing this rule. (Related: Coffee … [Read more...] about The Coffee Pot Wars: Creating Break Room Rules to Keep the Peace
Career Advice Blog
I Am Scared I Will Die at Work
The toilet and my office cubicle, two places where I do not want to die. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to die anywhere, but just like you, one day I will cease to exist. Let it happen on the beach, or in my bed, or riding my bike through some random park - just not at work. Dying at work would suck. Here's why in no particular order. … [Read more...] about I Am Scared I Will Die at Work
The Importance of Accreditation Should Never be Underappreciated
Despite what you may think, the United States Department of Education is not in direct control of higher education accreditation. While the Secretary of Education is by-law required to provide the public a list of accredited post-secondary schools, the actual determining of a college's education quality is done by an array of private groups. Academic institutions contact “accreditation agencies” which, in turn, appraise the institution's quality of education regarding particular fields. Schools with satisfactory academic qualities are deemed “accredited.” Employers, in theory, care an incredible amount about accreditation. It's usually the only way they can tell whether or not the program you graduated from provided you with the preparation for particular responsibilities. The truth is most employers will not go to the trouble of checking to see whether or not the school you attended was accredited. That's because if you attended an unaccredited program it almost invariably … [Read more...] about The Importance of Accreditation Should Never be Underappreciated
Top 5 Qualities You Need to Become a Telecommuter
Between work, socializing and household maintenance, time can often run short. However, the solution many workers are discovering for time crunch dilemmas is telecommuting at least part-time for their employers. With Forrester predicting workplace telecommuting numbers to reach 63 million employees by 2016, this workplace revolution is here to stay. While telecommuting may solve many scheduling dilemmas, it can also present challenges to new remote workers. If you’re considering a transition from a traditional workplace to becoming a remote worker, it’s essential to understand those qualities held by the most successful telecommuters. By understanding these qualities and cultivating them, you’ll experience more success as a telecommuter. As such, here are the 5 qualities you need to become a successful telecommuter. Independent – The best telecommuters are those who don’t need their hands held through every … [Read more...] about Top 5 Qualities You Need to Become a Telecommuter
Introverts Unite in the Workplace…Uh, Probably Not
If someone asked you to define “introvert,” would you include words like “shy or anti-social?” Merriam-Webster defines introversion as, “the state of or tendency toward being wholly or predominantly concerned with and interested in one’s own mental life.” I’m not sure I even agree with the dictionary! Maybe that’s because I’m an opinionated introvert.So, what’s an Introvert?Most people make incorrect assumptions about introverts. Introverts like to spend time alone with their thoughts and become overstimulated by external data overload. That what happens to me at a big-box store. I buy weed-killer and a paint roller, then have to go home and decompress. It’s easier to tell you what an introvert is NOT. The following is my take on “10 Myths About Introverts.” 1. Introverts aren’t talkers – We just don’t like to make small talk and think there’s … [Read more...] about Introverts Unite in the Workplace…Uh, Probably Not
All CEOs Need High-End Cars
Whether you are the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of a small company or a large corporation, than you almost certainly are going to need a nice car. Today’s marketplace is very competitive. It is simply hard to get, and retain clients in this day and age. That said, you want to make sure you are giving yourself every advantage possible when operating in the real world. Having the perception that you are successful is something that could go a really long way in regard to the formation of new business relationships. For example, if you are the CEO of a company and you drive a Ford Taurus people are going to think that you, and your company, are not that profitable. Never mind Sam Walton and Warren Buffet’s and their cheap car antics. In general, drive up in a high-end car and you will be viewed as someone that has made a good living working for a profitable company that does good work. It’s just human nature. (Read more on the truth about getting a company car) As a CEO, your car is a … [Read more...] about All CEOs Need High-End Cars
Will Facebook-ing Potential Employees Always Be Legal?
Facebook has helped millions of companies across the globe get the word out about their products and services in creative ways and has become one of the leading sites for online marketing and social media. However, the relationship between Facebook and companies is not loved by everyone. Many recent graduates are seen changing their Facebook names and blocking their profiles in fear that a job may see something unflattering such as alcohol or foul language. In many cases, another Facebook user can post a comment or tag a picture on another person’s wall. It is also not uncommon for a person, such as an employer, to be able to find a picture of a person through a friend of a friend of a friend. In other words, keeping your Facebook page suitable for a potential employer can be tiring and sometimes impossible. If you are a business owner looking to hire an employee you have a big question to ask yourself: Should Facebook content matter when hiring? Does Facebook really give an accurate … [Read more...] about Will Facebook-ing Potential Employees Always Be Legal?
8 Tips for Breaking Up With a Job
Breaking up is never easy to do. Whether you're a 15-year-old boy who’s too scared to confront an emotionally-charged girl, or an adult suffering in a dead-end marriage, mustering up the courage and self-respect to make a change and improve your life is not always easy. Leaving a job is difficult too. There's the time you have invested; the fear of change; established relationships; a change in pay and benefits; and so on. In fact, when you add it all up, it's amazing that anyone makes the leap. Leave a job with the same dignity and openness that you would exit any relationship. Expect feelings to be hurt. But if you have a plan and follow these tips, you’ll feel good about the break up: Wounds will heal. You probably couldn't be happier to be moving on to a new job. But whatever it was that led you to leave, a screaming boss or smelly office, it will fade. Over time you will learn to let go of the anger associated with the job. You might never wonder why you … [Read more...] about 8 Tips for Breaking Up With a Job
7 Jobs for People Who Hate Cubicles
If you regularly browse sites with titles like I Hate My Cubicle, and Desk Jobs Suck, maybe it’s time to consider a career change. Here’s our pick for top jobs that don’t require a chair: Private Investigator What could be better than being paid to find the dirt others want to keep hidden? Often working unusual hours in various locations, private investigators follow spouses accused of cheating, dig up confidential business memos, and track down missing persons. Career Outlook: Due to heightening security demands, employment of private detectives and investigators is expected to grow 22 percent during the 2008-18 decade—much faster than average. Average Income: $32,140–$57,910 Museum Collection Manager Rarely found in a traditional office, Museum Collection Managers are responsible for the care and keeping of a museum’s artifacts. On any given day, you could be solving a storage dilemma (how exactly should you archive a stuffed ostrich?), cataloguing hundred-year-old objects, or … [Read more...] about 7 Jobs for People Who Hate Cubicles
How to Gain Respect…Quickly
Have you ever been in a work situation that required you quickly earn your colleagues’ respect? No pressure there. I can think of a couple scenarios where it would be imperative, especially if you want to be successful.· You’re a new hire who will be supervising current employees.· You’re a recent graduate/new professional.To me, those could be potential no-win situations. Sure, you might eventually gain respect, but that could be in an unpredictable time-frame. To gain respect is inherent in establishing credibility. It’s also important to be able to distinguish between “I have to do what you say” and “I respect you and value your role.” Here are some suggestions to earn that respect.Set the ToneFirst impressions are lasting so don’t come in with guns blazing, but don’t be forgettable either. The best tone to set … [Read more...] about How to Gain Respect…Quickly