Good communication skills are vital for us to thrive in (most) work places, but how well do we really communicate? Answering this question and working on the areas that need attention can pay big dividends. Self Assessment If you would like to enhance your communication skills, take some time to honestly assess yourself. This can be a difficult task and may involve a lot of soul searching however getting honest with yourself will give you the opportunity to transform the way you communicate at work and in other areas of your life. Some questions you could consider are: How good are you at really listening? (Note: Real listening is not just waiting for other people to finish talking so you can say what you want to say) Do you ask for what you want or do you complain instead that you can’t get what you want? Do you answer other people’s questions directly or ramble off topic? Do you use positive or negative language? Do you over explain or give limited information to others? Do … [Read more...] about Enhancing Communication Skills at Work
Career Advice Blog
6 Rules to Break at Work
If you’ve read my posts, you know that I've always had trouble following the rules, especially rules in the workplace. I discovered in some recent reading that many workplace experts agree with me. Wow, I never thought that would happen! So here are some rules I suggest you break: 1. Don’t say “I don’t know” or “I made a mistake.” – We learn early on at work that it isn’t viewed positively if you admit you don’t have the answer. But the problem with faking it is that invariably it will catch up with you later. So own up to it and say you’ll research the issue until you have an answer. Confessing that you made a mistake is also really risky. As we all know, blame has to be assigned somewhere. Step up and admit you made a bad call. Do what you can to make it right and learn from it. 2. Don’t go out on a limb at work – Tell me if this has happened to you. You and your colleagues go into a meeting where you can tell your boss about an issue that’s causing you all problems. … [Read more...] about 6 Rules to Break at Work
Sabotage – Your Co-Worker Is Out to Get You!
No one likes to believe someone at work is out to get them. Work is challenging enough without feeling you have to watch your back. What if you’re just being paranoid? Maybe you’ve been feeling a little off your game recently or having a self-confidence lull. But, what if those feelings turn out to be right on target? You could be the victim of sabotage by a co-worker. What can you do about it? Identify the Signs of Sabotage If you suspect someone is out to get you, and sabotage at work is a distinct possibility, here are some signs: · Get a friend’s opinion - Some people are really good at trusting their instincts – they read people well, are adept at discovering underlying motives and very perceptive. But if you’re not sure about trusting your gut, tell a trusted friend what’s been going on and get their reaction. If they agree it sounds “off,” then you have a good place to start. · Look for “tells” – A term used in poker, a “tell” is body language that … [Read more...] about Sabotage – Your Co-Worker Is Out to Get You!
Happy Fall! Shifting Gears at Work for Autumn
I slept in till 9:30 a.m. this morning. I hate doing that because it perpetuates the myth that we who work at home are slouches. Normally, I get up around 7:15 and hit my desk by 8-ish. But the thermometer said 46 degrees and I wasn’t going to move out of that bed. Welcome to fall!Favorite SeasonA lot of people tell me fall is their favorite season and I agree, especially after the scorching summer we’ve had. I like the cooler weather, but I notice my SAD (seasonal affective disorder) starts to kick in. I’m way more interested in fats and sugar, feel down on cloudy days and have trouble getting motivated.I would imagine that even those of you without SAD are feeling distracted at work, maybe even a bit down because summer’s over and the days are getting shorter. How do you shift gears and head into fall without that affecting you? Take some steps to regroup with the change of season.Take InventoryTake note of what you didn’t accomplish over the summer. … [Read more...] about Happy Fall! Shifting Gears at Work for Autumn
Why Highly Educated Employees Make the Worst Temps
The temp industry is booming, with these workers filling essential roles in many organizations. From filling a spot left open by a mother on maternity leave to completing short-term projects, the organizational reliance on temps is evident. However, while many positive aspects surround this workforce, such as avoiding the payment of benefits by employers, a darker side often looms. Many employers and staffing agencies are struggling to keep highly educated temps motivated and on task in their workforce. Often, these temps, who should be the most competent and able employees, are those that fail to meet productivity standards and just aren’t with it when it comes to being part of an organization’s culture. So, is this workplace dilemma caused by highly educated temps not being as highly educated as employers assume? If only the answer was that easy. Rather, the reasons why highly educated employees often make the least desirable temps are slightly more complicated, as shown … [Read more...] about Why Highly Educated Employees Make the Worst Temps
10 Tips to Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile for Business
There have been several financial recessions in the last century or so. Some of these were localized to specific countries or areas of the world. Or others, like the current one, were far more global in nature. The one difference between this global recession and the last one is that anyone who has been downsized now has the Internet to use as a tool for finding a new job. And one of the most job-hunting specific Internet tools is the social network for business people - LinkedIn.LinkedIn is a wonderful way of connecting with potential employers and also for highlighting your skills in a way that any employer can easily digest. But your LinkedIn profile needs to be optimized to make that happen so we're giving you a set of 10 tips to help you make the most of your LinkedIn presence. 1. Completeness Simply make sure that every section of your profile has been completed and that there are no blank spaces or obvious gaps. Your LinkedIn profile is your online résumé so treat it with the … [Read more...] about 10 Tips to Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile for Business
4-Point Survival Guide for Adult Interns
You stormed the interview, got the internship, and feel like you are over the moon. Congrats! But the feeling of jubilation quickly wears off; the start day comes around and you suddenly feel sick at the thought of being asked to be the photocopying boy/ girl which you thought you had left behind at 17. Here are four tips to help you survive as an adult intern who is amidst a career transition. 1. Deal with feeling like an idiot You are going to feel an idiot and maybe even a frustrated idiot about being the oldest intern around. The first thing you need to recognize is that this is unavoidable. Acknowledge this fact, reassure yourself that even though it’s not brilliant, you will cope, and then put it to the side. Get over it and get stuck in to the opportunity in front of you. The key is to stay in the present moment…with one eye looking towards the future and the reason WHY you took the internship. 2. Don’t try too hard When you are in the office, you need to find a way … [Read more...] about 4-Point Survival Guide for Adult Interns
Making a Fresh Start in Your Current Job
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit. Aristotle When we start a new job we are often filled with good intentions; we might promise ourselves that we will get to work in plenty of time, really give 100% and make the best of the role we are in. It feels good to do our best and we look forward to the clean slate and opportunity to start afresh. However, as time goes by in a job, it can be easy to slip into bad habits. Bad habits can erode our sense of self esteem and even our enjoyment of our work and the worst thing about them, is that often we don’t realise we are doing them! Whether you work cleaning jobs or accountancy jobs, here are some ways to blank the slate and help yourself to grow and reach your potential at work. Assess Yourself Take the time to do an honest assessment of yourself at work; your strengths and weaknesses and your positive and negative habits. What are you good at? What do you struggle with? What habits support you and … [Read more...] about Making a Fresh Start in Your Current Job
How to Survive Being an Adult Intern
In recent years the business world has seen a rise in the phenomena of the adult internship. This is probably not surprising with the economy crashing, adding to the amount of people who have already discarded the idea that a job is for life. Internships are becoming an increasingly popular option as a way to break into a new career, as it offers actual work experience, a way to get yourself noticed, and even more importantly, a way to make sure that the new industry is going to suit you. Yet for many the idea of going back to being an intern is enough to make the stomach squirm. I mean, how does your ego survive being the oldest intern on the block? But before we get to that, how do you even secure the job when your competition is super knowledgeable, keen bean interns who don’t even look old enough to vote? Well if you have these questions, this two-part post is for you. Part one - How to get through the interview. Applying and being interviewed for a job that sometimes doesn’t … [Read more...] about How to Survive Being an Adult Intern
How to Spot an Aspiring Office Bully
We have all heard about the bully at work, but less talked about is their rise to the status. Often there are warning that this person is en route to becoming a bully. Many of us are programmed to try and understand people, to give the benefit of doubt, therefore letting the bullies of tomorrow off the hook. If they have been difficult we think maybe they are just having a rough time at home, or their car has broken down that morning and this makes you more tolerant to the odd remark or snap. The majority of time this is true, they may be having an off day. But beware! Your colleague might be starting the journey to becoming a bully. Three tests to determine if a coworker is on the path to become a bully. 1. The Crap Test An aspiring arse can create an atmosphere around him/her, either consciously or subconsciously. If you think this may be the case in your office, checkout the crap test. If you enter a room and you are feeling alright, but you come out feeling all sorts of … [Read more...] about How to Spot an Aspiring Office Bully