Since 2003 Tiny Prints has been creating chic-looking, celebrity-endorsed invitations, stationery, and other printed materials. Even though I have heard the name countless times, I never had a reason to use their services, mainly because I didn’t know that they also specialized in business cards! I have written before about how important it is to have a business card that is professional yet unique – something that is not always easy to accomplish. Well thanks to the array of interesting business card templates available at Tiny Prints, any professional, irrespective of their artistic fortitude, can now create high quality, artsy looking cards. Since I already have enough cards to support Jobacle and my freelance writing endeavors, I decided to come up with cards for my latest project: Lonely Chair. The concept of the site is simple. I take photos of chairs that are out of there element, most frequently, chairs and couches that have been discarded. Since the project is really just a … [Read more...] about Tiny Prints Business Cards Are Awesome
Career Advice Blog
What NOT to Do at the Office Potluck
The office potluck is an occasion to change up monotonous lunchtime routines and showcase your cooking skills to coworkers during the holiday season. Offices everywhere regularly host potlucks as excuses to take extended lunch breaks. While potlucks can be prime opportunities to relax and chat with coworkers (or call in sick!), the mood can quickly be broken by those who aren’t aware of the unspoken etiquette rules. The following are four examples of what not to do at an office potluck to ensure you’re never the one to break the rules. Bring Opened Food Products If you can’t afford to purchase a new bag of chips for an office potluck, don’t partake in the festivities. Employees who bring already-opened food products are voluntarily casting themselves to the ‘oddball’ table in the office break room. Whether you’ve signed up to bring potato chips or ketchup, always bring new and sealed products to avoid awkward chuckles in the potluck line. Double Dip Please, never double dip … [Read more...] about What NOT to Do at the Office Potluck
Boss Strong-Arms Wrapping Paper Purchase
They come in the night without warning. No, I’m not talking about vampires or zombies. They might actually be easier to deal with than the neighbor kid selling wrapping paper for his school. I live in the country and people very rarely call before dropping by. So the other night the kid who sometime mows for me came by selling “fruit” for his school. I declined. He’ll probably plant explosive devices in my yard next summer to get even. The Not-So-Subtle Office Pitch I’m lucky I work at home. I don’t have Bill in accounting asking if I’ll buy a cheese basket from his kid so their class can go to Aruba. This series of intrusions usually occurs at the holidays and then Girl Scout cookie time in early spring. I feel ya. It’s especially hard to say “no” to the boss at work. And let’s be honest – isn’t most of the stuff crappy? Some of the wrapping paper is nice, but there’s only a foot and a half on a roll. Coincidentally, the Wall Street Journal recenty had an article about this. It was … [Read more...] about Boss Strong-Arms Wrapping Paper Purchase
Office Christmas Party – Do’s and Don’t’s!
The office Christmas party is one of those things that can be heaven or hell! Here are a few ideas for dealing with the office Christmas party: Don't Feel Obliged Unless your party is within work time, don’t feel obliged to go. You can politely decline. Office Christmas parties are not everyone’s idea of fun so don’t feel that you have to go, or give in to pressure; just let people know you are not available. Go Steady On The Alcohol Alcohol is one of the biggest reasons for red faces and embarrassment the day after an office Christmas party. Make sure you eat well before or during the party and limit your drinks. In the excitement of the moment it can be tempting to drink and be merry but you don’t want to be that member of staff throwing up in the corner or hitting on their boss! Spreading your drinks over the course of the night and having a limit will enable you to call the shots, have fun but not end up doing something you wish you hadn’t! We … [Read more...] about Office Christmas Party – Do’s and Don’t’s!
Throw Your Own Office Xmas Bingo Charity Ball
Christmas is a stressful time, especially for the poor sap(s) that drew the short straw on organizing the office Christmas party. For example, I go to these just to put in face-time with the higher-ups and I suspect many people’s motivations are similar. But this year the party planning has falling into my (in)capable hands. I know booze gets butts in seats—but this year I want to up the ante from standing around getting buzzed in the same place I already spend 30% of my life. Bingo has been gaining popularity the last few years due in large to the rise of online bingo. I mean, my grandmothers do it and for the last 5 years they have been pretty reliable bellwethers of taste (see: knitting, records, fondue, horrible sweaters, large glasses, etc.). I hope this is the case anyway; my party is going to be a Bingo Charity Ball. The Basics When: The rule is that no office party should take place after the first two weeks of December. It’s like wearing white after Labor Day— just don’t do … [Read more...] about Throw Your Own Office Xmas Bingo Charity Ball
Are You Moving Forward at Work or Are You Stagnating?
Are you moving forward or do you feel like you are stagnating at work? Not all jobs are created equal, and sometimes a job is just a way to pay the bills, however, if you have a continual feeling that you are stuck, maybe it is time to shake things up? Get a New Job Is it time for a new job? Only you can answer that question. Have a look and see if it is time to move on. You could list the pros and cons of your current job to see the best way forward for you. Leaving a job isn’t always the best option; it is sometimes possible to turn your current job around. Have a look and see if there is room to move forward in your current job. However, if the cons outweigh the pros, be honest with yourself and look at what you can do to change roles. Train and Develop Training is a great way to develop and learn new skills. Does your company offer training that could help you develop yourself? I recommend taking advantage of all the training and development your job offers. It is a … [Read more...] about Are You Moving Forward at Work or Are You Stagnating?
4 Ways to Fend Off Fundraising Coworkers
A coworker approaches. The glossy catalog and order form in his hand betray his intentions: He wants you to buy something for his kid’s fundraiser. What is it this time? Candy bars, candles, wrapping paper? Whatever it is, you’re sure of one thing: You don’t want it. Don’t wait until it’s too late to figure out how you’ll fend off a fundraising coworker. If you don’t know in advance how you’ll decline to buy, there’s a good chance you’ll get caught off guard and end up making a purchase. Consider the following as you prepare to repulse a coworkers’ sales pitch. 1. White Lie A white lie is the easiest way of getting out of buying what a workplace fundraiser is selling (or getting out of pretty much anything else, really). Create a plausible, simple story. For instance, say you already bought stuff from a neighbor’s kid and, sorry, one purchase is your limit. Or … money is tight right now, just don’t have the disposable income these days (and that’s not necessarily a fib given the … [Read more...] about 4 Ways to Fend Off Fundraising Coworkers
Job References: How to Get the Best Recommendations
Your resume is perfectly edited. You’ve bought the latest designer suit for upcoming job interviews. There’s only one problem; you don’t have any job references to offer potential employers. This is a common dilemma faced by job applicants either because they’re fresh college graduates or they aren’t sure who to list as references. Since you’ll likely need strong references to land an in-demand job, it’s essential to select individuals who you feel will provide the best recommendations. The following are tips for getting the best recommendations and how to ask for references with ease. Do Your Job The best way to accumulate solid references is by doing your job, whether that job is receiving high marks in college or working for an employer. No one will recommend you as an employee if you’ve failed to follow through on work projects or homework assignments. If you’ve shown strong work ethic and great character in the past, you’ll find it much easier to recruit recommendations. Don’t … [Read more...] about Job References: How to Get the Best Recommendations
Jobs in Math: Insurance and Actuary
The whole purpose of taking out an insurance policy is to prepare for the unexpected: from new drivers to new businesses, everyone needs a safety net in case something happens that they don’t have the resources to deal with alone. Some people look for options such as life insurance with A Bankers Life and Casualty Company. But insurance companies can’t afford to be unprepared – they need to know how likely an event is, and how large its impact is likely to be if it takes place. Since the 1600s, the use of censuses, statistics and formulas have played a huge role in determining what premiums are charged for companies and people looking to protect their interests. So, those who fancy a career where they can apply their mathematical qualifications should consider insurance jobs like Underwriting and Business Risk. Everyday, experienced mathematicians use calculations to estimate the likelihood of accidents, deaths and financial collapse in order to keep their customers and their … [Read more...] about Jobs in Math: Insurance and Actuary
How to Avoid Workplace Distractions (Is That a Cat Playing the Piano?)
Have you ever sat on your computer and noticed that ten minutes has passed and none of your work was even touched? Whether you’re a new employee or a veteran in the office, it may be hard for you to stay on track because of the endless amount of distractions online. If employers could reduce the time that employees spend on Facebook or YouTube watching cat videos, companies would probably experience unprecedented growth and productivity. But short of getting rid of all the cats in the world (and shame on you if you agree to this), it is likely that cat videos and other Internet distractions will be around for a while. Instead, employees and employers alike should take certain steps to reduce distractions in the workplace. Different Types of Distractions > Instant Messaging—Employees can use instant messaging programs to talk to their coworkers and friends about topics unrelated to work. Though instant messaging programs are a useful tool in the workplace, when used improperly, … [Read more...] about How to Avoid Workplace Distractions (Is That a Cat Playing the Piano?)