Despite constant news of healthcare booming in today’s recovering economy, you probably want to think twice before investing in a healthcare career. Before pursuing a career in healthcare, it’s wise to invest some time exploring a few of the negative aspects to this field. Although healthcare is a thriving industry, and very fulfilling to many individuals, you need to deliberately evaluate your personality and preferences before dedicating your time and attention to a career in healthcare. Consider the top three reasons many choose to avoid working in this field: 1. Crazy Hours, Relatively Little Pay The healthcare field is extremely demanding on its workers, from a labor and delivery nurse to a surgeon. Patients primarily require healthcare after an unexpected event. Sickness, heart attacks, and childbirth typically arrive unannounced. Thus, healthcare workers must respond to the demanding, versatile needs of patients. While some thrive on a hectic schedule, most cannot deal … [Read more...] about 3 Reasons a Career in Healthcare Might Not Be For You
Career Advice Blog
Healthy Working in the Winter
Those of us in the Northern Hemisphere are approaching autumn/fall and heading for winter. I recently talked about ways to stay healthy at work and wanted to talk today about ways to stay healthy at work in the winter, which can be more of a challenge! Get Outside (Even If It’s Cold!) It can be tempting to spend more time indoors as the days start to draw in in but getting fresh air and sunlight is vital for good wellbeing even in the winter. If your job involves being inside all day or in front of the computer, schedule time into your day to get out into the elements. Eat Healthily In colder weather it can be easy to comfort eat, especially when there is less need to worry about your ‘beach body’ but it pays to eat healthily and well. You will be glad you ate healthily in the winter when next summer comes around! Slow cookers are one great way to prepare quick and healthy meals in the winter. They are great for soups, stews and much more! You can literally throw everything in a … [Read more...] about Healthy Working in the Winter
The Dirty Truth: Why Employers Post Fake Jobs
Fake job posts are everywhere and they always will be. As a job seeker, your anger is justified. Who on earth would go to the lengths of posting a phony position and waste the time of dozens or hundreds of applicants? The answers may surprise you. A fake job posting can lead disingenuous people to a wealth of information. Here are a few reasons why companies and other hiring agents post fake jobs. And here is the ultimate guide on how to quit a job gracefully. - Fake job postings exist so that employers can gauge the current talent pool. What better way to assess how in-demand a position is than to post an advertisement to fill that same position? The number of applications can be a valuable pointer on what to pay a person for a given job. It also is an indicator of how easy that person is to potentially replace. - Fake job postings exist so that companies can get a back-up for your position and keep resumes on file. Since we already know that every job is temporary, an … [Read more...] about The Dirty Truth: Why Employers Post Fake Jobs
Forget the Gym! Staying Fit at Work
Working 8-10 hours a day (and then some…) can really get you feeling like all you want to do is veg out as soon as you finish your work day. The problem is that couch potato mentality won’t do anything for your glutes and hamstrings, especially if you’ve been sitting for the majority of your workday already. Feel motivated to work out like Demi Moore back when she starred as G.I. Jane or want a ripped body like Brad Pitt in Fight Club? Then bring out the inner exercise guru in you and apply these creative, doable exercises at work. Whether that means you only have ten minutes to spare on your morning break or during your lunch break, you can exercise during the most sedentary of jobs. Why Get Exercise at Work, Anyways? Does a quick 10 minute workout really boost up your metabolism or help you to lose those calories consumed from your extra value meal you had at lunch? No, but it can revitalize your mind so that however bored and repetitive you feel your job is, you can have an … [Read more...] about Forget the Gym! Staying Fit at Work
The Resume of the Future is DOA
The resume of the future isn't coming. Sorry. I know this will disappoint the technologically-savvy, eco-friendly among you, but it's the truth. Before you rip my head off and start singing the praises of one of the many new resume-building tools available, I suggest you bookmark this post and come back to it every few years to see that I was right. Audio resumes? No chance. Video resumes? Nope. Never. Image resumes. A mere blip on the radar. Some things are just meant to be tangible. And sorry guys, a sexy infographic won't get it done either - at least not in most fields. Don't shoot the messenger. Personally, I think the entire resume thing is a joke to begin with. Your entire professional life on a single piece of paper? Pul-lease. So for the time being, the debate rages on... Should I include a photo? An objective? Should I print it on funky-looking paper? Social media has changed the game slightly, but the majority of positions still call for a resume. A … [Read more...] about The Resume of the Future is DOA
Saying Goodbye to Co-Workers When You Move
When you move away from your city, it’s tough saying goodbye to friends, neighbors and nearby family members. But it’s also difficult to leave your co-workers. After all, you spend as much or more time with them than you do your own family! Our relationships with our colleagues have sustained us through those bad Mondays and crazy deadlines. Sure, you pledge to keep in touch via social media and email, but that’s not the same as seeing them every day. Because your work pals are important to you, don’t forget to focus some of that energy you’re putting into moving on the workplace. Even if you’re relocating to a branch office of the company, it’s still important to maintain those ties. The following are some tips that might make these goodbyes and your transition easier. - Let co-workers know as soon as possible – People need time to acclimate to unexpected news. If your colleagues know they have some time to say goodbye, it’s less stressful. - Carry your weight – Even though you … [Read more...] about Saying Goodbye to Co-Workers When You Move
How to Avoid Office Gossip
The water cooler is an office staple with many meanings. Some use it for refreshments while others use it as a meeting place to dish. Rumors fly around the office as easily as they do a playground in kindergarten. Even though some of us have an addiction to juicy gossip and drama, it can prove to be counter productive, especially when we are the subject of it. There are very few ways to avoid office gossip without avoiding everyone you work with, but there are ways to minimize gossip and its affects. Here are a few tips to keep the clucking hens as quiet as possible. Find them before they find you: Learning who the gossipers are before they reach you is imperative to defending yourself from the mud slinging. When you start at a new office, keep your eyes and ears open. The queens and kings of gossip are rarely hard to see. They enjoy being the center of attention as long as they aren’t the subject. They especially enjoy getting their beaks into the new guy. They may actually approach … [Read more...] about How to Avoid Office Gossip
Top 5 Real Estate Industry Jobs
We hear a lot these days about the state of the economy and high unemployment rates. It’s enough to make one want to give up, but the news isn’t as bleak as some people think. Real Estate companies like Cole Capital and other leading businesses in the industry are always on the lookout for the next big star. There are still some great jobs to be had out there, and some of the best jobs available in today’s economy are actually real estate jobs. Not convinced? Read on to learn about the top five real estate industry jobs in today’s economy. 1. Property Manager A property manager is a Field General in the real estate industry. He or she handles leases, reviews budgets, collects rents, determines landlord and tenant responsibilities, and has a direct relationship with tenants. He or she makes sure each property runs smoothly, that tenants receive all their rights and live up to their responsibilities, and acts as the liaison between the landlord and tenant. Property managers are … [Read more...] about Top 5 Real Estate Industry Jobs
5 Tips For Managing Career Transition Stress
Whether you are being forced into a career transition due to a job loss, or whether you are taking the next steps in your career and are excited about the next stage, there is likely to be some stress associated with the changes happening in your life. It’s important to manage this stress, though. You will recover better, and improve your overall situation if you keep your anxiety under control. Here are 5 tips for keeping the stress at bay during a career transition: 1. Focus on the Positive One of the best things you can do to alleviate any kind of stress in your life is to focus on the positive. Try to find the positive side to your career transition. If it’s something you have chosen, focus on why you are making the change. If you are the victim of lay-offs, look for the opportunities that the situation might afford. Try to find the silver lining. You’ll stay positive, feel less stress, and be more likely to succeed as you look for a new job or start a new endeavor. 2. Create a … [Read more...] about 5 Tips For Managing Career Transition Stress
Five Alternative Networking Ideas
The world of business is dominated and controlled by networking. Companies which have the relevant skills and abilities for successful networking are often those which are most successful. However, networking is not all about big business events and traditional lunches. Here are five great examples of alternative networking: 1. Organize your own mini conference Conferences are one of the primary forms of communication between different businesses and companies. They are typically hosted by larger establishments, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t have a go yourself. Organizing your own mini conference is a great way to help you network with other businesses. Mini conferences offer the perfect platform for meeting new businesses, especially from within your local area. Invite businesses and make sure that you create a professional yet welcoming atmosphere. 2. Network during your commute A good tip to remember is that business networking can occur at any time, in any place. … [Read more...] about Five Alternative Networking Ideas