Even in these times of organizations keeping tighter reins on the budget, there are still travel jobs. These aren’t just careers that require the occasional trip to meet with a client, but could mean actually living in another area for months at a time. But what if you’re moving, doing a job search and one of these jobs with travel is offered to you? Getting Your Bearings So, should you take this too-good-to-pass-up career opportunity in the midst of moving across country? Is it possible that might be too much change happening all at once? Okay, let’s walk through the scenario and weigh some pros and cons. I’m going to make some general assumptions here, but you’ll get the gist. • Put off the decision – Buy yourself as much time as possible to decide about the job. If you’re the perfect candidate, they will certainly respect that you need time and wait for you. • Amount and duration of travel – People say a lot of enticing things when offering you a job. Nail down the … [Read more...] about Should You Take a Travel Job During a Move?
Career Advice Blog
The Spinach Approach to Finding a Job
Where do you look for jobs when it seems like no one’s hiring right now? Hunting for the kind of job you want requires more than the traditional tools most people use today—it requires tech savvy, flexibility, and a willingness to dig a little deeper to find what you want. Use the following tips to land the kind of job that you’ll be excited about every morning. Find out who’s hiring When you restrict your job search to a very specific position or to a job you had before your current job search, you won’t turn up much. So, start with a broad search for who’s hiring: which companies have posted job openings lately, or which companies or industries are growing in your area. The tech sector is growing quickly this year: along with renewable energy, industries like online publishing and the Internet are jumpstarting the job market. Depending on which region of the country you live in, those are the industries where you might want to look first for full-time employment. Mix and … [Read more...] about The Spinach Approach to Finding a Job
How to Tailor Your Resume for a Potential Job
Many of us find ourselves plunged into the job market dafter graduation from college, loss of employment, a deliberate career change or from returning to work after starting a family. The downturn in the economy has done some strange things to the job market, and while many people are struggling to find work in some sectors, others are finding doors opening up that used to be closed to them. Regardless of prospects and experience, all job seekers share the same struggle to tailor their resumes sufficiently to the jobs that they want. There are several ways to increase your appeal to recruiters and potential employers, and many of these have been well documented by career experts; however, there are also less obvious ways to make your resume more targeted to potential employers. After taking the initial steps to tailor your resume to a specific application, such as wording your objectives appropriately and emphasizing relevant experience, there are more subtle ways to ensure you send … [Read more...] about How to Tailor Your Resume for a Potential Job
Things to Consider Before Using Your Personal Vehicle for Work
Many of us work for a company or are small business owners that require we go above and beyond the normal show up, work, and go home routine. You may be asked to attend off property meetings, fundraisers, or events. For those instances, you are usually asked or have the need to use your personal vehicle to get to those places. In most cases, that is easy and doesn’t require anything other than gas. However, if your job entails the constant use of your personal vehicle for company errands, client meetings, or commute between company properties, you may need to take into consideration all that it entails. Insurance Requirements: If you are using your car for more than driving to and from work, there may be insurance requirements that you should consider to keep yourself out of trouble. Depending on the nature of use and amount of driving required, you may be required to carry commercial insurance. Your personal insurance with an added exception may be enough to cover light use of … [Read more...] about Things to Consider Before Using Your Personal Vehicle for Work
Mix up Your Daily Routine to Become More Productive at Work
Does your weekly work schedule look somewhat similar to the following? - Monday: Drive to work, fill up coffee cup, check emails, make calls, get more coffee… - Tuesday: Drive to work, fill up coffee cup, check emails, make calls, get more coffee… And so on until you retire….. If you can relate, I’m here to tell you that you’ve become a routine-driven worker. Most employees go through their days in auto-drive, so consumed with their engrained schedules they fail to see how monotonous and uninspiring they’ve become. Since you’ll be working for the next bazillion years, take a chance and mix things up, you’ll likely be inspired by the opportunities that abound when you do. Learn Something New Don’t let yourself fall into the trap of having to do things a certain way at work. Those types of employees are dull and uninspiring. Rather, challenge yourself to try new things. Take a different approach with your sales pitch, use a more upbeat tone with customers or discover new things … [Read more...] about Mix up Your Daily Routine to Become More Productive at Work
Crush on Co-worker? Don’t Go There
Where do you clock more hours than time with your SO, family or friends? Where are you tossed into the pressure-cooker of unrealistic deadlines or a crazy boss? Who’s the best person to understand your job stress? I’ll bet the answers are: 1. Work 2. Work 3. Your co-worker Those scenarios and answers are the perfect recipe for forming friendships and other intimate connections. When you spend eight to ten hours a day with someone in a close working relationship, you tend to buddy up. Working under stressful conditions also leads people bonding. It’s a natural next step for people to sometimes form crushes on their co-workers. There’s nothing inherently wrong with having a crush – they can be harmless. Danger, Will Robinson! (Many of you won’t get that reference, but I thought it was funny and it’s my post.) Although crushes on co-workers can be nonthreatening, it’s where they might lead that has the potential to enter the danger zone. “But I’m looking for a … [Read more...] about Crush on Co-worker? Don’t Go There
Navigating Friendships in the Workplace
Making friends at work can be a great way to widen your social circle and make work more enjoyable at the same time. However, there can be pitfalls to navigate around having friends at work. Work Place Hierarchies vs Friendship Of course, it is possible to be friends with a colleague or boss regardless of your positions within the company but sometimes there are issues to consider. If you are a friend’s boss, it might be worth having a discussion with your friend about boundaries and your different roles as a friend and boss. Treat your friend as you would any of your staff. If you are friends with your boss, don’t expect favors just because you are friends. It will blur the lines of your friendship and can cause unease with your other co-workers. Communication and being clear with your friend/colleague helps to navigate potential misunderstandings. Don’t Hold Yourself or Your Friend Back As wonderful as it can be having a good relationship with your colleagues, it is not a … [Read more...] about Navigating Friendships in the Workplace
Frustrated at Work? Here's How to Job Vent
Most office workers vent on the job. After all, there is certainly no shortage of things to get upset about. From backstabbing coworkers to incompetent bosses, stinky lunches to the way people invade your personal space, everyone finds something to get annoyed about. Some people will let out an audible sigh for the world to hear, others will take their aggression out on their office supplies (poor inanimate objects!). However you choose to job vent, I'm willing to bet that there's a healthier way. At a previous job where I had a private office, I would do 20 pushups every time I found myself frustrated, miffed, or plain ol' pissed off. Let's just say I got myself into pretty decent shape. This post is about taking the negative energy that's associated with work frustration and harnessing it into something positive. Here are the tactics that I use. I'd love to hear how you cope with "workstration" in the comments section below. WALK THE LINE. The power of getting up from … [Read more...] about Frustrated at Work? Here's How to Job Vent
Boss Says: Do NOT Listen to Music at Work
The Jobacle inbox has recently been hit with several emails from employees complaining that their jobs do not let them listen to music at work. Not cool. I am one of those people who is driven by music; it is my lifeblood. It helps me concentrate, keeps me motivated, and puts a rhythm to my day like nothing else. Boss's who let me listen to music, get more out of me. But hey, it's their world, I'm just living in it. So let me put on my corporate cap and give you some insight as to why your company won't let you rock out at your desk. - You’re getting paid to give your full attention to your job. Even if you are an “expert” multi-tasker, your compensation is for 100% -- not 99%. - Headphones can keep you from hearing your phone ring, your email chime, or drown out any other audible communication cue. - What if everyone was in headphones? Teamwork and synergy would be flushed down the drain. - You put the person who comes to your desk, including your boss, in the awkward … [Read more...] about Boss Says: Do NOT Listen to Music at Work
5 Ways To Make Your Commute More Enjoyable
Fun and commute in the same sentence?! Surely not? However, a fun commute is possible with some thought and creativity. Here are some ideas: 1. Change Your Perspective A commute is often something we endure: the time we are either going to or leaving work. However, if an average commute is 2 hours a day, that’s 10 hours a week, which is an average of 480 hours a year for a full time worker. That is a lot of time! So, how do we make this time more fun? Firstly, a change of perspective helps. If you currently see your commute as something to be endured between getting to and from work, try and catch yourself and change your thinking. Be mindful of this time and stop wishing your life away! I used to find myself getting agitated regularly when queuing in a long line at the supermarket. I try and catch myself if I go down that track these days and remind myself, it is all my life. Anything can be enjoyable with a change of perspective! 2. Meditate Using your commute to meditate can be … [Read more...] about 5 Ways To Make Your Commute More Enjoyable