Being offered a new job is exciting. This job offer is an opportunity for a fresh start while advancing your career. However, during the first few months with a new employer, many rookies unknowingly make several mistakes in an eagerness to impress their employers. These mistakes are difficult to overcome and often isolate new employees from their coworkers and managers. Here are 5 common mistakes to avoid when starting a new job. Asking Unnecessary Questions Asking questions is a natural part of starting a new job. However, a fine line exists between asking necessary questions and expecting a manager to hold your hand through every aspect of work projects. To avoid coming across as needy and unable to work alone, only ask questions you’re unable to locate in project manuals and elsewhere in the company’s records. This will prove to management that you’re a self-starter and will avoid a manager’s annoyance at continually being bothered by unnecessary questions. Being a … [Read more...] about New Year – New Job? 5 Common Mistakes to Avoid
Career Advice Blog
Office Pranks: How Much is Too Much?
A good office prank lightens the office mood and unites coworkers. From hiding a coworker’s chair to decorating a manager’s office, pranks often elicit a hearty chuckle from instigators and their targets. However, how much is too much when playing jokes on coworkers? Have you or your coworkers pushed the unspoken limit and suffered repercussions? An office joke taken too far can offend coworkers and may lead to management intervention. While occasional jokes can keep everyone in the office in good spirits, the following are signals of when office pranking may have gone too far. Keep it Lighthearted Office pranks should never be mean spirited. If you feel the urge to mess with a coworker’s space or a manager’s desk, keep the joke lighthearted. Even a joke meant to be innocent played against a coworker you’ve had previous rifts with can come across as confrontational and passive aggressive. As such, only play pranks on coworkers you’ve known for a long … [Read more...] about Office Pranks: How Much is Too Much?
Keeping Your Figure Intact During Business Travel
Traveling jobs offer many benefits. From escaping the typical office routine to exploring new parts of the country, you may greatly enjoy being a traveling professional. While those benefits may truly be wonderful, business travels often don’t play well with a strictly managed diet. At home, you may be the model of healthy living – exercising daily and eating nutrient-rich foods. However, during business travels, it’s easy to put a diet on hold, convincing yourself that a meal out here and a few drinks there won’t affect your figure. This is the excuse many business travelers use until they discover their business suits are fitting a little snugger around the waist. Here are a few tips for avoiding this dilemma to keep your figure in tact during extended business travels. Pack Healthy Snacks Airport terminals and convenience stores are prime locations for purchasing overpriced and unhealthy snack foods. From 1000 oz. sodas to extra-large cookies, these hotspots … [Read more...] about Keeping Your Figure Intact During Business Travel
How to Set New Year Work Resolutions and Actually Achieve Them
Be nicer to coworkers. Find a more challenging job. Earn an advanced degree. Many employees establish work resolutions with each New Year but very few actually achieve them. At times, New Year resolutions fail because of unforeseen obstacles. However, more often, work resolutions aren’t achieved because employees don’t fully understand the process needed to accomplish them. The following are steps to consider taking to set New Year work resolutions and actually achieve them. Create Attainable Goals While it’s important to push yourself with New Year work resolutions, you must also be realistic regarding what you can and can’t accomplish. For example, hoping to earn a management position within in the next year when you only just landed an entry level position likely isn’t realistic and will only leave you disheartened when the goal isn’t achieved. Just as setting overly ambitious goals can lead to failure, so too can creating simplistic resolutions. Make a list of the workplace … [Read more...] about How to Set New Year Work Resolutions and Actually Achieve Them
Effective Uses for Your Holiday Bonus
Many businesses are still keeping a heavy hand on their budgets, cutting out traditional holiday bonuses to weather the tough economic times. If you’re one of the few employees lucky enough to receive a bonus this holiday season, you may be tempted to use the extra funds for impulse spending. While you may be eager to blow the cash on the latest gadget or on a whirlwind holiday getaway, you’d be better off considering other options. The following are three suggestions to get more from this year’s holiday bonus. Pay Down Debt The holidays are often the season when people rack up credit card debt by charging holiday gifts. Turn the tide this year by paying down your debt rather than accumulating more of it. Even a small holiday bonus can bolster your debt repaying efforts, costing you less in interest and stress over time. If you have several forms of debt, direct the bonus towards the debt with the highest interest rate or the one that’s causing you the most stress. If you planned to … [Read more...] about Effective Uses for Your Holiday Bonus
6 Great Ways To Start Your Work Day!
How you start your work day can make a big difference to your experience and productivity for the rest of the day. How do you start your day? Is it usually a rush or do you have time to prepare and start the day well? Here are a few ideas of ways to help you start your work day well: 1. Eat Breakfast Breakfast is often called the most important meal of the day so make sure you start the day with some nutritious and tasty food. I am a big fan of porridge for its slow energy release. Experiment and find foods that work well for you, both on the taste front and the health front! 2. Be Prepared It may seem obvious, but have everything you need ready the night before. Iron your clothes, get your lunch ready and prepare anything that needs preparing. Though it means spending some time the night before getting prepared, this will save you rushing around in the morning and enable you to start the day in a more positive state of mind. 3. Meditate Starting the day with meditation is a … [Read more...] about 6 Great Ways To Start Your Work Day!
3 Tips for a Career in Administration
Those who work in administration are the real lifeblood of their organizations. Without individuals keeping things running behind the scenes, many businesses simply wouldn’t be able to operate. Whether you’re applying to become a clerical assistant, office administrator, secretary or personal assistant, you’ll need to demonstrate a variety of skills and stand out from the crowd. Here we’ve got three great tips to start you on the route to a career in administration. Kick off your job search One of the most difficult aspects of hunting for a new job can be knowing exactly where to start. First think about the specific role or roles you wish to apply for. Write a list of the skills you have and think how these could be applied to specific admin jobs. Once you’ve done this the ideal way to begin your search is by using an online job search such as Jobstoday. This will give you the starting point to define your search by factors such as job description, salary requirements and location. … [Read more...] about 3 Tips for a Career in Administration
6 Ways To Stay Fit in the Office
Office work and fitness may not seem to be natural bedfellows but with a little discipline and creativity, it is possible to work in an office and stay fit throughout the day. 1. Stretch Taking the time to stretch is vital to staying fit in the office, particularly if your work involves being on your computer for long stretches of time. Experiment and see how you could incorporate some simple stretches into your work day. I sometimes take the opportunity to do a few stretches when I am making a cup of tea! 2. Move Around Make sure you are taking time out to just stand up and get away from the desk. When running errands, it is worth taking the stairs instead of the lift. There are usually many opportunities within the workday to move and walk if we take the time to find and do them. Incorporating some walking up stairs is a great way to get your heart pumping as a natural part of your day. Walking to the shops at lunchtime instead of jumping in the car can make a big difference to … [Read more...] about 6 Ways To Stay Fit in the Office
Getting Through The Workday Without Coffee
It's tough, truly tough, to get through the workday without inundating your glands with caffeine, but you'll find yourself better off if you do. Why? Caffeine gives you false energy. Drinking a bunch of coffee, for example, is like getting dressed up with nowhere to go. … [Read more...] about Getting Through The Workday Without Coffee
How To Decrease Your Workplace Stress Levels
Stress and work seem to go hand in hand for many people these days, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Identify The Stressors There can be a variety of reasons for workplace stress so find out what it is that is stressing you out. Being clear about the root of the stress will help you to get some clarity about the situation and enable you to look at how you can handle things to the best effect. When we feel highly stressed it can be hard to get a handle on exactly what it is that is causing the problem so it is worth getting clear about the root of the problem. Manage Your Stress Levels Look at yourself and your role and see what could be done differently. Just because something has always been done one way, doesn’t mean that it has to be done that way for ever more. Take Responsibility What can you do differently that would make a difference in this situation? Though this can be a challenging question to ask yourself, it is empowering to see your part in a situation and also … [Read more...] about How To Decrease Your Workplace Stress Levels