Being a good boss can be a difficult job in itself. You need to get the job done and manage all the things that need to be done as part of your role as well as keeping your team happy and productive at the same time. If you are a boss or in a management position, here are ten suggestions about ways in which you can be a better boss: 1. Communicaten Listening to your team is vital. Being a good boss often means listening to what is unsaid as well as said. If you do not know about it already, Non Violent Communication is be a great tool that can be used to develop your communication skills. 2. Encourage Encouraging your employees goes a long way. We all like a bit of encouragement now and then so be aware of providing this for your employees. Just because someone has been doing their job for a long time doesn’t mean that they would not appreciate some positive feedback. Perhaps have your employees engage in learning management systems in order to improve their skills and … [Read more...] about 7 Ways To Be A Better Boss
Career Advice Blog
Proper Etiquette for the Office Bathroom
The office bathroom, that lovely shared space offering limited privacy and awkward coworker conversations. It’s a place you visit several times each business day but, have you ever considered whether your habits are deemed as proper etiquette? Could coworkers be gossiping about your bathroom habits unbeknownst to you? It’s a horrifying thought, but many employees (and employers) don’t know the first thing about proper office bathroom etiquette, spreading germs and awkward encounters with each visit. Read the following etiquette tips and discover whether bad habits are occurring in your office bathroom. Avoid Reading Materials Although you may love a good magazine while relaxing on your household toilet, the office bathroom is no place for such leisurely reading. Worse than bringing personal reading materials into the office bathroom is taking the daily break-room newspaper along while tending to bathroom business only to return the newspaper to the break-room when finished. Yes, as … [Read more...] about Proper Etiquette for the Office Bathroom
How To Deal With A Negative Co-Worker
Dealing with negative people can be a challenge, especially if they are also your co-worker! We can usually choose to spend less time or walk away from negative people but at work, it isn’t always that easy. Don’t Get Dragged Down If you have a negative co-worker or co-workers, it can take some will power to resist being pulled into their negativity but it is important to try to stay positive. The people we spend time with each day can have a big impact on our mood and outlook so being aware of this influence can help to choose who we associate with and spend time with wisely. You may not be able to eliminate all contact with a negative co-worker but keeping your contact professional and to a minimum can help you to stay positive and on top of your work. Ditch Complaining You could create your own rule to ditch complaining. Most people enjoy complaining to some degree, but if we allow it to, negativity can become a bad habit that is draining for you and those around you. Ditching … [Read more...] about How To Deal With A Negative Co-Worker
SWOT Analysis: Determine Your Workplace Forte
Realizing your professional strengths can help you maximize your workplace potential. One way to determine your strengths is to conduct a SWOT analysis: a look at your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. When developing a SWOT analysis to assess your professional strengths, consider the following characteristics and achievements that you hold: 1. Educational Background – What college degree(s) do you hold? What degree is necessary for eligibility for a promotion within your field? What college did you attend? Is the college reputable? These criteria can help frame your position in the job market. 2. Work Experience – Do you have years of progressive experience in your field? Is your work experience easily transferrable to your desired field of interest? Your work experience may help you land a job in another field if your skills are transferrable. 3. Skills and Abilities – What software or hardware can you use? What specialized/niche skills set(s) do … [Read more...] about SWOT Analysis: Determine Your Workplace Forte
An Office Move and Rebranding: How to Make It as Painless as Possible!
MOO has kindly donated 3 sets of 100 business cards to lucky Jobacle readers! For a chance to win one of the 100 business cards, all you have to do is post a comment below and give us your best business one-liner that you could write on a business card! As with any major upheaval, there’s a scarily large pile of logistical details to consider when planning a change of office, a rebrand, or a redesign of your corporate stationery. The trick is to prepare well and plan ahead. Here’s a little checklist for the office move: 1. What’s the best day to move? During the week? An evening? Over the weekend? Which solution will cause the least disruption, and allow the maximum time to get things shipshape before business starts again? 2. Who will physically move you? Will they take apart office furniture? Will they supply boxes and tape for your staff to pack their belongings into? 3. Packing and tagging. Be sure to devise a system that will allow you to efficiently … [Read more...] about An Office Move and Rebranding: How to Make It as Painless as Possible!
Your First Business Trip: Essential Travel Tips Every Employee Should Know
Traveling for work is a luxury few employees experience. If you’ve been selected as one of the lucky few to leave their offices behind for the open road, you’re likely quite excited about the possibilities. However, with the freedom of traveling jobs also come the responsibilities of upholding a company’s image and mission. The following are tips you should know before taking a first business trip to bypass the common mistakes others have made. Stick to Spending Limits Unless you work for a mega corporation that allows you to wine and dine clients in luxury, you’re likely restricted by a travel spending limit. Companies typically limit the amount employees can spend on everything from meals to fuel. Before taking your first business trip, review your company’s policy and make note of any spending limits. Exceeding spending limits during your business travels will raise a red flag with the accounting department and may prevent you from being selected for future trips. Rather, by … [Read more...] about Your First Business Trip: Essential Travel Tips Every Employee Should Know
Take a Break and Get Outta That Office!
When I worked in Corporate World, my office was downtown and I loved working in the city. It was great to meet people for lunch at cool spots, go to the Rally in the Alley on Friday nights and just do the city thing. (I recall one time my pal Lynda and I met for lunch and stayed all day till happy hour! Oops.) I was lucky and found a small park near a church where I would retreat on a break or lunch. It was the best place to unwind for a few. But this was many years ago when people actually took real lunch breaks and your dedication to the job wasn’t questioned if you left the office for a quick breather. What happened to the lunch crowd? Lunch Bunch Most people now grab a bite at their desks or a break room. To me, that’s not getting away from the job. I bet if you leave your desk, you take your phone and check it repeatedly or text. Am I wrong? But have you tried going out to lunch recently? It’s almost impossible to get in and out of a restaurant in an hour, especially during … [Read more...] about Take a Break and Get Outta That Office!
7 Things Very Few People Do That Can Land You a Job
Want to be in the 1% of all job seekers?! Use these tips to get a leg up on the job search competition. Make a Website Google some of your Facebook friends and see what you can find. In nearly all cases you’ll find their Facebook page, a few unrelated webpages, and not much else. Creating a website, in which you share your expertise, will give you an advantage over your competition because employers will inevitably search your name on Google. If you happen to share the same name with many other people, creating a website, with a few sites linking back to it, will clear up any ambiguity when an employer searches for you online. Write You say in your resume that you have experience in so and so. Why not show off your expertise by guest posting on blogs that are related to your niche? If you want to be a personal financial advisor, offer blogs your content. Your articles will not only rank for your name, when a potential employer searches for you on Google, but may get you some … [Read more...] about 7 Things Very Few People Do That Can Land You a Job
Make-Up Tips for a Job Interview
In today's tough economy, jobs can be difficult to find. Therefore, it is important that you make a great first impression in the interview. One way to make sure that you make a great first impression is to wear natural looking make-up that fits the job you are applying for in the interview. Here are some make-up tips to take into consideration for making a great first impression. Foundation Start with a base of foundation that matches your natural skin color. The foundation needs to be blended well. If it isn't blended well, you will have an unsightly line where the make-up ends on your jaw line. For a polished professional look that says you pay attention to small details, blend this line, so it isn't visible. Also, remember that a lot of people sweat during the interview process because they are nervous. Applying minimal foundation may be the best way to ensure your make-up doesn't run in case you sweat too. Loose Powder To set the look of the foundation, apply a loose powder over … [Read more...] about Make-Up Tips for a Job Interview
Tiny Prints Business Cards Are Awesome
Since 2003 Tiny Prints has been creating chic-looking, celebrity-endorsed invitations, stationery, and other printed materials. Even though I have heard the name countless times, I never had a reason to use their services, mainly because I didn’t know that they also specialized in business cards! I have written before about how important it is to have a business card that is professional yet unique – something that is not always easy to accomplish. Well thanks to the array of interesting business card templates available at Tiny Prints, any professional, irrespective of their artistic fortitude, can now create high quality, artsy looking cards. Since I already have enough cards to support Jobacle and my freelance writing endeavors, I decided to come up with cards for my latest project: Lonely Chair. The concept of the site is simple. I take photos of chairs that are out of there element, most frequently, chairs and couches that have been discarded. Since the project is really just a … [Read more...] about Tiny Prints Business Cards Are Awesome