Criticism can be hard to deal with especially in the workplace, but if you can learn to handle criticism you have learnt a great skill. If we let it, criticism can help us to learn more about ourselves and how we do things and grow as people.
Is It Fair?
Is the criticism fair? Being criticized is one of those things that triggers emotions in most people. If you are able to take a step back and look at the criticism alone it will help you to look at the situation in a more balanced way. There is usually a grain of truth in most things, so see what you can take from this feedback.
It Is Actually A Compliment?
Sometimes, what people criticize you for is actually a compliment! If someone thinks you are too kind (for example), look for yourself and see if it is actually a problem for you. If you do feel out of balance with this area of life, then the criticism can be used as a reminder. However, if you are happy with how you are then you can let the criticism wash over you – it is about the other person, not you.
Where Is It Coming From?
The same criticism can be levelled at you on in two different ways and have very different impacts. Where do you feel that the person criticizing you is coming from? Sometimes criticism is born of frustration or annoyance and it might be that you need to put yourself in the other person’s shoes to see why they are feeling what they are feeling. At other times, people lash out or don’t think about why they are criticizing and are just venting.
Don’t Take It Personally
Now and then I see bloggers who handle critical comments on their blogs very well. Being able to handle criticism earns respect as it is hard for most of us to do, especially when others are looking on. If you can take the personal element out of being criticized, you will be better placed to respond in a mature and inspiring manner.
Make Amends
If the criticism is valid, do you need to apologize or make amends? This is a hard one, but worth doing if needed. If you can see that the criticism levelled at you is valid, being able to come back and be proactive about making things right is a great place to get to. If your manager has criticized you about an element of your work (and you know they are right) being willing to take criticism on board and learn from it, shows maturity and professionalism.
Say Thank You
This is another hard one, but thanking the person criticizing can disarm them and allow room for a further conversation.
Bio: Jen Smith is a Life Coach, Mentor & Writer. She has tried many career paths herself and now helps people achieve their goals and dreams.
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