How you start your work day can make a big difference to your experience and productivity for the rest of the day. How do you start your day? Is it usually a rush or do you have time to prepare and start the day well?
Here are a few ideas of ways to help you start your work day well:
1. Eat Breakfast
Breakfast is often called the most important meal of the day so make sure you start the day with some nutritious and tasty food. I am a big fan of porridge for its slow energy release. Experiment and find foods that work well for you, both on the taste front and the health front!
2. Be Prepared
It may seem obvious, but have everything you need ready the night before. Iron your clothes, get your lunch ready and prepare anything that needs preparing. Though it means spending some time the night before getting prepared, this will save you rushing around in the morning and enable you to start the day in a more positive state of mind.
3. Meditate
Starting the day with meditation is a great way to get your mind clear and ready for the day ahead. Meditation doesn’t have to be complicated or time intensive. Read the link above for more information about meditation and how it can make a difference to you.
4. Exercise
Exercising at the beginning of the day is a great way to take care of your health and kick start your endorphins. Find what works for you. You could go for a run or cycle, or do what I do and follow a yoga DVD for ten minutes. If you are new to the exercise habit, this post will be helpful.
5. Stay Unplugged
When you get up, what is the first thing you do? Sitting quietly with a cup of tea or coffee is a healthy way to start your work day rather than reaching for your phone or laptop. Even waiting ten minutes before you let the outside world in can have a big impact on your overall wellbeing.
6. Plan
Having a simple plan for your work day can make the world of difference to what you achieve. I suggest writing two or three goals for each day. Choose high leverage activities that will make a difference to your work and move you forward (you will know what these are). Having a plan, helps you to be in charge of your day rather than having your day be in charge of you!
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