Listeners of the podcast know that I am always preaching that this show is only as good as YOU make it. Anyone can babble on for 20 minutes on how you should be handling your career – but we strive to be more. A community where we laugh and cry together about the world of work. That’s why your e-mails, videos, etc. are key to our success. It also makes my life easier! 😉
Today we turn the blog over to one of our listeners, Sergei in San Diego. He’d like to share the following:
Ode to the Recruiter
Four months ago, I had time to relax
Oh some time off, free from e-mail from fax
Three months ago, I was still holding out
For that one perfect job, I still dreamt about
Two months ago, I was starting to find
No money for bills, and I longed for the grind
One month ago, I started to panic
Sent out more resumes! I became crazy and manic
So here’s to the recruiter, lord of my fate
Reader of the resume
Keeper of the gate
Just one year ago, you were my best friend
Praising and fawning o’er the resumes I’d send
“We want you, we love you, you’ll be our new star!
You’re the brightest, the greatest, the best out here by far!”
But where are you now? Not a callback in months
While more and more “qualified” join the unemployed bunch
So I sit and obsess about typos and such
Did I get the right name? Did I bug you too much?
I rewrite, and I tweak, and I bullet and bold
“But we’ll keep this on file,” is all I’ve been told
I know I am qualified, I posses every skill
GO GETTER you say? I can and I will!
So I fax, and I mail, I network, I call
And talk about career fairs, I’ve been to them all
Oh Apple… Oh Netscape… Oh Adobe… and more…
I’d do anything to get my foot in the door
I’d die for some feedback, if you can’t bring me in
Do you see my bio amongst the hordes in the bin?
I just want to work, I don’t want to retreat
Please give me a chance, e-mail me, let’s meet!
Oh Dear Recruiter
Gatekeeper of all,
Please do me a favor, please give me a call.
Project Manager, amateur poet, seeks position in the Internet or software industry.
Contact us if you have a gig for Sergei!
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