Remember all those 80’s sitcoms that drilled that "No means no" message into our skulls? By simply uttering the two-letter word we were supposed to circumvent danger. Now while we might not be experiencing rape, violence and drugs at work (unless of course you work for a major media company), the word "no" can still be a valuable tool. We can say it in our minds over and over again, but when push comes to shove, many of us chicken out.
Saying "no" at work might seem like a career killer. But fear not you cube dweller, there’s hope ahead! The American Management Association is offering a FREE one-hour Webinar that will help you tell your boss to buzz off – all while keeping your job!
Learning to say “no” effectively and at the appropriate times, is a critical skill that can move your career forward and build your professional credibility. Covered topics will include:
– 20 different ways to say "no"
– 5 steps to assert yourself and mean what you say
– Proven ways to say "no"—with and without the word "no"
– Saving face and saying "no" after you said "yes" to a boss’ request
You can register here or call 800/262-9699 to sign up. Let them know that Jobacle.com tipped you off. The Webcast is free, but reservations are required. It’s taking place on Tuesday, April 24, 2007 at 12pm ET. Remember: Just Say No!
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