Do you believe that the hiring process SHOULD NOT be based on: who you Know, self-promotion and random luck?
Do you believe the Hiring process SHOULD be based on: the strongest performing employee getting the job, the candidate with the strongest accomplishments — at work, school, and elsewhere and a market driven by merit?
If so, you want to check out the "next generation job board" that ranks candidates by "Merit" – TalentSpring.com
Resumes are ranked by your peers in a given industry a la Digg. After you upload your resume you will be asked to vote on a pair of battling resumes. You pick the better of the two – thus, burying the loser and elevating the winner. 2,000 points is the top in a category and 1,000 is entry level.
Can you smell the foul play? According to the company, if you have an abnormally large pattern of incorrect votes, YOU will be the one sunk.
You can read more details over at TechCrunch.com.
I’m not sold on the concept. Who you know and blind luck will always have a tremendous force on your odds of landing a gig. However, it’s nice to see the "job board" world evolve – cause God knows, it ain’t working "as is."
I’m a little hesitant to upload my resume to the newbie. I’ll let you be the guinea pig and convince me otherwise. Looking forward to your thoughts on TalentSpring.
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