Bosses Day 2012 is quickly approaching. Are you ready? If you dislike your boss, you may dread the annual day honoring the undeserving manager. While you may be tempted to overlook the occasion to symbolize your feelings, the snub could end up being a dire mistake. The following are four reasons why recognizing Boss's Day in at least a minor way is better than doing nothing. Be the Bigger Person Snubbing your boss on their day of honor won’t go unnoticed. Even if you’ve been battling incessantly with management, set the issues aside and be the bigger person at least for this one day. Showing that you can recognize the boss even in the midst of conflict proves your worth for future leadership positions and may just lead the path towards a less complicated future with your boss. Keep Your Job While you may not like your boss, the job market may be a little slim, making it unlikely you’ll find immediate employment elsewhere. Not recognizing your boss on Boss’s Day could pave the path … [Read more...] about Bosses Day 2012: Honoring a Boss You Dislike
Career Advice Blog
The Best Careers for Early Retirement
Some of the best careers for early retirement revolve around occupations that enable people to set their own desired income. Some occupations have established low salary ranges, and it generally takes 30 to 40 years to retire from these types of occupations. Other types of careers enable individuals to increase their earning potential year after year, which can easily lead to early retirement. Real Estate Investor Real estate investors have an opportunity to increase their annual income over time by making profitable real estate investments. Real estate investors define their market potential in each geographic location and invest in properties that will provide them a high return on their investment, as well as consistent steady income over extended periods of time. Depending on their target market, real estate investors may invest in foreclosed homes, tax lien certificates, commercial properties, and more. Some real estate investors may choose to maintain ownership of the … [Read more...] about The Best Careers for Early Retirement
Be Flexible With Location to Find Your Ideal Job
In the search for the ideal job doing what they love, many people are willing to compromise on hours, pay and other factors. However, have you ever thought about being flexible about where you work? The truth is that by restricting your job search to your home town, you are seriously limiting yourself. What are the chances that you will find the best job in your field in your city and that you will be chosen for this position over all of the other graduates from the local university or college? You can expand your possibilities by opening up your criteria to include jobs in other countries around the world. Once you do so, you could discover your dream job doing what you love is waiting for you somewhere else in the world. You also might find that jobs in your industry pay better or offer more benefits in another country. For example, most countries in Europe offer more weeks of holiday time than the USA or Canada and mining or manufacturing jobs in the Outback of Australia can pay … [Read more...] about Be Flexible With Location to Find Your Ideal Job
Sharpen Your Pre-Interview Job-Search Skills
Close to 4 million jobs have come open so far in 2012 according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics--a number that sounds impressive until you realize there are currently more than 12 million unemployed people in the U.S. With only enough positions available for one out of every three job seekers, it’s crucial to take the best advantage of every opportunity. It doesn’t matter if you have a master's degree or won Employee of the Month ten times in a row at your old job; if you’re looking for employment it’s time to sharpen your competitive edge. The Résumé Hiring managers today typically have more résumés to peruse than they do jobs to offer. If yours doesn’t impress within a few seconds it will likely end up in the round file without ever being fully read. Tailoring your résumé to specifically fit each application is one of the best ways to make sure you make it past this first essential stage of cuts. Experts at Career Builder suggest building a master résumé of sorts-–one that lists … [Read more...] about Sharpen Your Pre-Interview Job-Search Skills
National Bosses Day 2012: Should You Buy a Gift?
National Bosses Day is Tuesday, October 16, 2012. Are you buying your boss a gift? I've always believed in shopping down. In short, I am willing to buy a gift for people who are my peers or work for me, but not for a boss. However, as I mellow (and age!) I do believe there are exceptions. Before you just go through the motions, ask yourself the following before purchasing a Bosses Day gift for the big cheese. Have they gone out of their way for me? Oftentimes, the boss is in the unique position of directly impacting your life. If they have done anything to make the job, or your life, a bit better, say thanks with a token of appreciation. For example, perhaps your boss granted you permission to work from home one day a week after having a child or made an exception for you to accommodate a personal issue. Perhaps you are simply grateful to be treated with respect. In cases like this, celebrate Bosses Day 2012 by giving a gift. Does my boss have my best interest at heart? Bosses … [Read more...] about National Bosses Day 2012: Should You Buy a Gift?
The Top 3 Reasons You Shouldn’t Share With Human Resources
Human resources—whether this is a manager or a department, their responsibilities are the same: to protect the company who hired them against things like staff turnover, lawsuits, low employee morale or unsafe working conditions. If you have issues or complaints as an employee and are tempted to talk to HR, you may want to think twice. Human Resources are not bound by confidentiality laws. Human Resources professionals are good with people and they are good listeners. Employees often view HR staff as a counselor of sorts—kind of like a work psychiatrist with patient confidentiality in place. This can sometimes lull you into the sense that they are your friend and that they are trustworthy. But at the end of the day, even if they are trustworthy and of good character, HR professionals have a job to do. When asked questions by your employer, they are going to answer truthfully. Even if it means sharing information that you shared with them. They may share information you share with … [Read more...] about The Top 3 Reasons You Shouldn’t Share With Human Resources
Overwhelmed at Work? How to Cope
If you are feeling overwhelmed at work, you will know that it isn't a nice feeling. Everyone feels overwhelmed at one time or another, but if you can't see your way out of it and can't see a light at the end of the tunnel, here are a few ideas to help you handle this tricky time: Do You Need to Delegate? Maybe you just have too much work to cope with now? You might have some personal issues that are making it more difficult to stay on top of your work than usual? Whatever the reason, if you continue to feel overwhelmed it is important to let someone know and delegate or speak to a sympathetic manager that can help you do that. Don't continue to battle on alone and ignore the issue; that won't help anyone. Have You Been Trained Properly? At times, people are thrown into jobs that they just aren't trained for. Take a step back from your situation and see if you can get a sense whether that is what has happened to. You could ask a trusted co-worker for their feedback. If you … [Read more...] about Overwhelmed at Work? How to Cope
Romney vs. Obama Undergrad Resumes Revealed: Who Would Get Hired for an Entry Level Job?
With the first presidential debate only hours away, office watercoolers around the country are being subjected to all kinds of silly political banter. The question both the employed and unemployed have on their minds, which is NOT so silly, is what each candidate will do for the struggling economy. It's hard to imagine how people with so much money and such powerful circles can be in touch with us Average Joes. But at one point, both Barack and Mitt were just young lads suffering through college. "mtvU's Hire Learning" has a great show broadcasting today entitled "Pres-umes," a look at what both candidates undergrad resumes look like, and how recruiters would react to their applications in today's economic climate. Check out the clip below. Get More: Be sure to check out “mtvU’s Hire Learning,” a new hidden camera series that captures job interviews of current students and recent graduates, highlighting dos and don’ts … [Read more...] about Romney vs. Obama Undergrad Resumes Revealed: Who Would Get Hired for an Entry Level Job?
How to Deal with Unfairness in the Workplace
Dealing with unfairness in life can be tricky at the best of times, but what do we do when we are being treated unfairly in the workplace? What’s the Problem? Identify the issue(s). Is it a personality clash with your boss or do you feel that you are always overlooked for promotions or perks? We all take things personally at times and human interactions can be hard to quantify, so it’s worth drilling down and seeing what’s really going on as objectively as possible. You don’t want to make yourself more miserable at work by bringing up an issue that doesn’t really exist and alienating people at work. However, it is important not to allow unfair treatment to carry on if that’s what’s happening. If you are unsure, ask for an objective opinion from someone you trust to start with or seek legal advice on your employment situation. Keep A Record Keeping a record of your treatment is a good practice to get into if you feel you are being treated unfairly at work and will also help … [Read more...] about How to Deal with Unfairness in the Workplace
29 Inspiring Work Quotes
Trying to find work you love? Stuck in a rut with work and looking for some inspiration? Here are 29 quotes about work to lift you up and give you that inspiration you are looking for: Nothing ever comes to one, that is worth having, except as a result of hard work. Booker T. Washington Laziness may appear attractive, but work gives satisfaction. Anne Frank Do not hire a man who does your work for money, but him who does it for love of it. Henry David Thoreau I think the person who takes a job in order to live - that is to say, for the money - has turned himself into a slave. Joseph Campbell There is joy in work. There is no happiness except in the realization that we have accomplished something. Henry Ford Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life. Confucius All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and … [Read more...] about 29 Inspiring Work Quotes