Is the cubicle lifestyle not something you envisioned entering daily? Is the generic office building not your style? Luckily, today's corporate infrastructure is taking a departure from cookie cutter settings, opting to repurpose structures and repurpose spaces. Throughout North America, it's not a surprise to find digital ad agencies working from the corridors of a converted paper factory. In major cities throughout the world, warehouses have been reworked and have become home to white collar workers. Here at we reside in an old hat factory that is also home to a recording studio and a group of Philadelphia Mummers. We had a blast making this space our own! Here are some ideas for making a space with character reflect your corporate culture. 1. Add Some Green: Being “Green” is more of a catchphrase to some, but for others it's a lifestyle. Living Green doesn't need to end in your garden or at an organic market. Setting up a small rain forest around your workspace … [Read more...] about 5 Easy Steps Toward a More Creative Workplace
Career Advice Blog
Freelance IT: An Asset For Our Future
Deeply enveloped within our economy lies the truth which no politician, analyst or career forecaster can possibly predict or accurately adjudicate: the future of information technology employment is coming home, and in growing numbers by the day. Although cubicles won’t be completely masticated from the devouring mouth of our future, the imminent forces behind contingency employment, along with the business mindset of saving on hiring costs, will turn your four bedroom home into a three-bedroom work studio. With online education growing, the ability to finish high school online and even partake in job interviews online, careers in IT will be enhanced with the innate ability to work in your jammies. When we’re discussing freelance IT, this does mean datacenter maintenance, programming and everything else relevant to infrastructural integrity, evolvement and upkeep. This could potentially mean that your basement, spare bedroom or even an entire second story could consist of … [Read more...] about Freelance IT: An Asset For Our Future
5 Ways to Rebuild a Broken Down Office Team
Blending various personalities together into an office team can breed great success or utter failure. If you’re currently dealing with the aftermath of the latter, it’s time to regroup and make some difficult decisions. Most managers deal with broken down office teams at some point during their careers and your actions in this situation can greatly affect your future company leadership opportunities. Here are five ways to get started. Address the Problem The breakdowns of office teams can often be traced to an initial complication or coworker argument. Rather than sweeping the problems under the rug, properly address the situation by discovering what went wrong. After discovering the problem’s source, you can then take the necessary actions to fully resolve the issues rather than having them occur again in the future. Start Slowly From working out an argument to regaining trust in the company’s environment, the rebuilding of office teams takes time. Avoid pushing your employees to … [Read more...] about 5 Ways to Rebuild a Broken Down Office Team
4 Signs You May Be in the Wrong Career
Am I in the right career field? Do I truly enjoy the work I do? From accountants to web designers, most workers will ask these heart-stopping internal questions at several points throughout their careers. In most cases, the questions are posed during times of change and are nothing more than the effect of that change. However, some employees are continually questioning their chosen career field, leading to job insecurity and dissatisfaction. If you’re becoming increasingly unhappy in your job, here are four signs that you may be in the wrong career field and that this may be the time for a switch. Lack of Motivation Do you stall on work projects? Have a difficult time arriving at work on time? These and other motivation gaps may be signs that your employment problems extend beyond the typical employee procrastination issues. While you needn’t be over-enthusiastic regarding your job, you should look forward to your work projects. If your motivation isn’t at an acceptable … [Read more...] about 4 Signs You May Be in the Wrong Career
From College to Free Agency
Gigging in the New Economy – The Good and Bad Once the realm of aspiring actresses juggling late night server jobs and babysitting gigs to support the pursuit of their dream, freelancing, or “gigging” as it’s now called, has become the trend for graduating college seniors looking to get a foothold in the New Economy. According to the Associated Press, in 2011 one out of every two college graduates under the age of 25 was either jobless or underemployed. What’s more, a recent Rasmussen poll found 89% of adults believe it will be difficult for new grads to find a job in this economy. In an effort to adapt to these changing times Millennials have been turning to gigging as an alternative to pursuing traditional full-time careers. In support of this trend a recent Elance survey found that 83% of Millennials indicated freelancing/gigging as the cornerstone of their career strategy and 42% actually prefer freelancing to traditional full-time employment. The Case for Gigging Controlling … [Read more...] about From College to Free Agency
Changing Careers and What You Need To Know
At some point in their lives, many people feel the desire to make a career change. In today’s job market this can be a very scary process but it doesn’t have to be. Taking time to explore your options and get to the root of your unhappiness could be that extra push you need to get going in another career or the incentive to stay in the one you’re in. Why now? The first thing you need to know is why you feel the need to change careers. Are you simply unhappy with your current work environment or coworkers? In a study completed by Right Management it was found that only 19% of employees were satisfied with their job. That means over 80% of people felt some level of dissatisfaction in their position. Evaluating the reason you are unhappy will help you determine whether you want to make a permanent change to a different career altogether, or look for the same position at another company. Self Evaluation An important tool in your career change, self-evaluation forces you to take a … [Read more...] about Changing Careers and What You Need To Know
Do You Hate Staplers As Much As I Do?
When I'm searching for a gift for coworkers or just want to put something on my desk that will get the office talking, Uncommon Goods is often my first stop. The Brooklyn-based retailer specializes in unique gifts and creative finds. With super customer service, speedy shipping, and a commitment to sustainability, this is a local company that Jobacle can proudly support and recommend. They were also able to help me with a serious problem: Stapler malfunctions. I hate staplers. Maybe it's my heavy hand. Maybe it's bad luck. Whatever the case, I can never seem to get the staple in the way I want it. That of course is assuming the darned thing isn't jammed or empty. The solution? Staple-less staplers. Not only do they look cool on my desk, but they ensure that I will never run out of stapling power. The ingenious manual gadget keeps papers together by punching a small hole and folding a small flap for secure binding. Simple…yet brilliant! The "stapler" works … [Read more...] about Do You Hate Staplers As Much As I Do?
5 Reasons to Find a Career Mentor
Not sure if you’re in the right career field? Feel a little lost as to what your next career move should be? Find answers to these and other questions by meeting with a career mentor. Many people simply go through the motions of work each day without ever really creating a career aim. A career mentor will provide direction for your career future and will set the record straight on many of your work-related questions. A career mentor can be anyone from a professional business coach to an experienced professional you happen to meet who is also in your career field. The following are five reasons why a career mentor may be right for you. Build a Professional Network A great way to secure a successful career future is by building a professional network. Professional networks often lead to higher paying jobs, a better understanding of career fields and insight into career-related issues. Unfortunately, building a professional network can be a little tricky, especially if you’ve recently … [Read more...] about 5 Reasons to Find a Career Mentor
The World's Deadliest Jobs
Tornado chasers and firefighters aren’t the only ones putting their lives in danger for their jobs. In fact, these two professions don’t even rank in the top 10 on most lists of deadliest jobs. Commercial Fishing The show is called “Deadliest Catch” for a reason: Fishermen and fisherwomen have the most dangerous job in the United States. While these workers are often paid well for their efforts, that still doesn’t shake the fact that a rate of 200 per 100,000 full-time fishermen and fisherwomen died in 2009. [1] Commercial fishing has been known to be a hazardous profession, and this data only supports the notion. For example, in March 2012, four people died on the Lady Cecelia, which probably went down in a matter of seconds — not long enough for someone to set off a flare. [2] It’s incidents like this that contribute to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ National Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries and puts fishing at the top. Mining In the United States, mining fatalities in … [Read more...] about The World's Deadliest Jobs
Career Killer: Job Hopping
If you are likely to only spend a few months at a job, your career is in jeopardy.According to a new survey released by Bullhorn, an online recruiting software creator, 39 percent of recruiters say the single biggest obstacle for an unemployed candidate in regaining employment is having a history of leaving a company before one year of tenure.Other findings include:- Greater demand for candidates in their 40s than in their 20s.- Recruiters say it’s easier for them to place someone with a criminal record (non-felony) in a new job than it is to place someone who has been unemployed for two years.- Getting fired is the most severely damaging to a candidate’s future employment prospects.Read the full results and check out the infographic. … [Read more...] about Career Killer: Job Hopping