I’ll admit, I stumbled into marketing. I had no idea or intent to spend the majority of my 30+ year career helping others market their products and services. But fate, fortune…and success kept my phone ringing and clients knocking on the door. I give most of the credit, or the blame to a T-shirt. I was working in New York City in whatever way I could, trying to break into the entertainment industry. In the midst of my efforts to be the next great TV producer or movie director, I went to work for an equipment rental company that supplied audio gear to everything from the Met Opera, to commercial productions, to recording studio and concert tours. Over time, the owner of the company asked me to write some promo material for him, and that grew into what essentially became my first client. And, one of the great learning experiences of my 30+ year career. It taught me two fundamental lessons: 1) Never follow the rules that other people tell you are the rules and, 2) Find solutions … [Read more...] about The Best Promotional Item I Never Intended to Create
Career Advice Blog
When a Good Boss Becomes a Bad Boss
You enjoy your work and have a good relationship with your boss when you begin to notice that things are different; something is changing. The compliments become fewer and the criticisms more regular. The tactics that you used to keep your boss happy, don't work anymore. Your good boss becomes a bad boss. What to do? 1. Have You a Part to Play? If your relationship with your boss has changed, can you see what's really going on? Have you been slacking recently? Been off your game? Maybe you're unhappy with a decision your boss has made. The change may have nothing to do with you, but it is worth checking in with yourself and being honest to make sure that you are not part of the problem. If you find that you are, what can you do to resolve your part in the situation? 2. Don't Take it Personally When someone changes their behavior towards us for the negative, it can be easy to take it personally, but try not to, whatever the situation. Stay professional and … [Read more...] about When a Good Boss Becomes a Bad Boss
Is Your Body Language Speaking More Than You in an Interview?
If you aren’t a little nervous on entering a job interview then it might be worth questioning how much you really want it. Nerves show that the opportunity means a lot to you and that you want to get it right, something many employers will be fully aware of (however much they let you squirm). But it’s still important to make sure these nerves don’t conceal the true passion you have for the job - or worse, distract from it. Niklas Vaittinen, Marketing Executive at the Graduate Recruitment Bureau agrees and tells us “your interviewer(s) have probably interviewed a great number of applicants during their career and have learnt to pick up on body movements that you might make subconsciously.” It’s not only your mouth that does the talking; your body language will speak volumes before you’ve even had the chance to sit down. So, whilst you’re focusing hard on how your words are being perceived, be careful what else is being communicated. SMILE - No matter what the job, however worried you … [Read more...] about Is Your Body Language Speaking More Than You in an Interview?
3 Ways to Deal with the Unreliability of Freelance, Temporary and Agency Work
Working on a freelance, temporary or agency basis can have a lot going for it, however there are downsides too; one being the sometimes unreliable nature of such work. Here are three tips to help you with this, in order to be an effective freelancer, temporary or agency worker: 1. Hedge Your Bets If you are planning to do freelance, temporary or agency work and already have a current job, it is worth seeing if you can do some of this work outside of your job to start with unless you know that there is enough work for you. That way you minimize the financial risk and get to try out the work to make sure it is really something you want to do. It can be a fine balance transitioning into freelance, temporary or agency work whilst you have another job. It is easier if your current job has some flexibility so you can gradually reduce your hours as your freelance, temporary or agency work picks up. Freelance, temporary or agency work can be a great way to work, but if you have … [Read more...] about 3 Ways to Deal with the Unreliability of Freelance, Temporary and Agency Work
Alert! – Is Your Home Office Prepared for a Disaster?
Every season comes with its own potential disaster, such as ice storms, hurricane, or floods. So, it’s extremely important that you have your home and home office prepared for an unexpected crisis to hit. It’s best to be over prepared, than under when it comes to a natural…and sometimes not-so-natural disaster. If you are working from the home, you have a duo concern for being prepared. It’s not only your home and furnishings, but it’s your livelihood as well. What would you do if you suddenly didn’t have a place to live, or a way of working to help start building your life back up? I have experienced and seen many disasters in my travels, and it has brought on a passion for bringing the awareness to others on how to best save, or quickly recoup all your hard work. So, read on to learn what you can do to be as prepared as possible when a crisis strikes. Backup Your Data Remotely One of the easiest and quickest ways to protect some of your work is to have an online data backup for … [Read more...] about Alert! – Is Your Home Office Prepared for a Disaster?
4 Effective Ways to Sidestep Office Politics
Office politics exist in every organization. From differences in opinion to varying agendas, many conflicts and power struggles lead to the playing out of politics in any office. While there are many ways to work through office politics when caught in the line of fire, the best option is to avoid them from the outset whenever possible. Here are four effective ways to sidestep the politics in your office. Be Real The best way to avoid being the next target of conflict in your workplace is to always be real and to also stay positive. Those with secrets to hide or who conceal information for any given reason are often soon caught in the cycles of scandal and gossip. Be transparent in the work you complete and always remain positive while on the job. This will attract positive attention to your work desk rather than negativity. Avoid Gossip Pinpointing the gossiper in any office is easy. This is usually the employee eavesdropping on the conversations of others and then running to … [Read more...] about 4 Effective Ways to Sidestep Office Politics
Is it Time to Leave My Job?
Is it time to leave your job? This isn't always an easy question to answer. Some of us leave jobs too easily and some of us stay too long, for a variety of reasons. So, how do we know if the expiry date is really up on our job? Here are a few pointers:What's the Real Issue? You need to find out why what the real issue is about why you want to leave your job. If you dread going to work, is it a general feeling of boredom or ambivalence towards the work you do? Maybe you don’t feel that you gel with your co-workers or boss? Pinpointing exactly what the issue or issues are means you are better equipped to deal with it. Pinpointing the issue could mean that you find a way to deal with it and stay in your current job. A change of perspective on your part or realising that you need to ask for more of a challenge can help you move forward. If you do this work, but you still feel in your heart of hearts, it is time to move, then you are another step closer to your answer; it might be … [Read more...] about Is it Time to Leave My Job?
How to Avoid Overspending on Your College Education
If you’ve watched the news or cracked a newspaper in the last year or two, you already know that tens of thousands of American college graduates have saddled themselves with huge amounts of debt. And “huge” is the right word to use. How will all those students repay $25,000, $50,000, $125,000 or more when most of them can only find low-paying jobs after they enter the workforce? But crass as it might sound, let’s forget all those other people for a moment and ask a different question. What about you? If you are a current or future college student, how are you going to avoid the temptation to overspend on college and jeopardize your financial future? The key is to carefully weigh the return on investment (ROI) that you can get from what you spend on college. Businesspeople know all about ROI, and calculate it before spending money. A man who runs an exercise studio, for example, won’t spend tens of thousands of dollars on ads in local newspapers until he tries out just a few ads and … [Read more...] about How to Avoid Overspending on Your College Education
How to Deal When a Favorite Coworker Quits
Since you spend the majority of each week at work, forming bonds with others in the workplace is natural. Consider yourself particularly lucky if you found a coworker with common interests and who you can now call a true friend. Unfortunately, things change in the workplace and employees often quit. If a close coworker friend is the one currently leaving the company, you may be feeling a little disoriented. The following are four tips for dealing with the departure in the best manner. Form Other Friendships A great way to deal with the departure of a coworker friend is to begin forming other friendships in the workplace. Your previous close bond with the coworker who quit may have actually been holding you back from getting to know others in your department. By learning more about other coworkers now, the department may not have as strong of an impact. Review Your Job Are you sad because a favorite coworker left or are you bitter because you weren’t the first one to leave … [Read more...] about How to Deal When a Favorite Coworker Quits
5 Items Creative Professionals Should Always Bring to Job Interviews
You know you’re meant to be a creative professional and that you can do much to improve any company’s marketing image. However, before being selected for your ideal job, you must first sell your abilities to potential employers. The following are five things you should always bring to interviews if you want to land your dream job. An Organized Portfolio As a creative professional, your portfolio will typically be the main selling factor in job interviews. A portfolio should be well-rounded and should display the best projects you’ve completed for previous employers. By assembling an organized and top-notch portfolio, you’ll grab the interviewer’s attention from the interview’s start. Don’t have any previous work to fill a portfolio? If you’re interviewing for an entry level job directly out of college, employers will understand that your portfolio may be a little slim. However, school projects and even work you created for fun can show your abilities and will be more beneficial … [Read more...] about 5 Items Creative Professionals Should Always Bring to Job Interviews