Ah, the world of social media. We update our status on Facebook, we laugh at trending topics on Twitter, we upload pictures we like to Pinterest... There's no doubt about it, social media is here to stay. Yet there's one social media site which you need to be on - and that's LinkedIn. Perhaps you've steered clear of LinkedIn and don't get what the fuss is about, or you may already have a profile and are not using it effectively? Whatever camp you belong to, LinkedIn is an incredibly powerful tool you can use for your personal benefit. Facebook and Twitter won't make your career - LinkedIn can. In this article from 360 feedback provider ETS, you'll see why you need to be a part of the LinkedIn love-in. #1 - LinkedIn - some facts Before we can start to get into the nitty gritty of LinkedIn, it's worth beginning with some facts about the social network. With over 175 million members, the US leads the way with nearly 7 million profiles. Other top countries include the United Kingdom, … [Read more...] about Why you NEED to Be on LinkedIn
Career Advice Blog
How Social Wellness Is Affected By the Job Market
With the growing number of employees working past the typical 40-hour workweek, it's important for employers to provide the right type of wellness programs. Unhealthy employees don't provide the same quality of work as those in good physical and mental health. Many professions require long hours to advance, which can lead to eating junk food on the go, giving up exercise and not getting enough sleep. The consequences of long work hours affect more than just the employee. Social wellness is necessary for the happiness of most individuals and many count on their work environment to fulfill a portion of this need. However, with the long work hours taking over the lives of employees, many other basic human needs are simply set aside, and the results can be harmful. As an employer, you can influence your employees with the right wellness programs. This can help create happier and more productive employees, which will only benefit your company. A Few Basics Any Employee can Provide 1. … [Read more...] about How Social Wellness Is Affected By the Job Market
9 Great Ways For Job Seekers to Stand Out During the Application Process
Employers are receiving mountains of resumes for every job opening. So, even if you’re qualified for the job, you might never receive a call back from the employer. When traditional methods fail, job seekers must look at alternative methods of standing out in order to land an interview. What is one great way for job seekers to stand out during the application process? Use the Power of Video Resumes to Get Noticed With high unemployment there are more job seekers on the prowl for great opportunities. How can you stand out from the pack? Sending an employer a video resume is a great way to set yourself apart. On video you can forge a more personal connection with hiring managers faster than in the traditional process, while also showing off your communication skills. Besides, since recruiters only give the traditional resume a six second look-over and the normal video resume is about 60 seconds, you’re getting ten times more attention. -- Josh Tolan, Spark Hire Stop Reciting What You … [Read more...] about 9 Great Ways For Job Seekers to Stand Out During the Application Process
Incentives That Employees Actually WANT
What incentives do employees actually want? Offering practical incentives to employees is obviously good practice and will help to attract and retain staff however it has been increasingly found that appreciation, recognition and the sometimes more invisible incentives, are equally, if not more important to employees. As an employer, by all means offer good practical incentives but also be aware of advertising those other incentives too. Recognition Employees want to be recognised for who they are and the job they do. No amount of money or incentives will compensate for feeling like a small cog in a big wheel! Being Kept in the Loop A common complaint and frustration for employees is feeling out of the loop and being the last to know about issues that affect them and their job. Employees want to know that they will be kept informed and feel valued and appreciate being kept in the loop. It is not enough to think that they will find out through the grapevine or … [Read more...] about Incentives That Employees Actually WANT
How to Show Condolences to a Coworker
Unfortunately, it is likely that you will eventually need to express sympathy to a colleague after they experience the loss of a loved one. You may not be called upon to attend a funeral, but as a good coworker, you should be ready to extend your condolences. Death is a sensitive subject for most, but there are number of ways you can help make the office a more comfortable place during a tragic period. Here are a few ways to offer condolences to a coworker in need. Easy Exchange The simplest way to show your condolences is to just come out and say it. Tell him or her you are sorry for his or her loss. A hug may be too strong of a gesture, but a soft pat on the back can be an easy exchange of kindness. If your coworker wants to talk about his or her experience, lend an ear. If he or she wants to keep his or her feelings private, respect his or her wishes. Either way, your coworker will feel comforted by your kind words and offerings of support. Leave a Token in Their Office Even if … [Read more...] about How to Show Condolences to a Coworker
Important Qualities for a Health Practice Office Manager
One of the most critical positions in a health practice is that of the office manager. It is nearly impossible to calculate the value added by a good office manager. They are what can make an office work. The reverse is, unfortunately, just as true. It is nearly impossible to calculate the damage done by a bad office manager. With this in mind, the job of choosing an office manager for your health practice should be done in a well-prepared and careful manner. In this article, we will outline the most common education, skills and responsibilities required for a good office manager. Education and Certification The level of education you should require for an office manager depends on the size and individual nature of your health practice. Most practices prefer a college degree. A large practice may require a master’s degree. On the other side, some smaller or individual practices will take office managers with a high school degree if they have prior experience and be perfectly … [Read more...] about Important Qualities for a Health Practice Office Manager
From First Semester To First Job: Why Acing 1L is Paramount to Success
Law school is a different experience for anyone involved. From what to expect to how you study, law students should be prepared for a much more unique time of research. Law school is rigorous as it is long. Preparing the next generation of young lawyers isn't something taken lightly. Knowing how to prepare for your first year as a law student is crucial in moving on into the area you want to practice. Keeping It Simple & Focused Your life is about to get a little more focused with your studies. There's a reason why law schools limit outside work to its new students. Distractions will certainly show their work on your GPA and your prospects for a solid future in law may become limited. Keeping your head level and your studies your priority will keep distractions at bay. Be friendly, but don't expect college-like camaraderie. Many law schools force professors to grade on a strict curve. They may only be allowed to give five percent of students A's, while the majority of grades will … [Read more...] about From First Semester To First Job: Why Acing 1L is Paramount to Success
The Online Job Search – What You Need to Know
When looking for a new job online, there are a few important steps you should consider before applying. Doing even a small amount of research can be hugely beneficial in terms of helping you make up your mind about whether or not a particular job role is suitable for you. Simple things like the financial health of a company, as well as more detailed information about the nature of the business, are available online and while company websites can be a good place to start, there are other options for you to consider during this initial research stage. A company website may be clear and easy to navigate, but more often than not you’ll find yourself wading through pages and pages of information that simply isn’t relevant to the position you’re applying for. Concentrate on the sections that deal with careers and employment information. These may be incorporated into a bespoke job search system and application process guidelines, or they may simply point you in the direction of their HR … [Read more...] about The Online Job Search – What You Need to Know
Surviving the Holiday Season Around the Office: A Guide for Young Professionals
As summer fades into the rearview mirror, people everyone are shifting their focus toward fall, football and the upcoming holidays. A quick glance in any arts and crafts store serves as a quick reminder that staples such as Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas are closer than we realize. Sure this means upcoming gathering with are friends and families, but it also means lots of awkward office luncheons, obligatory gift exchanges and the all-too-anticipated holiday party. Although most of us would prefer to go without the forced socialization imposed on us around the office during the holidays, we can't escape it and have to admit it's a necessary evil. For those of us that have experienced our fair share of these, we already have our routines down. We know who to sit with, who to avoid and what topics are and are NOT appropriate. We've perfected our grin and bear it faces and know just how much fake enthusiasm is enough. Now, those of you who actually enjoy the people you work with … [Read more...] about Surviving the Holiday Season Around the Office: A Guide for Young Professionals
Change the World: Make a Career in Battling Cancer
Being diagnosed with cancer is a horrible and traumatic experience. Undoubtedly, people who have been diagnosed with this dangerous disease face turmoil and worry beyond comprehension. While nothing can really eliminate the fear associated with this disease, modern medical treatments can help bring hope to those facing cancer. Radiology One such treatment was discovered over one hundred years ago and it has undergone a lot of research and massive improvement over the years. This particular treatment is known as radiology and it has become one of the best weapons against many types of cancer. An oncologist is a physician who treats cancer patients, and radiology is a common treatment an oncologist may elect to use to battle a patientÕs cancer. Radiology is most often used to treat cancer because of its effectiveness. The reason this particular treatment is so effective is that it has the ability to actually kill cancer cells and prevents them from spreading. There are several … [Read more...] about Change the World: Make a Career in Battling Cancer