Be sure to check out: Gift for Coworkers, a blog dedicated to office gifts and 11 Perfect Gifts for Coworkers. A recent episode of “Mad Men” had a scene where a secretary was collecting money for a baby gift for a coworker. One person signed the card without contributing any cash (a definite no-no in most offices; read the rules of office gifts). Most of us have experienced the baby shower extortion, I mean collection, at work. Personally, I think the workplace is an odd place for a baby shower. But then, I go out of my way to avoid all showers in general. What if you want to pick up a gift (non-shower related) for a co-worker? It could be acknowledgement of a birthday or maybe just a “thank-you for saving my a--” gift. A few things to consider; you don’t want to look too cheap, it should appear that you put a little thought into it and you want the gift to be appropriate for a coworker-level relationship. For some reason, I always get candles as gifts from co-workers. It’s a safe … [Read more...] about Gifts for Coworkers – A Few Neutral Ideas
Career Advice Blog
Career Fields of the Future
What does the future hold as far as education is concerned? If you have the right degree, the future may bring many exciting career opportunities your way. Not surprisingly, most of the promising up and coming degrees have a lot to do with the technology field, green living and healthcare. Check out some of the great career fields of the future. If you chose one of these paths now, chances are you will have a great career for many years to come. 1. Green JobsEveryone knows that going green is the future. While the trend is catching on and becoming more and more popular each day, it is no wonder that this will be one of the most important career paths of the future. There are many lucrative jobs to get into when it comes to being green, such as a Biologist, Food Scientist and Biochemical Engineer. There are also jobs in Green energy and even Marketing, in which you would market and convince others to buy and use green products. The average mean annual wages for … [Read more...] about Career Fields of the Future
Hey Entrepreneurs, Read This Before You Quit Your Day Job
We all have to make tough choices in our lives, to do what needs to be done in order to survive. Many people find themselves selling off pieces of the dreams they held when they were young, trading the hopes and desires for a steady job with a reliable income they can use to support their families. The end result being that dreaded feeling as the weekend rushes by and Monday comes around again, calling reluctant workers back to the soul grinding drudgery of a job they never wanted to take in the first place. It's nice to believe that all you have to do is work hard and you will be rewarded for your efforts, with the universe magically aligning to present you with the perfect job to keep you content and well paid despite your current predicament. Sadly, despite what the movies would have you believe, this rarely turns out to be the case. You may well have a variety of skills, its entirely possible you even have a plan which you know deep in your gut would be a viable way for you to make … [Read more...] about Hey Entrepreneurs, Read This Before You Quit Your Day Job
Surprise! Performance Enhancers Exist at Work
Since everything's right with the world, and we all are living in as close to paradise as possible, it's no wonder that we feel shock (and awe) over the recent federal indictment of Roger Clemens for telling lies to Congress. The case revolves around Clemen's testimony before Congress regarding his alleged use of performance enhancing drugs while a major league superstar. While he denied such use, he was subsequently ratted out by his long-time personal trainer. So, and rather than concentrate on the economy, terrorist threats,the price of gas and why your boss won't give you a raise for the foreseeable, let's all bash a retired baseball player. It is easier, don't you think? And lying before Congress-that biggest collection of corrupt slimeballs ever congregated in one place?! If any group has ever mastered the fine art of corruption, deception, and militant hypocrisy, it's them! Frankly, I don't think, given their thorough lack of a moral (or ethical) compass, that they would be able … [Read more...] about Surprise! Performance Enhancers Exist at Work
Working Podcast #100: Work Friends
Ten reasons to consider going back to school. Why it's imperative to take it SLOW when converting a coworker into a friend. Can you guess that common office sound? You could win a prize! (enter here) Click the play arrow below to listen to the career podcast that has been downloaded over 750,000 times! Direct Download … [Read more...] about Working Podcast #100: Work Friends
Q&A With a Work Burnout and Stress Expert
Got stress on the job? Who doesn't! In a tough economy, many bosses are expecting more work for less pay. Workers are being expected to do more with fewer resources. High levels of unemployment cause “employed” folks to have high levels of anxiety. High stress levels can lead to illness. Illness can lead to time off work. Time off work can lead to unemployment. YIKES!It's a “catch 22” that no worker wants to be caught up in. But it's a common dynamic in today's workplace, regardless as to one's industry or occupation.To help to manage workplace stress better, and learn more about this little word that has huge impact, we have joining us today Dr. Serena Wadhwa of TriQual Living Center. Q. Dr. Wadhwa, are there gender differences in the way men and women deal with stress? Who's better?A. Yes, some research indicates that women tend to deal with stress by looking for support, while men may look to problem-solve. … [Read more...] about Q&A With a Work Burnout and Stress Expert
5 Reasons to Take it Slow With a Work Friend
We've already established that work friends are not a good enough reason to stay at a crappy job. But as long as you spend time working in an office environment, you WILL form relationships. The question is, how far will you let them go? Many annoying coworkers and difficult coworkers are not born overnight. In fact, sometimes, they take you by surprise. Before you become work buddies, consider these five reasons to take things nice and slow.TOO MUCH, TOO SOON. I am a big believer that when it comes to relationships of any kind, it is impossible to go backwards. Think about it. If you see your girlfriend every Saturday night for a year and then on week 53 decide to make other plans, she will be upset. The same goes for your work buddies. If you meet Ken in advertising for lunch every day, how are you going to explain when you suddenly decide you can't take his smelly tuna sandwiches and trivial whining any more?PREMATURE … [Read more...] about 5 Reasons to Take it Slow With a Work Friend
Reality TV Is Not an Acceptable Quit Letter
Cue the sky-writing plane and put HR on notice, Steven Slater, the former JetBlue employee making bosses sweat around the world could be getting his own reality show. The show would revolve around angry employees handing in resignations spectacularly.This guy will NOT be tuning in.In the same vein that athletes are "paid" to sign autographs, folks working in the customer service industry are paid to swallow sh*t. It's not fair, it's not right, it's just the way it is, and it's the way it will always be, no matter how many workers quit in crazy ways.There is a way to carry yourself, no matter how others treat you - and there's a right way to quit a job. (Try starting with a quit letter).If we celebrate people who have a 'take-this-job-and-shove-it' mentality, we are not respecting the people who do the right thing - or the ones who aren't working.At the rate we're going, these could be quitting headlines from the future:- Doctor Takes Patient Off Life Support, Tells Chief of … [Read more...] about Reality TV Is Not an Acceptable Quit Letter
5 Money-Saving Tips for Your Food Budget
The old saying, "Necessity is the Mother of Invention" is a very truthful and revealing statement. But in today's economy it might be better read as "Frugality is the Mother of Survival". During hard economic times people will resort to all sorts of ways to save money and spend less. One of the areas often targeted is the food budget. Simply buying less and therefore eating less may be a good thing for those trying to lose weight, but it can also be unnecessary. There are many ways a person can eat well without sacrificing the quality of food. Here are a few tips:1. Look For CouponsTypically, every week the major newspaper in your town will come out with all the weekly ads and coupons for local stores and businesses. Take the time each week to look through every coupon and cut out any items which you might be in need of - either at the present moment or the future. Even if there is no present need for a food item, … [Read more...] about 5 Money-Saving Tips for Your Food Budget
The Worst Wedding I've Ever Been To
Weddings usually suck, unless it's your own. Sorry ladies, that's just the way it is. But every now and then you attend a wedding that stands out from the rest. Unfortunately, it's often for all the wrong reasons. Bad food, a sh*tty DJ and horrendous service are all part of the equation, but there was one thing missing from the affair that I attended that made it a total disaster...THERE WAS NO Maître d'!That means there was no coordination; an event without a face. No one to deliver orders to the staff; no one to be held accountable. Without someone driving the bus the sequence of wedding events is broken, creating a feeling of chaos - and holy matrimony and chaos should never be uttered in the same sentence - there's a whole lifetime for that!So what does this have to do with work and your career? Today we want to tip our cap to the Maître d' and give him/her the respect that they deserve.Who is the Maître d' at your job? … [Read more...] about The Worst Wedding I've Ever Been To