You’re not alone--most people find job interviews stressful. With only one crack at making a good impression to escape your current job, increase your pay, and expand business connections, who can blame you. Aside from quitting your job and giving an anxiety-provoking public presentation, few things in the workplace induce more fear than an interview. Thankfully there are several simple things you can do to reduce job interview stress.1. Sleep well--two nights before. Many people toss and turn the night before a job interview. Since most have no problem running on fumes for a day, aim to sleep well for two nights leading up to your interview. Accomplish this by exercising vigorously and tiring your body.2. Get there early--but not too early. Rushing, getting lost, and the fear oft being late all provoke anxiety. Print out directions to the interview location the night before (get an alternative route as well) and plan to arrive 30 minutes early. But do not enter the building … [Read more...] about 7 Ways to Reduce Job Interview Stress
Career Advice Blog
Team Building Quotes to Inspire and Motivate
Sometimes it’s not what you say that matters. It’s how you say it. When you are feeling the need for a little pep talk to inspire your corporate team, having a handy treasure trove of team building quotes by proven motivators can mean the difference between your words being heard as, “blah, blah, blah,” or landing like little golden nuggets of wisdom in the appreciative ears of your listeners. Quote Dead People, Poets, Politicians and Players You are not a poet—you manage a business. You’re great at fixing problems and telling folks what to do. But if you want to inspire them, your best bet is to use someone else’s words—someone touched by the heavens, linguistically speaking. Luckily for you, we’ve compiled a pocketful of time-tested quotes that are guaranteed to inspire even your most narcissistic worker to become a team player. With just a few of these well-placed (albeit borrowed) phrases, you can help your management team … [Read more...] about Team Building Quotes to Inspire and Motivate
5 Ways to Stay on Course When You're the Captain of Your Own Ship
There's a common misconception that those of us that work from home have the enviable pleasure of playing hooky and hanging the “gone fishing” sign out whenever the mood hits us. If you believe that, I've got some land I'd like to sell you. Sure those who work from home have a little more flexibility and a little less accountability, but productivity is even more crucial. The reason? A simple business equation that many of us discover not long after we hang out our shingle. Too much play=too little payEven those of us challenged by college math get the gist of this.Instead, savvy entrepreneurs realize that with freedom comes responsibility. With this in mind, here are five fool-proof ways to go the distance whether you're considering taking the plunge, or are already immersed in the entrepreneurial waters.1. Let your goals serve as your compass. Where would you like to see yourself in 3 months? In 3 years? How much would you like to earn? … [Read more...] about 5 Ways to Stay on Course When You're the Captain of Your Own Ship
Songs to Listen to at Work
One of the few perks I truly appreciated when I was a “worker bee” was being able to listen to music. For most, it makes the day go by faster, is a welcome alternative to office gossip, and lightens moods. And it doesn't cause employers to have to shell money out of their pockets to provide a win-win situation for all involved.Even scientific studies suggest that music has the ability to “soothe the savage beast” and serve as therapy in an array of scenarios. If you haven't tried it, don't knock it!Whether you're dealing with an “achy-breaky heart”, boogie fever, or a manic Monday, here's what Jen recommends...The 9 to 5 playlist1. SHOUT---By Tears for Fears---Okay, so I may be dating myself with this one, but it's an oldie but goodie! Even if you don't understand the lyrics, the music is awesome and the refrain rocks! “Shout, shout, let it all out, these are the things I can do without!”2. … [Read more...] about Songs to Listen to at Work
3 Safe Ways To Research a New Market
Whether you’ve been asked to explore a new revenue stream by your boss, or you’re looking to go it alone after spotting a gap in the market, it can be a difficult task trying to determine how much potential lies on the other side of the fence. You could just close your eyes and charge head first into it, hoping that the grass is green and there are not too many other grazers about, but business history is riddled with cases of people doing this and losing everything. If you need to get an indication of how hot the water is before you jump in, here is some advice that you may find useful.Ask people in the industry.It sounds pretty obvious, but you would be amazed how many people neglect to talk to those already doing the job. Perhaps they are afraid to come across as unknowledgeable, or don’t want to alert others to their arrival in the market? Whatever motive they have for not seeking advice, it will never outweigh the benefits of putting yourself out there and … [Read more...] about 3 Safe Ways To Research a New Market
5 Self Employed Tips for Recent College Grads
These are tough times for young people leaving college, there is no doubt about that. Good jobs are scarce and often finding any kind of employment is difficult too. I am not surprised then that many young people, faced with a prospect of endless looking for work, or staying unemployed decide to try earning money on their own. They make a choice to utilize the knowledge they gathered so far, skills, maybe even passions and turn them into a business. Being in their shoes, I would certainly do that too. However, when it comes to business, things don't look bright either. Setting up a company is easy but it is also not that difficult for an unexperienced person to run into trouble with it. I know because that's what happened to me. I set up my first company when I was 20 with what I thought was the greatest idea in the world but I lost the business a year later. I ended up in debts, although luckily for me it wasn't much, enough to put my life on hold for some time though. I survived of … [Read more...] about 5 Self Employed Tips for Recent College Grads
Birthday Office Party Treats and What They Say About You
The office birthday party. The baby shower at work. Jimmy's promotion. Whatever the occasion, every office has a party planning butterfly, a person who will jump at the chance to gather people around the conference room table to indulge in saturated fats.Each office has its own ritual, but the most common way to facilitate a work party is to send around office party invitations in the form of an email to your coworkers (omitting the person at the center of the celebration, of course!). Each person is then asked to bring in a food item. It's that or a money collection, and we all know how the latter usually works out.These office affairs often have different names, but the menu items are the same. Are you the type who buys Hostess cupcakes on sale (2 for $5) on the way to work, or do you fire up the stove to bring in the honorees' favorite treat? We're not judging...but some sweet treats show you care more than others.Bagels. The party … [Read more...] about Birthday Office Party Treats and What They Say About You
Help! My Boss Thinks He's Me! Handling a Copycat Coworker
Have you had this experience with a co-worker or boss - no matter who he is interacting with, he takes on the characteristics of that person? It could be mimicking the person’s mannerisms, voice inflection or even using the same verbiage or jargon. It’s weird if you notice it once or twice, but if it’s a constant M.O. of taking on personality traits, it can get a little creepy. Why would someone adopt this behavior? From a psychological perspective, it could be a number of different things.* Fitting in - When we go into a situation in which we are uncomfortable, we look to others for the “norms.” We can then modify our behavior to fit in. This can happen when interacting with someone from a different culture - we follow their lead.* Social discomfort - Some people have difficulty reading social cues, some even body language or facial expressions. Or they have a form of social phobia or anxiety disorder that results in discomfort around others. So … [Read more...] about Help! My Boss Thinks He's Me! Handling a Copycat Coworker
Career Lessons From Blind Baseball Players
We played a blind softball team and we lost. No, it's not some horrible politically incorrect joke, it's the truth. The nine guys who could barely see a thing beat us, fair and square, in a five-inning game. For those of you who have not had the good fortune of getting your butt kicked by the visually impaired, it's nothing short of an eye-opening experience. Before I tell you why these guys are awesome, and what career advice we can learn from them, I should tell you that the ball beeps. Literally. That's how the visually impaired tap into their sense of hearing to embarrass you in front of your friends and coworkers. Beep Ball, as it's affectionately known as, has been around for more than four decades. The ball and the bases (there are only two, and they are cushioned pylons) all emit sound. To level the playing field, since all participants have varying levels of sight, all the players are blindfolded. These "beep ball" players are awesome. And even though we … [Read more...] about Career Lessons From Blind Baseball Players
Twitter for Job Search? 10 Users to Follow
Looking for employment, or trying to change careers? Need a second job, to save for that dream trip? Then search no further than Twitter for job search, the social media site that's proving to be fertile grounds for all types of information, including job leads, interviewing and resume tips, and more. Following the right tweeter can save time and energy, as tweets sent directly to your cell phone can alert you to the job next door, just waiting to be filled, and keep your employment search focused. Some of the best to follow include:1.) JobsDirectUSA. With over 17,000 tweets, this user keeps followers updated not only on jobs postings nationwide, but also on job-market data and facts, as well as news on the latest knowledge and skills employers want most.2.) mashablejobs. Over 5,000 people follow this Twitter extension of online social-media, entertainment, and business-job guru Mashable. An excellent way to keep in the loop about these fast-moving jobs while interviewing, … [Read more...] about Twitter for Job Search? 10 Users to Follow